Sunday, January 31, 2010

CrossFit After 40


Day of Rest or Make Up Day

If you missed a WOD this week make it up today

By Dr. Allison Belger
Dr. Allison Belger turns 40 and finds that masters events provide a new outlet for her competitive spirit.

Throughout the past year leading up to my 40th birthday, I had been reflecting on many things, as one often does in the face of such a milestone. Beyond the typical musings, I had thought a lot about my life as an aging athlete and how I would continue to challenge myself physically given the constraints of my responsibilities and the realities of my aging body.

Friday, January 29, 2010

What is CrossFit and Is It Good For Triathletes?


“Saturday's Laundry List”
Complete 1 round for time:

Run 800m
75m OH Lunges, #10/#25
50m Broad Jumps
25 Burpees
50 Push-ups
75 Sit-ups

by Claire Lunardoni

The off-season is the time of year when triathlon experts agree that everyone should head to the weight room. Muscle is eatten away over a season of long, exhaustive aerobic exercise, and winter is the time to build back your muscle mass and increase power for faster biking, more efficient running, and injury prevention.

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1/29/10 Results:

Kelsey - #95, 10:44
Gabe - 13:37 Rx
Andy - Rx 11:33
Jerry -11:06, #65
Sue - 11:06, #45
Kara - 9:04 - #25
Jayanne -10:20, #25
Julie - 9:20, #20

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Truth About CrossFit


Class Schedule Today:
6am-Strength and Metcon
1pm-Strength and Metcon
 *Cancelled Today(1pm)
6pm-Strength and Metcon

Complete 4 rounds of:
7 cycles of: #65/#95

Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
*Rest 90 seconds between sets
*Do Not Set Weight Down, unless it is between rounds
*If weight is set down, count number of drops and perform and equal amount of burpees as a penalty.

by Chris Shugart

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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

012710 Results:

Great job everyone! Today was not a day for the weak and everyone stood the test.

Crystal-8:52, #40
Mickle-9:52, #25
Pam-9:13, #25(75reps)
Emilee-9:56, #25
Elise-11:04, #25(50reps)
Terry-9:58, #25
Katie-13:00, #45
Corey-10:55, RX
Scott-14:45, RX
Kara-11:19, pvc
Andy-DNF, (78 reps) # 45
Kelly-DNF, (75 reps), #45

CrossFit Grandma


Complete 14 rounds:

100m Sprints

*Rest 2:1 (2:1 means however long it took you to sprint 100 meters times your rest by 2)
*Example, 15 seconds: 30 seconds

by Mary Conover

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012610 Results:


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Metabolic Conditioning


"Penalty Box: Box Jump (24"/20") and Overhead Squats (75#/55#)"

Every minute on the minute perform 10 box jumps and max rep Overhead Squats. After completing 10 box jumps use the remaining time in that minute to perform max reps of overheads squats (75#/55#). Each sixty seconds you must stop to perform 10 box jumps. Stop when you complete 100 overhead squats.

by Greg Glassman

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Monday, January 25, 2010

For a Lifelike Workout, Add Motion, Instability


Hang Clean

5-5-5-5-5 (progress weight each set)

by Howard Schneider

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Sunday, January 24, 2010

CrossFit For The Triathlete


AMRAP 20 minutes
50ft bear crawls
5 push jerks, #65/#95
10 Double Unders

Crossfit For The Triathlete
by Kevin Hughes

Terry's Journey
by Scott Rodriguez

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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Judgement as a Virtue


Rest Day or Make Up Day

*If you missed a WOD this week make it up today

Judgement as a Vitrue
by Russell Berger

Russell Berger says it’s important to assess experts with skepticism and reason. The success of CrossFit depends on it.

CrossFit is an open-source fitness program, meaning the internal workings of our program are exposed for everyone to see, experiment with and change as desired. This gives our methodology a unique advantage: when someone discovers a better method for improving fitness, we can adopt it into the CrossFit program.

