WOD Schedule
6am, 10am, 1pm, 5pm, 6pm
CrossFit Essentials
Row 2K
Max Pull-ups
3 attempts
*rest as long as needed between attempts
"Just Do It" Paleo Challenge Begins!
We just had our seminar this past Saturday with Paleo Nutritionist Jessica Kuzma to kick off our "Just Do It" Paleo Challenge. If you were there you know how valuable the time was spent on "What the
Paleo Diet is all about", "What to eat", "What not to eat", and "How eating this way is possible". It's still not too late to sign up!
Paleo Diet is all about", "What to eat", "What not to eat", and "How eating this way is possible". It's still not too late to sign up!
This starts a completely new way of eating for a bunch of you and believe me when I tell you, "you will notice very fast the difference and see within 2 weeks your body start to transform!" If you haven't gone to the store yet, do it TODAY! The best way to succeed is to prepare your food at least 3 days in advance. One of the best stores in our area is Traders Joes they have exellent variety and legit prices. If you need ideas, recipes, tips or articles Whole9 is a great resource.
"Just Do It" Paleo Challenge Seminar- Replay
Since a few of you couldn't make it to the seminar on Saturday we will be having one more seminar this Thursday @ 6pm. Please get into this seminar even if you are not planning on participating in the contest. The things Jessica Kuzma covers are life changing! Bring a friend or family member and prepare to be blown away.
FREE (if you are in the contest)
$15 (if you are not in the contest)
Labels: "just do it", Jessica Kuzma, paleo challenge, Paleo seminar
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