Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sex? Yes Please!


September Endurance Challenge
This months challenge is to run 3-4 times per week not including your StoneWay CrossFit WOD.  Each week there will be 2-3 intervals (high intensity sprints with rests) and 1 time trial (max effort) programmed.  The goal of this challenge is to have you train one of your weak links or practice to get better at a specific discipline. 

Rest Day

*do not let go of the bar on your 20 rep sets

3 rounds of:
Run 400m
KB Swing
*however long it take you to complete the 400m run that is the length of time you will swing the Kettlebell/Dumbbell
*3 minutes is the longest time allowed

Sex? Yes Please!
by Karina (from NorCal CrossFit/NorCal Strength and Conditioning)
I thought I'd start September off with a bang and with an eye popping article.  Just reading the title you have to be entrigued at least a tiny bit.  Read a great article from NorCal Strength and Conditioning.  If you didn't know that sex is good for our overall health after you read this you will be fully aware.

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Monday, August 30, 2010

Paleo Cookbook Preview

Things that make you say "WTF"?
“People that wear a weight belt and gloves for everything they do in the gym. WTF?”
 – James R. Anderson

Recipe of the Day

21 Pull-ups
21 Handstand Push-ups
18 Pull-ups
18 Handstand Push-ups
15 Pull-ups
15 Handstand Push-ups
12 Pull-ups
12 Handstand Push-ups
9 Pull-ups
9 Handstand Push-ups
6 Pull-ups
6 Handstand Push-ups
3 Pull-ups
3 Handstand Push-ups

Handstand push-ups are "nose to floor" and pull-ups are "strict" or non-kipping.

We have officially reached our 30th day of our Paleo Challenge!  Congrats to everyone who has participated in this challenge and congrats on finding how your body feels when you eat clean and not continue to pumped junk in your engine (i.e. your body).  This "Paleo Cookbook Preview" is a free download coming out this September so keep your eyes open for it. 

For the people who participated in this challenge leave a post on your experience.  Here are a few questions to start off with: 1) What is the biggest difference you've noticed 2) What will you keep doing for your diet 3) What was the best recipe/food you had 4) How do you feel?

Keep your eyes open for next months challenge..........Are you ready for another one?
Post your comments

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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Big, Strong, Powerful and................

Things the make you say "WTF"?
“People who are on ’strict’ diets, but have a cheat meal…EVERY DAY!”
 – Patrick McIntyre

Recipe of the Day

Overhead Squats

Deadlift, #205/#135
Airball, #20/#12
*max height

by Rich Tilden

You ever heard of OSA aka "Obstructive Sleep Apnea"?  Not alot of people have.  Actually OSA is easy to be mistaken as being just over tired or simply having a constant headache.  Read this article as it allows you to be aware of what OSA looks like and what the symptoms are.  This subjects runs close to home because my dad was diagnosed with OSA.  My dad was unaware the signs he protrayed in the middle of the night while he slept.  My mom would wake up to him not breathing for minutes at a time, then he would gasp for air and continue sleeping.  If you snore or have family members or friends who snore read this and see if you fall in this category. 

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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Nasty Tabata Workouts

Things that make you say "WTF?"
“Quarter squats.”
 – David Laurent

Recipe of the Day

Rest Day

Nasty Tabata Workouts
by Health Habits

For all of you HIIT ers and Crossfitters who are sick and tired of endless sets of Tabata Thrusters or Tabata BW Squats, here are some new & nasty Tabata workouts for you to enjoy.
Maybe enjoy isn’t the right word.
Tabata Workout # 1

This one is a core killer. I have paired an anti-rotation move with a vertical pressing move. Both draw heavily upon core strength. Paired together, they will kick your ass.
Like every Tabata workout, you will be performing 8 x 20 second work sets with 7 x 10 second rests in between work sets

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Friday, August 27, 2010

Wallingford Park WOD

Things that make you say "WTF"?
“When people ask me how many more sets I’ve got left while I’m in the middle of a lift. Can’t you wait for me to finish my eight reps, you moron?!?!”
– Michael J. Urso

8am Class is at the Wallingford Park

Recipe of the Day

"Team WOD in the Park"
Complete 3 rounds of:
50 Max jumps (one arm only needs to reach)
40 Squats
30 Sit-ups
20 Push-ups
400m run

*each partner must participate in each movement and for the amount of reps prescribed
*partners can work at the same time, however when they get to the run, one partner goes to left and around the track and the other parther goes to the right and around the track

by Mike Rojas

Nowadays, speed training is all the rage in almost every sport. You can find “coaches” marketing weekend camps or group training at schools and parks everywhere. Because it’s so heavily marketed to teams and groups, you feel like you’ll be left in the dust if you don’t do it.