Just what qualifies as a “better method,” however, is open to debate.

While many historically common fitness questions have been sufficiently answered by CrossFit—yes, below-parallel squats are safe—today’s most common questions come from within our community as experts and coaches suggest the next evolutionary steps for CrossFit.

Does CrossFit need more strength workouts and fewer long run—or vice versa? Does the Zone Diet really work better than the Paleo Diet, or is there really no need for measuring of any kind? Is a lack of affiliate regulation damaging the community, or are the efficient workings of the open market sufficient to eliminate bad apples?

These are just a few examples of simple questions that have turned into serious debates, with many folks claiming to be authorities and experts. So how does the average CrossFitter know what, and whom, to believe?


012310 Results:

Team one-32:13
Team two-27:37

012210 Results:

Metcon 1:
"Happy Birthday Brian"
Strength/Metcon 2:
"100 Push-ups"

Friday, January 22, 2010

Sleep and Your Immune System


“Team WOD”

(3 members per team)
5 Rounds For Time:

Run 400m
45 Dumbbell Thrusters
45 Elbows to Knees
*team runs at the same time, team can not start round until all members are finished with the run

Sleep and Your Immune System
by Chuck Arnone

There are some well-known ways to improve your self-defense system and there are some surprising ways that are less obvious to us.When you have a weak immune system, you are at a higher risk of catching a cold or a virus. Your immune system is responsible for helping you fight off infections; therefore, when your immune system is weak it cannot function properly.There are some well-known ways to improve your self-defense system and there are some surprising ways that are less obvious to us.Remember our food supply is not what it used to be as nutrients are less abundant, therefore a liquid supplement can pick up the slack.

Sleep apnea can have severe effects on your health and has been linked to such problems as heart failure, stroke, high blood pressure and diabetes. Obstructive sleep apnea involves repeated pauses in breathing that occur when the muscles relax during sleep, causing soft tissue in the back of the throat to collapse and block the upper airway. Certain clinical trials have determined regular exercise can improve your immune system, the emphasis being on regular.

Variations in a person's body temperature........................, click to read further.

012110 results:

Great job everyone!


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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Do More Pull Ups!


Deadlift (progress weight each set)

Complete 1 attempt:
Max pull-ups

100 Push-ups

*perform on toes, each time you drop to your knees run 100m

Do More Pull-ups

Some people can't do any at all, and some people can do some, but not nearly enough to make a real workout out of. Don't feel bad if you are one of these people. A lot of people are in this same pull up situation. For example, I used to be. Today however I'm not, and I want to show you how to get to this point yourself. Below I will explain 4 possible ways to increase your strength in the places you need it in order to do more pull ups. I'll also explain exactly how I did it myself.
(One quick note. The difference between pull ups and chin ups is how you grip the bar. Pull ups are done with your palms facing away from you. Chin ups are done with your palms facing you. Throughout this article I will only use the term "pull ups." However, everything written here applies just as equally to chin ups and really every other grip as well.)

4 ways to do more pull ups:

1. Do pull ups!

That wasn't a typo. In all honesty, the best way to become able to do more pull ups is to actually DO pull ups. If, for example, you can only do 3 reps today, make it your goal next time to do 4 reps. It may or may not happen that next time. You may still only do the same 3 reps. You may even do 3 and a half reps. Or, you may actually get all 4 reps. Either way, the best possible way to increase the number of pull ups you can do is to actually walk up to the pull up bar and try to do just one more rep than you were able to do the previous time. With enough intensity and focus, you can do it. If you can't, just try again (and try harder) next time. If you can... then 5 is your new goal.

2. Do negatives.

The word "negative" is used to describe the lowering of the weight during an exercise. For example, when you're lowering the bar to your chest while bench pressing... that is the negative. During pull ups, the negative would be the point when you are lowering your body downward after pulling yourself up. At this point you may not be able to do the pulling up part of the exercise, but that's only 50% of the work. How about the other 50%? That's where negatives come in. You end up using the same muscles to lower yourself as you would to pull yourself up. This means negatives will help improve your ability to do the pulling part of the pull up.

