Saturday, January 1, 2000

New Class Schedule!

New Class Schedule

6am, 9:30am, 12pm, 4pm, 5pm, 6pm

6am, 9:30am, 12pm,  5pm, 6pm

6am, 9:30am, 12pm, 4pm, 5pm, 6pm

6am, 9:30am, 12pm, 5pm, 6pm

6am, 9:30am, 12pm, 4pm, 5pm, 6pm



Class Times & Prices

Classes are approximately 45 minutes in length
Monday, Wednesday and Friday

Tuesday and Thursday

CrossFit Essentials
6am, 9:30am, 12pm, 4pm, 5pm, and 6pm
6am, 7am, 9:30am, 12pm, 5pm, and 6pm
5 class series or Personal Training (one on one)
"CrossFit Essentials" is a 5 class series starting every 3 weeks or you can train with one of our coaches prior to joining our main classes.

Sign up Today!
Your first class is always free!

1 Class per week
2 Classes per week
3 Classes per week
CrossFit Essentials
Personal Training
Drop-In Fee

$80 per month
$150 per month
$180 per month
$199 per month
$100 *5 class series
$75 per session

Ask about our law enforcement, military, student and family discounts.

Questions or concerns?


StoneWay Crossfit is located near the Seattle Pacific University campus.

Click for directions:

Owner: Scott Rodriguez


Frequently Asked Questions

What is Crossfit?
CrossFit is a strength and conditioning program. Our program delivers a fitness that is broad, general, and inclusive. Our specialty is not specializing. Combat, survival, many sports, and life reward this kind of fitness and, on average, punish the specialist. The CrossFit program is designed for universal scalability, making it the perfect application for any committed individual regardless of experience. The same infinitely scalable routines work for young and old, couch potatoes and cage fighters. We scale load and intensity; we don’t change programs. Further reading on "What is Crossfit?"

Why should I do CrossFit?
Because it works, and it's fun. It works because we hold you accountable. All you have to do is get your butt in the door 3-5 times per week and do what we tell you to do. You don't have to think. We do all of the programming for you. We know how you should be training and how you should be eating. It's that simple. It's fun because every day is different - the challenge is fresh and you'll never be bored.

If you have made a decision that it is time for you to get in shape, then call us. CrossFit is a phenomenal program, but it's not magic. It is hard work. If you are committed mentally, then you stand a very good chance of experiencing success with CrossFit!

How do I start?
There a few ways to start your CrossFit journey. 1) Come watch one of our classes, 2) Schedule your FREE consultation or 3) Register for our one week "CrossFit 101" program intended to introduce all our functional movements to beginners.

What are your workouts like?
Our workouts usually take the following shape:
  • 10 minutes of stretching
  • a roughly 10 min warmup workout
  • 10 minutes of coaching/instructing
  • and the foundation, a 10 to 20 minute Workout of the Day, or "WOD"
If it's raining, we will stay inside. If it is nice outside we might do some or all of the WOD outside. Many workouts have some running, walking, lunging or other movements that will take you across the parking lot or around the block. You can expect to move around quite a bit in every workout.

Can I just come in and do the workouts on my own?
No. We are more like a dojo than a typical commercial gym. We offer one-on-one sessions in addition to our classes, but community is a big piece of our CrossFit practice. We provide an atmosphere where you will meet, encourage, and work together with your teammates. We also want to make sure you are under the supervision of a CrossFit certified coach, for better, safer, and faster results.

What if I'm on the fence - can I just check it out?
Absolutely. Your first workout is always free. The next-smallest step is to simply pay a "drop in fee" or buy a punch card. We offer monthly commitments, but we don't use contracts. Unlike big corporate gyms, we only want you to pay if you are attending and benefitting. If you aren't coming to the workouts, then you aren't going to get the fantastic results. You are free to walk away at any time.

Is Crossfit competitive?
The CrossFit community is competitive, but in a friendly and supportive way. No one will ever make you feel bad or out of place. If you finish first, you can encourage others. If you are slower, you can expect others to encourage you!

I am not in shape, is this for me?
Yes, all skill levels and abilities are welcome. Although it is true that we train to do very difficult things in CrossFit, we can scale every workout to make sure everyone can complete it safely and confidently. Our focus is on safety first, then efficiency, and finally intensity. If you think you are out of shape, you probably are. Most people are. It's ok. That's why we are here - to get you in shape. Come in with an open mind and a willingness to work hard, and we can work it out. We just start where you are today, and get you where you need to go. You will quickly notice that you are doing better each and every workout. Don’t compare yourself to the veterans, but instead to how far you have come since your first workout!

I'm in great shape already, will I be challenged?
We feel pretty confident in answering with a resounding yes! Crossfit counts among its adherents many police academies and tactical operations teams, military special operations units, and champion martial artists as well as professional triathletes, ironmen, and football players. Competitive marathoners, hockey players, soccer players, swimmers, lacrosse players, and tennis players use our program as a base for increasing their performance in their various specialty sports.

What should I wear or bring?
Wear comfortable workout clothes and shoes. You will be squatting and lifting and moving around quite a bit. You can expect to get sweaty and thirsty. You may want to bring a change of clothes and a handy water bottle. We do not have showers, but we do provide towels and a drinking fountain.

Can I learn more about Crossfit acronyms and practices?
Visit the FAQ for a variety of explanations.


Scott Rodriguez, Owner/Coach

My main focus is my clients.  If they are achieving goals, moving more effiecent, feeling better, looking better and most important, getting stronger I consider myself doing my job.  Having over 5 years of experience working with a diverse population of clientele I feel very confident to work with any athlete.  My background is full of experiences including: prior military service, nursing, triathlons, exercise science degree, national certification, father, husband and so much more.  But don't let me impress you with words, come in and allow me to introduce myself to you. 

Jessica Fleming, Head Trainer

I have trained college athletes, high school athletes, marathoners, pregnant and postpartum moms, the injured, the young, the young-at-heart, and who is left?  Basically, I have experience training men and women from all walks of life and in various physical stages of health and fitness for over 6 years.  To those who know me, know that I'm born for this job.  But becoming a personal trainer wasn’t exactly what I wanted to be ‘when I grew up.’ I came to my vocation of being a catalyst for positive, transformative change in people’s lives through sustaining injuries of my own that once left me barely able to walk.

“I love that I can help people gain the tools to be more confident in their own bodies, in their own being, in their everyday lives. That strength, that vibrancy, that energy, that flexibility, it’s already in each person’s body. It’s already there."

Corey Mcgee, Coach

As a coach, my job and my passion is to help people live better, healthier, and more fulfilling lives. I strive to be a teacher, not to just plan a workout. I believe that being healthy is a lifestyle choice and I understand the fact that life is lived outside of the gym. Therefore my goal is to help my clients live better by giving each person the knowledge to make wise decisions outside of the gym while making them stronger inside of it.

"You decide the what and why and I am in charge of the how!"

Allison Van Sickle, Coach

Biography in process............................