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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Pick a Teammate

Things that make you say "WTF"?
“When people ask if me I’m doing this to ‘tone up’”
– Kati Schizofrenetic Rosser

Recipe of the Day

Weighted Step-ups
4 x 8
(4 each leg for each 4 sets)
*use the 20" tire or 24" box

Handstand Hold
4 attempts
Rest-2 minutes

(Grab a partner)
4 rounds of:
90 second Plank (elbows or hands)
KB Swing, #44/#25

*tally KB swings from each partner after 4 rounds are complete
*each partner is moving at one of the disciplines, then switches once the 90 seconds are complete
*If the partner doing the plank rests, drops, lifts their butt, the time stops while the KB partner is still swinging
*workout is complete once each partner has complete 4 rounds of each disciplines

Everybody needs a little pep talk, a little motivation, someone pushing them and overall watching out for their best needs.  Watch this video as Coach Cochran creates the environment he wants his ball players to live in.  Listen to the dialogue he has with the players.  He's not saying he'll be let down if they don't give it 100%, but they'll be letting themselves down.  "Make today count!"

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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Lunges and Pull-ups

Things that make you say "WTF"?
“The dipshit in the gym yesterday who was wearing a belt, while using the smith machine for bench, who tried to give me advice on how to bench.” – Kieran Dealio

Recipe of the Day

Weighted Pull-ups

*if you can not do pull-ups without a band, use the smallest band you still perform pull-ups with and go for max pull-ups

400m Walking Lunges/Max Pull-ups

*immediately following your lunges perform your pull-ups

This is a video of Mikko Salo from CrossFit Pori.  I posted this video a couple months ago but it such an inspiring video on how we should train and how we should look at training.  What do you think?

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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Navy Physical Readiness Test

Things that make you say "WTF"?
“Trainers in my gym who look like they haven’t touched a weight set in their lives.”
– Bostjan Bavcon
5pm Class is at the Wallingford Park

Recipe of the Day

(USS Carl Vinson CVN-70)

"Unites States Navy PRT"
2 minutes of:
Max Push-ups

2 minutes of:
Max Sit-ups

1.5 Mile Run

Rules and Regulations:
1) When performing Push-ups, knees can not touch the ground unless assisted push-ups are being performed and coach is notified
2) The only rest position while conducting the push-ups test is in the "upright" position
3) Once knees touch the ground or chest is layed on the ground longer than 1 second, the test is complete

1) When performing sit-ups, arm must be crossed over shoulders, feet anchored, and back should touch the ground in the down position with elbows touching the knees in the upright position
2) Once back is layed on the ground longer than 1 second, the test is complete

1) When performing the 1.5 mile run, you may walk or run as long as this event is completed

This report reviews the development, evolution, and implementation of the Navy’s Physical Readiness Program (PRP) through the series of Instructions, numbered 6110.1, on the subject issued by the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations. The first of these Instructions, OPNAVINST 6110.1 (1976) emphasized a program of cardiovascular-respiratory fitness development based on the popular aerobics program of Dr. Ken Cooper.

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Monday, August 23, 2010

Get a Partner!

Things that make you say "WTF"?
“When workout partners no-show!”
– Mike Short

Recipe of the Day
With a partner complete:
100 Double Unders
80 KB swings #53/35
70 Thrusters # 65/45
60 Sumo DL High Pull #65/45

only 1 person can work at a time, complete in any order, break down between partners as you see fit.

Thruster/Swim WOD
by Greg Amundson

Who's thought about doing a workout including a swim?  If you have you are not alone.  Check out this video with Greg Amundon and think about doing this down at Green Lake or at your local lake or pool

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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Eating Out and the Paleo Diet

Things that make you say "WTF"?
“’I just want to tone…’ That’s a BIG time WTF!”
 – James Drebenstedt

Recipe of the Day


Box Jumps
Toes to Bar

by Nell Stephenson

Is CrossFit Easy?
The workouts are short! They look so easy!" Ever hear that?