In order to do negatives, you have to start off at the point when you're already pulled up. There are 2 simple ways to do this. First is by jumping. Grab the pull up bar like you normally would, but then instead of trying to pull yourself up, jump up so that your chin is above the bar the same way it would be if you did the actual pulling yourself. The other (and even easier) way of doing it is to just stand on something that is high enough for you to already be in that already-pulled-up position. Depending on your height, standing up a dumbbell may do the trick.

Now that you're in the position to do the negative part of the pull up, you're goal is to lower yourself down as slow and controlled as you possibly can. Focus on the muscles being used, and try to keep your body as stable as possible. Once you have lowered yourself back to the starting position, repeat this all over again. Don't let go of the bar and take a break. Do the negative, then go right back into that already-pulled-up position... and then do another negative. Do a few sets of as many as you can.
3. Use an assisted pull up machine.
Some gyms......................., click here to continue reading., courtesy of

012010 Results:

Katie B.-12:46

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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Why are Burpee's so Hard?


Complete 21-15-9 for time:
KB Swings #25/#53

Anytime we add burpees into a WOD they are alway a bear.  A burpee has 6 movements, 1) hand to the ground, 2) jump feet out into push-up position, 3) drop into a full push-up with chest touching the groung, 4) pushing away from the ground with full extension, 5) jumping your knees back into a bottom squat and 6) jumping up to touch a 6" target or clap hands over head.  If you have never completed a "burpee" and are curious like a cat on why these are so exhausting give yourself 60 seconds and do as many "burpees" as you can and see if you can get to 20. 

Watch this video and see if you can pick up some new techniques you'd like to add to your burpee.

Freddy Camacho, CrossFit One World

011910 Results:


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Paleolithic Diet and Depression?


Complete 3 Rounds for time:
Run 400m
20 Box Jumps
20 Wall Balls #12/#20

Paleo Nutrition and Depression
By Jennifer Theriault, RN
Rates of depression in the US have doubled over the past 10 years! Depression is on the rise right along with so many of the other major diseases. Over the next few weeks I plan on blogging about the connection of nutrition and the ”dis-eases” we are facing now in 2009. Today’s blog is focused on depression and mental health.
Traditionally depression is thought of from an emotional or Biochemical standpoint. However emerging research is showing more and more disease may be directly related from the foods we are consuming. It is an exciting time in medicine. Unfortunately, as with any Paradigm shift it will be slow and painful. We need to advocate and educate ourselves on our health because our PCP is not going to tell us to eat like a caveperson! Our PCP is going to give us a prescription for Zoloft.
Medication can be an important tool in depression especially in an acute phase. It is important for me to say Please don’t take yourself off any medication without proper guidance from your Doc. With that said over the long run anti-depressants have a poor track record. Many people need to up the dosage, as well change or combine meds. It is really tough to treat exclusively with medications.

My Prescription for Depression..

1. Paleo Nutrition (focus on Omega 3’s),
2. CrossFit and
3. Proper SLEEP quality will ROCK YOUR WORLD.
Let me explain why.

Eliminating refined sugar and grains is step one. Balancing your insulin/glucagon in your body helps makes your insulin sensitivity better. This allows for a stabilization of blood glucose (sugar) and helps with mood stabilization.

