Thursday, October 28, 2010

A month ago we were moving into our new location

*notice 8am classes M-F are cancelled and there is now 10am classes M-F added

"Tabata This'
1 minute rest
Double Unders
1 minutes rest
1 minutes rest

*20 second of work, 10 seconds of rest, 8 rounds each movement

Relieving Chronic Back Pain And Preventing Brain Degeneration With Chiropractic
by Dr. Amy Vevoda
Active Wellness and Massage

Eight in every ten Americans will experience back pain at some point in their lives, making it one of the most common maladies in our society today. For some, back pain can become a chronic and debilitation condition that has surprising effects on the brain.

Often labeled just part of growing old, chronic back pain is actually a serious but treatable condition that can accelerate the aging process in the brain and cause the loss of vital grey matter. According to studies, the normal rate of grey matter atrophy in the brain is 0.5% per year. Yet, patients suffering from chronic back pain exhibit a loss of 5-11% of their neocortical gray matter per year, or the equivalent of 10-20 years worth of premature aging and degeneration in your brain in a single year.

While many people simply treat the symptoms of chronic back pain with over the counter and prescription pain medication. Conversely, chiropractic care can help eliminate both the symptoms and causes of chronic back pain by realigning the spine and relieving pressure from the spinal cord and nervous system.

Several studies have shown chiropractic care to be more effective than other treatments. In 2005 the British Medical Journal published a study showing intensive rehabilitation to be more effective than surgery, not to mention far less expensive. Another clinical trial from 2003 comparing spinal adjustments to the drugs Celebrex and Vioxx showed chiropractic care to be more than five times as effective. Studies also show that while prescription pain medications provide temporary relief from symptoms, the causes of chronic back pain return after stopping treatment, whereas patients who undergo chiropractic care experience lasting, long-term relief even after their course of treatment has ended.

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