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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Are Overhead Squats Safe?

Things that make you say "WTF"?
“Going to the gym and people ask if you workout a lot. Why the f&%$ do you think we are there for?” 
-Bryon Cather

Recipe of the Day

Rest Day

by Mark Rippetoe, Lon Kilgore, and Kelly Starrett

This month we respond to the oft-heard conjecture that lifting overhead is inherently dangerous—i.e., that it is destructive of the shoulder. Conjecture, by definition, is required neither to comport with fact nor to offer testable proposition, and, as such, it is a ready vehicle for those limited in the skills, focus, or desire required to give thoughtful examination on any topic.
-Coach Glassman

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Friday, August 20, 2010

Team WOD

Things That Make You Say "WTF"?
"People on BOSU balls"
-Alexander Butt

Recipe of the Day

"Team WOD"
AMRAP 3 minutes
5 Deadlifts, #225/#155
10 Double Unders
REST 2:00

AMRAP 3 Minutes
7 Burpees
7 Pull-ups
REST 2:00

REPEAT 1 more cycle
(total of 2 cycle performed)

This is a Team workout.  Each team will have 2 team members.  At each station one member will perform the movement while the other performs the other movement.  Partners can not switch until both are complete with each specific movement and reps.

The Champion Within
by Dr. Denis Waitley

"You carry the torch of a champion. You may not fully recognize it, but it is with you, wherever you go. Its fire is your winning spirit."

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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Do You Train?

Things That MakeYou Say "WTF"?
"People asking me what I take."
-Carl Reinhardt

Recipe of the Day

(Max going over head)

Hang Clean

AMRAP 15 Minutes
7 Front Squats, #155/#115
10 OH Walking Lunges, #35/#25
7 Burpees
10 OH Walking Lunges, #35/#25

by Adam Spizman

"Throughout my years in the fitness industry, I've seen many things good and bad.  Working at a commercial gym for two years, I tend to see more bad than good."

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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How Do You Explain What We Do?

Things That Make You Say "WTF"?
“Squats and knees. After my fourth arthroscopy and staying away from squats, I said F it. Now, after I hit 315 pounds for reps, my knees have never been better.”
– Mark Landy
Recipe of the Day

Rest Day or Make-Up Day

NO 5:30pm Class Tonight

What is it we really Do?

"Press" play and watch.  Share this with all your friends and family members who need a visual of what you do on a daily basis.  If after watching this video you want to leave work early and starting workout, don't feel bad. 

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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Train Like a Man

Things That Make You Say "WTF?
"People who spend hours on ‘ab workouts.’ I got an ab workout for them – go deadlift and clean. Those will work your abs.”
– Bobby Crandall

Recipe of the Day

Push Jerk

Three rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
25 Wallball shots, 20/12

Train Like a Man-Especially If You are a Women
by Neghar Fonooni
“We are turning you into better men, even the ladies.”

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Monday, August 16, 2010

Field Trip at Maple Valley CrossFit

Things That Make You Say "WTF"?
“When a ‘trainer’ has a 300 pound woman doing DB curls in front of a mirror.”
– Jim Wertman

Recipe of the Day
5 Pull-up
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

Here are the results from our last encounter with "Cindy"

StoneWay CrossFit visited Maple Valley CrossFit this past weekend to celebrate their Grand Opening.  It was a fun time spent with the MVCF crew (Eric and Kari Gordon).  The morning started off with the WOD brief and then the pairing of the teams.  Each team was picked by a random drawing process.  The WOD was : 20m OH Lunges w/#35/#25, 20 burpees, 20m OH Lunges w/#35/#25, 20 Burpees, 60 Pull-ups (as a team), 80 Squats (as a team), 100 calorie burn (as a team).  This WOD was a real fun workout and you would of been very proud of your fellow athletes (Juliet, Patty, Allison, Cheryl and Linnea) who rocked out this WOD.  We were all paired with complete strangers who we met shortly before the WOD began and in that time we had to create a strategy. 