Included in this section I want to stress the importance of FISH OIL in the treatment of depression. I have some great journal articles and research articles showing the benefits of consuming fish oil. Biochemical speaking research points out that cell membranes are made up of partly Omega 3’s. It may be possible that increasing Omega 3’s help to increase serotonin levels by helping them pass through the cell membranes. Research is being done to see exactly what is the mechanism involved.
Dr. Joseph Hibbeln a psychiatrist with NIH believes that our Current upward trend of depression is directly related to our decrease of Omega 3’s. He believes that part of our problem in the decrease of red meat and eggs and increase of grains. He suggests lean meats, lots of veggies/fruits and little grains or sugars…Hum interesting.…sounds familiar!
Nutritional deficits are of concern to a person struggling with depression as well. A SAD (Standard American Diet) can be lacking in basic Vitamins and Minerals. Paleo Nutrition naturally nourishes us with vitamins and minerals. Depression especially responds to high amounts of B vitamins. B-complex vitamins are used in nervous system function.
Depression is such a complex “dis-ease” and I have only touched upon the basics. Break it down to basics…”Eat meat, veggies, some fruit, nuts, seeds, little starch, no sugar! Please eat lots of Dark Leafy Greens and take your fish oil. Don’t forget the importance of you CrossFit training either! Sleep well, Sleep enough! Sleep in a dark, cool, quite space. Talk open and honest with your Doc…Advocate for yourself and educate yourself. We are here to help educate and support!!!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Makes you think twice about drinking a Coke



Back Squat (85% 1RM)

Push Press (85% 1RM)

Thrusters and Sit-ups

*complete 8 total rounds of each exercise, 20 seconds max effort and then10 seconds of rest
*complete 4 rounds of each before moving to the next movement, do this for 2 total cycles. 16 total cycles completed

Water or Coke?

In life there are many decisions we are required to make.  After reading this list of things water and coke can do, you'll need to decide how you will treat each of these different.


#1. 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated.
(Likely applies to half the world population)

#2. In 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak

that it is mistaken for hunger.
#3. Even MILD dehydration will slow down one's metabolism as 3%.

#4. One glass of water will shut down midnight hunger pangs
for almost 100% of the dieters studied in a University of
Washington study.

#5. Lack of water, the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue.

#6. Preliminary research indicates that 8-10 glasses of
water a day could significantly ease back and joint pain
for up to 80% of sufferers.

#7. A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term

memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on
the computer screen or on a printed page.

#8.. Drinking 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of
colon cancer by 45%, plus it can slash the risk of breast
cancer by 79%., and one is 50% less likely to develop
bladder cancer. Are you drinking the amount of water
you should drink every day?


#1. In many states the highway patrol carries
two gallons of Coke in the trunk to remove blood from
the highway after a car accident.
#2. You can put a T-bone steak in a bowl of Coke

and it will be gone in two days.

#3. To clean a toilet: Pour a can of Coca-Cola into the
toilet bowl and let the 'real thing' sit for one hour,
then flush clean. The citric acid in Coke removes
stains from vitreous china.

#4. To remove rust spots from chrome car bumpers:
Rub the bumper with a rumpled-up piece of Reynolds
Wrap aluminum foil dipped in Coca-Cola.

#5. To clean corrosion from car battery terminals: Pour
a can of Coca-Cola over the terminals to bubble
away the corrosion.

#6. To loosen a rusted bolt: Apply a cloth soaked in Coca-Cola
to the rusted bolt for several minutes.
#7. To bake a moist ham: Empty a can of Coca-Cola into

the baking pan, wrap the ham in aluminum foil, and bake.
Thirty minutes before ham is finished, remove the foil, allowing the drippings to mix
with the Coke for a sumptuous brown gravy.

#8... To remove grease from clothes: Empty a can of Coke
into the load of greasy clothes, add detergent, and run
through a regular cycle. The Coca-Cola will help loosen
grease stains. It will also clean road haze from your

011810 Results:


*Andy 14
*Kim 14
*Scott-10, #95
*Corey-7 1/3, #95
Paula 12
Jen 10
Sue 7.5
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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Real Results From A Real Person


Before: January 7th, 2008

I received a message one day from a lady named Terry Rosencrantz.  On the message she was wanting to know more about what I did regarding personal training, if I did that at all.  Immediately, I called her back and scheduled a time to meet with her at the Starbucks in Wallingford. 

As we met Terry gave me an extensive medical and physical history background along with her fitness goals.  This gave me all the crucial information I needed to start program designing for her.  These are what her goal were:
1) Lose weight
2) Train for the Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure
3) Increase strength

After we met that day at the Wallingford Starbucks what Terry didn't know at the time was, she was never going to be the same again.

Our journey began in the basement and garage of her home.  There we started her strength and conditioning program.  She first started walking, using 5-10lbs dumbbells and medicine balls, and doing push-ups(on her knees), lunges, sit-ups, stairs, sit-ups.

Now when we started we would walk 1 mile every morning as a warm-up.  I would tell her that "one day we'd be running this" and she would alway say,"Okay" as if I was crazy and she was simply humoring me by responding.  Now walking was not new to Terry, she had been walking with a group of close friends for years but running would be completely new. About 6 months later we were running 1 mile every morning which quickly turned into 2-3 miles 8-9 months later. 

Two years later Terry has conquered all of her initial goals, has made new goals and some of them have already been conquered but the story doesn't stop here.  Terry continues to live a very active lifestyle.  She swims, runs, bikes, participates in olympics lifting, gymnastics, plyometrics on a weekly basis.  Terry is also register for the Lake Steven's 1/2 Ironman this upcoming August.

Terry is a huge inspiration to all who know her and also to the people she meets.  She is always quick to encourage everyone and invite others to StoneWay CrossFit.  When something changes your life so radically you can not stop talking about or believing in it because you know first hand the power and strength of it.

Terry's Accomplishments(as of January 2010):
1) Lost 57lbs (starting-189lbs-current)
2) Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure
3) Increased her strength
4) Danskin 2009 triathalon finisher
5) Kirkland 2009 triathalon finisher
6) Seattle half marathon finisher
7) Camp Pendleton Mud Run Finisher

Registered for:
Mercer Island Rotary half marathon
Lake Steven half Ironman (70.3)

After: January 7th, 2010

5 Power Snatches #45/#65
7 SDLHP #45/#65
10 Air Squats
AMRAP 15 minutes

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Rest Day or Make Up Day
*If you missed a WOD this week, make it up today

Friday, January 15, 2010


"Team WOD"
(3 members per Team)

75 Burpees
150 Box Jumps
150 Single Arm Thrusters
150 Push Press
150 Dead Lifts #45/#65
75 Burpees
*alternate arms as needed with the single arm thrusters

011510 Results:

Big day at StoneWay CrossFit today. We had a lot of new PR's today! Great guys, your hard work is paying off.

Andy #265, 2:45@#45
gabe #225, 4:50@ # 45
sue #195, 3:09 @# 25
Kim # 165, 1:58@ 25
jayanne #135, 2:26@ #25
Terry # 95, 2:47 @#25
gabe #225, 4:50@ # 45
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Thursday, January 14, 2010

CrossFit workout craze sweeps the Corps


Deadlift, 85% of 1 RM


Complete 50 repetitions for time:
Power Snatches (#45/#65)

CrossFit workout craze sweeps the Corps

By Bryan Mitchell

Special Warfare Operator 1st Class (SEAL) Andy Stumpf always needs to be in shape.

But before he took an AK47 round to the hip during a tour in Iraq, he thought his conventional regimen of weight training and running was the key to fitness.

The injury prompted the San Diego-based sailor to try a different kind of workout, one that was sweeping through the military community and would prove to be a blessing as he worked to rejoin his comrades.

Stumpf found CrossFit — and six months after he was shot, he was back on active duty.

Now, he’s the owner of CrossFit Coronado in San Diego, where he trains a handful of his fellow SEALs, as well civilians looking for a different style of workout.

“Before, I thought the key to really getting fit was to add more training volume,” Stumpf said. “Run, run, run, to get good at going long. But you layer that extra training volume on top and you’re breaking your body down.