1) When doing the Over Head Lunges if or when a partner finishes before the other partner he or she must wait with their weight over head
2) When doing burpees, same rules apply as above.  Partner must wait with weight over head
3) Each station must be complete before partner can move to the next station

After the WOD's were complete Eric threw some burgers on the grill and everyone participated in the ceremony of eating.  There were great dishes such as: Paleo Humus, Guacamole, fruit, vegetables, salsa, desserts and a keg of beer. 

Here is a collection of photos from the weekend

(Allison's team is neck and neck with the leaders)

(Scott's team is neck and neck with Allison's team)

(Human "Turkish Get Up")

Next time we have a field trip I highly recommend you come out with us and throw down with some complete strangers that feel like close friends.

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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Working Out for Two

Things that Make You Say "WTF"?
“People who look at me funny when I offer chalk…especially when they are doing heavy deadlifts.”
– Yuri Harsh

Recipe of the Day

Over Head Squat

Three rounds for time of:
10 Ground to overhead, #95/#75
200 yard Shuttle sprint
(50 yards there and back twice)

by Lauren Joseph

Lauren Joseph CrossFits throughout her pregnancy and is back on the C2 only a week after giving birth to a healthy baby girl.L

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Benefits of The Paleo Diet

“Rest satisfied with doing well, and leave others to talk of you as they please.”

Recipe of the Day

Rest Day

Typical western foods are low in minerals, vitamins and soluble fibre but high in fat and salt.
There is much evidence indicating that some of these dietary factors are important causes of common western disorders like heart disease, stroke and diabetes.

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Friday, August 13, 2010

Field Trip This Saturday!


"A buddy will keep you honest and add a dimension of fun to your workout."
-Bill Toomey

Recipe of the Day

(Team StoneWay after a "fun" Saturday WOD)

Rest Day
(aka-Field Trip to Maple Valley CrossFit)

by EFS Readers

This list is a must read!  I'm in the coffee shop reading this laughing so hard I realize that I'm laughing out loud also.  These are typical things you see in a Globo gym and comments by "that guys" in the gym.  Prepare yourself to get a few good laughs.

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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Why Breathe?

"Wisdom is knowing what to do; virtue is doing it"

Recipe of the Day

10 Squat clean, #135/#95
50 Sit-ups
 8 Squat clean, #135/#95
40 Sit-ups
 6 Squat clean, #135/#95
30 Sit-ups
 4 Squat clean, #135/#95
20 Sit-ups
 2 Squat clean, #135/#95
10 Sit-ups

Rip on Breath", Mark Rippetoe filmed by Again Faster - video [wmv] [mov]

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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

StoneWay CrossFit-Facebook

"Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible."
Dalai Lama

Recipe of the Day

10 Thruster, #135/#95
50 Double-unders
 8 Thruster, #135/#95
40 Double-unders
 6 Thruster, #135/#95
30 Double-unders
 4 Thruster, #135/#95
20 Double-unders
 2 Thruster, #135/#95
10 Double-unders

Dutch vs Speal - video [wmv] [mov]

If you didn't know by now we have a facebook account that is up in running.  It has been a relatively slow start on the world wide web for us but were catching up.  Drop by our page for updates, daily WODs, newly posted pictures, daily quotes, articles, or simply to see what we are up. 

Also invite your friends over to check us out if you are digging what we are doing.  Our #1 goal is to get the word about Seattle's local CrossFit gym but also to get the word out about CrossFit in general.  Us CrossFitters know how efficient and awesome this program is but that's only probably 10% of our population.  If you are like me, you think everyone knows about CrossFit becuse you know how legit it is and how cool it is, but the sad news is that is not reality.  So, check us out and enjoy keeping up with us.

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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

CrossFit Total Day

"Take calculated risks.  That is quite different from being rash."
-George S. Patton

Recipe of the Day

"CrossFit Total"
Deadlift, 1 rep
Press, 1 rep
Squat, 1 rep

by Mark Rippetoe

"The CrossFit Total is the sum of the best of three attempts at the squat, the press, and the deadlift. All three lifts are done while standing on the floor. They require minimal and inexpensive equipment. They are not technique- dependent to the extent of the Olympic lifts, yet they require technical proficiency beyond mere passing familiarity. They are safe when performed correctly, since they can all be performed without spotters—alone in a garage if necessary."