“What CrossFit has taught me is that randomized, functional movement is how you get fit.”

The CrossFit concept
CrossFit boasts that its specialty is not specializing.

The fitness program attempts........................Click to read further.

Try Eating This Today

2c milk
2oz cheese
1 orange
4 macadamia nutz

6 oz lean beef
1 orange
1 dill pickle
1c spinach
1c tomato
1/3c brussel sprouts
4 macadamia nuts

1 apple
6 almonds
3oz ground beef

4oz chicken
1 orange
2c broccoli
1c spinach
1c tomato
4tbs avocado

1 cup strawberries
1 cup milk
3 ice cubes
2 macadamia nuts
*blend the milk, strawberries and ice cubes together and let chill for 20-30 minutes

*This is a 4 block menu for a male.  If you are a:
2 block, simply divide all the servings by 2
3 block, simply divide all serviings by 1.5

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

CrossFit Nasty Girls


2009 Canada Ironman Finisher, Dana Robinson-Slote (14:42:09)
"Tabata something else"


Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest where the first 8 intervals are pull-ups, the second 8 are push-ups, the third 8 intervals are sit-ups, and finally, the last 8 intervals are squats. There is no rest between exercises.

Post total reps from all 32 intervals to comments.

"CrossFit Nasty Girls"

011310 Results:

Katie B.-10:28

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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Hardcore athletes drop the gym for Crossfit


Complete for time:

50m OH Lunges (#10/#25)
21 Box Jump (20”)
50m OH Lunges (#10/#25)
15 Box Jump (20”)
50m OH Lunges (#10/#25)
9 Box Jumps (20”)
50 OH Lunges (#10/#25)
10 Burpees

Hardcore athletes drop the gym for Crossfit

An underground ultra fitness movement is catching on in Seattle. This exercise routine isn't like anything you've ever seen with people moving around rocks and tires. The training is in a warehouse. It barely even looks like a gym. There is no nautilus, elliptical machines, even treadmills, and that's exactly the point.

"The concept with machines is..................Click here to continue reading, courtesy of

Monday, January 11, 2010

Stay Fit In 2010


10 Squat cleans 65/95
Max dips (ring or bench)

Stay Fit in 2010
CrossFit is one of the fastest-growing fitness programs in the world!

Seattle - If you're tired of the same old boring gym routine, it may be time to try CrossFit. With over 650 locations throughout the United States and Canada, CrossFit aims to change your idea of what a "gym" is.

Kaci visited Northwest Crossfit in the Green Lake neighborhood of Seattle to learn first-hand what a CrossFit workout feels like. Owner Jake Platt says the programs are designed for universal use - people of any fitness level can benefit from their programs, provided they have the commitment.

One of the major differences between the gym and CrossFit: no workout machines or exercise balls. At CrossFit, they believe working out on so-called unnatural objects only makes you good at working out on unnatural objects. So at CrossFit, they use only functional exercises that are primal in nature. Running, jumping, crawling, lifting... You get the idea!

Courtesy of,

011110 Results:

Great job Team! Today was not for the meek!

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Sunday, January 10, 2010

What is Weightlifting?


Complete 21,15,9 for time:

200m Run
L Arm Thruster (#25/#45)
R Arm Thruster (#25/#45)

What is Weightlifting?

Weightlifting when said to the average gym goers brings up images of most likely curls, bench press and other "glorious" upper body exercises. However, this is incorrect! Weightlifting in its true sense refers to the sport of Olympic Weightlifting. Most individuals do not participate in weightlifting because of a lack of knowledge about the sport, fear of the weights (nobody wants a crushed head), and lack of resources (place to train, coaches, etc.). Realistically speaking though, weightlifting is an extremely safe sport and the only injuries that occur are due to negligence and freak accidents. Many people also confuse weightlifting with powerlifting, but they are two separate entities. Powerlifting involves measuring how much one can lift in the bench, deadlift, and squat. Olympic weightlifting measures how much one can lift in the Snatch and Clean and Jerk.