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Monday, August 9, 2010

Conditioning Tuesday

"Life is like a trumpet - if you don't put anything into it, you don't get anything out of it."
-William Handy

Recipe of the Day


Today should be a fun day with a lot of people setting new PR's and if you have never ran a 5K then today is your day!  We haven't done this for over 2 months so I shouldn't hear anyone complaining rather cheering with excitement and thanking me for not programming around your "Gorilla" (weakness).  Our 5K route will have two options.

by Sarina Morales

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Sunday, August 8, 2010

10 Worst Nutritional and Dietary Mistakes People Make

“Complacency is the enemy of progress.”

Recipe of the Day

AMRAP 20 minutes
7 SDLHP, #95/#65
7 Hang Clean, #95/#65
7 Push Press, #95/#65

10 Worst Nurtitional and Dietary Mistakes People Make
by Nora Gedgaudas

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Saturday, August 7, 2010

"Is it Easy?

"I am stronger than I was yesterday but not as strong as I will be tomorrow"

Recipe of the Day

Rest Day

Is It Easy?" interview with Russell Berger at the 2010 CrossFit Games - video [wmv] [mov]

This was a video that reminded me on how important it is to have a workout buddy who can spot you when Squating.  As you can see this guy did not have a workout buddy and he was not lifting a lot of weight either.  Below is a great video by Freddy Camacho Owner of CrossFit One World.  This is how to spot your buddy correctly when there is just 2 people.  But when you have enough support having a person on both sides of the bar is most effiecent.

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Friday, August 6, 2010

TGITWS-Thank God It's Team WOD Saturday!

Quote of the Day
"Until you make peace with who you are, you'll never be content with what you have."
- Doris Mortman

(Field Trip to King CrossFit)

Recipe of the Day

"Team Workout!"
(teams of 2)
1 mile run
15 Squat Cleans, #115/#75
25 Double Unders
10 Ring Dips
5 Push Jerks, #115/#75
10 Ring Dips
20 Double Unders
15 Squat Cleans, #115#75
800m run

New Skill for the Box

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Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Weekend Has Arrived

Quote of the Day
"Mosquitoes remind us that we are not as high on the food chain as we think"
-Tom Wilson

(Coach Corey at Countyline CrossFit)

Recipe of the Day

Strength-Week 4
Back Squat
5 x 40%
5 x 50%
5 x 60%
*no max reps on 3rd set

AMRAP 3 minutes
3 Power Snatches, #95/#65
100m Sprint
3 Clean and Jerk, #95/#65
Repeat for a total of 4 cycles
The Weekend
So for many the weekend is a weak point for them in their nutrition simply because routine is broken.  Eating balance, "clean" or overall "good" is easier done during the week because going to work creates a routine for you.  Once out of that routine you have more time on your hand to eat or decide to go out to eat or (you fill in the blank).  Saying all this the question should arise, "how do I keep a clean diet over the weekend?"  This actually is the million dollar question.  So here are my 2 cents.  1)  Still have plans to do things over the weekend, 2) Prepare "grabbable" food in advance so when the weekend shows up you don't just decide to go get something quick or oders something for delivery and 3) If you are going to BBQ or a party bring food you can eat for a full meal and not just 1 macronutrient.  For example: There's a BBQ and you bring salad, where'r your protein and fat? or There's a party and you bring chcken, where's your carbohydrates and fats?  Be prepared for all emergencies!  So you don't eat like crap and then give the excuse,"I didn't have any healthy choices." You be the healthy choice maker!

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Thursday Results:

Outstanding job today, first time we programmed pistols and some of you headed straight forward at it.

Terry-5 (#75)
Sara-4 (#75)
Taylor-4 (#95)
Katelyn-5 (#95)
Allison-5 (#135)
Emilee-4 1/2 (#135)
Anna-3 3/4 (#135)
Max-3 1/4 (#185)
Brian-3 1/2 (#185)
Skylee-5 (#95)
Mickle-5 (#95)
Gabe-3 1/2 (#225)
Julie-4 3/4 (#75)
Scott-3 1/2 (#135)
Cheryl-3 (#115)
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Making it Happen

Quote of the Day
"Patterning your life around other's opinions is nothing more than slavery."
-Lawana Blackwell

Recipe of the Day
Tom's Pork and Vegetable Stir-Fry

Strength-Week 4 (Deloading)
5 x 40%
5 x 50%
5 x 60%
*do not perform max reps on last set

AMRAP 12 minutes
7 Deadlifts, #275/#155
14 Pistols
21 Double Unders

Heat 6 of Team Event 2, Deadlift/Pistol/Row, at the 2010 CrossFit Games - video [wmv] [mov]

Making it Happen
by Sarah

Sarah is a mom of 3, a NorCal CrossFit Trainer and paleo junkie.  This is simply another testimony that this lifestyle is maintainable and enjoyable.  In this article Sarah discusses the impact it has working for RobWoff regarding eating 100% paleo.

"When Robb Woff and Nicki Violetti happen to be the folks you work for, that's just kind of how it is."

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Jerry's B-Day WOD:

Jerry-30:05 (PR! Old time-38:22)
Katie B.-25:58

Karen G.-22:18
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

What's In Your Cooler?

Quote of the Day
"If nutrition isn't the first thing you're dealing with, you're not serious athlete"
-Brian Mackenzie

Recipe of the Day
Paleo Banana Bread

(Anthony and Jerry go head to head)

"Jerry's Birthday WOD"
47 Box jump, 24 inch box

47 Jumping pull-ups
47 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
47 Walking Lunges
47 Knees to elbows
47 Push press, 45 pounds
47 Back extensions
47 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
47 Double unders

What's in Your Cooler?
by Melisa Urban
"So today, we’re going to spend some time dissecting the contents of the Whole9 cooler – what’s in it, what’s in the grocery bag next to it, and how we put things together to make delicious, Whole30-approved meals and snacks."

As you all can tell I have become a big fan of Melisa Urban.  The resources she provides on Whole 9 are so valuable you can't put a price on it.  In this article she discusses preparing yourself for your meals but more important, prepare yourself if you will be traveling out of your normal element.  Her and Dallas Hartwig are traveling 90% of the time and they manage to keep a clean diet and they show you how you can too.  READ along as you will get ideas for meals, snacks or overall preperation.

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Monday, August 2, 2010

Paleo Recipe of the Day

Quote of the Day
"Success does not come to those who wait... and it does not wait for anyone to come to it."

Strength-Week 4 (Deloading)
5 x 40%
5 x 50%
5 x 60%
*no max reps on the last set

As many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
3 handstand push-ups
6 push-ups
9 broad jumps

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Sunday, August 1, 2010

1st Day of the Next 30 Days

Quote of the Day
"Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value"
-Albert Einstein

10 Snatches (115/95lbs)
20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
30 Stick jumps
40 Ball Slams (20/15lbs)
30 Stick jumps (20")
20 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
10 Snatches (115/95lbs)

Stick Jumps- must jump with both feet over the stick and land with both feet.  If you knock over the stick the rep does not count
Snatches- bar must start on the ground and finish in the locked position overhead.  The bar can not hit chest.  It's a snatch. Do a snatch, even if it's ugly.
*scale as needed

The 30 Day Challenge is officially underway and I am getting alot of questions on "What should I/can I eat?".  For all registered participants, you should have received two documents. 1) CrossFit Journal 21 and 2) The Paleolithic Diet outline.  If you have not received them and would like to email me at coachscott@stonewaycrossfit.com.

I originally got this idea from Melissa Byers labeled as The Whole30.  The best part about this design was how upfront she was when introducing her program.  This originally was found on Urban Gets Diesel but that eventually progress to The Whole30.  Either way time has come to decide to take this challenge or not.  You are never too late to take this challenge.  30 day is 30 days whether you started yesterday or you starting today.  Don't think about this, just do it.  If you ponder on it you'll find a reason not to do this.  You always do anyways, am I right? 

This 30 Day Challenge is a Zone/Paleo but some of us are going 100% Paleo.  Either way, if you want a complete breakdown on what the rules are click HERE.

Good luck and remember to have fun!

Recipe of the Day
Meat. Vegetables. Grill. Go

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