Many people think bodybuilding is.............CLICK HERE TO READ FUTHER, courtesy of Olympic Weightlifting Resouce (

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Go Read and Learn!


Rest Day or Make Up Day

*if you missed any of the WOD's this week go back and make it up


Home for the Day: visit

To do:
1) watch any of the videos
2) Read any article
3) Report back and tell us what you liked and learned

Have a great day!

Coach Scott

010810 Results:

(10) Brian-6:46/#75
(8) Charlie 6:33/#95
(8) Emilee 6:24/#65
(6) Mary-7:18/#55
(12) Kelly-6:25/#55
(6) Amy-8:13/#45
(12) Crystal-6:26/#75
(6) Pam-6:57/#55
(12) Terry-9:10/#50
(8) Luci-8:58/#55
(12) Katie-7:57/#85
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Friday, January 8, 2010

Bulletproof that Back


Complete “Team Barbara” for time:

60 Pull-ups
90 Push-ups
120 Sit-ups
150 Squats
*Teams 3

Bulletproof That Back

by Eric Cressey

Sooner or later, you're going to tweak your back, and there's nothing you'll ever experience, perhaps shy of limb dismemberment, that'll put a stop to your training as cruelly or effectively. Of course, if you've already had some back problems, you know what we're talking about. Either way we recommend you bone up on the back. It's one complex little beastie.

It's time for Round 3 of my Lower Back Savers. If you missed Parts 1 and 2, check them out here and here, respectively.

This time around, we've got fewer bullet points and plenty of videos.

15. Reevaluate Your Use of Unstable Surfaces.

I've spent a good chunk of the last five years studying unstable surface training (UST). In fact, the results of my master's thesis were published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research in 2007, and I've written an entire e-book about the topic.

My main impression that's come about from all this research and experimentation is that UST is like the food guide pyramid of the exercise world. There are certain people in certain scenarios (e.g., ankle sprain rehabilitation, upper extremity proprioception drills) who need to use it, whereas it's remarkably inappropriate for others. Standing on an unstable surface is different than sitting on an unstable surface, which is also different than doing a push-up on an unstable surface.

I could go in a hundred different directions with this, but for the sake of brevity — and to avoid the guaranteed Internet pissing match that would ensue — I'll simply highlight one obvious perspective and back it up with a bit of research. Classic "core" work on unstable surfaces doesn't really carry over to anything.

Click here to continue reading, courtesty of Eric Cressey

Result from 010710:

Terry R.-18 2/3
Crystal F.-17 2/3
Brandy-12 2/3
Scott-11 1/3
Linnea 10 2/3
Gabe-10 2/3
Karen-10 2/3

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Paleo Diet for Athletes


Push Jerk


150 Wallballs (12lbs/20lbs)

© 2005 Loren Cordain, PhD and Joe Friel, MS

Serious athletes, however, when it comes to immediately before, during, and directly
after workouts, need to bend the rules of the Paleo Diet a bit since we're placing
demands on the body that were not normal for our Stone Age ancestors. Hour after
hour of sustained high energy output and the need for quick recovery are the serious
athlete’s unique demands. This requires some latitude to use nonoptimal
foods on a
limited basis. The exceptions may best be described by explaining the athlete’s 5
stages of daily eating relative to exercise.

Stage I: Eating Before Exercise

In brief, we recommend that athletes eat low to moderate glycemic index
carbohydrates at least two hours prior to a hard or long workout or race. There may
also be some fat and protein in this meal. All foods should be low in fiber. Take in 200
to 300 calories for every hour remaining until exercise begins. If eating two hours
prior is not possible, then take in 200 or so calories 10 minutes before the workout or
race begins.

Stage II: Eating During Exercise

During long or hard workouts....................................Click to continue reading

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Hi Isabelle... Josh just ruled you.

Josh Everett is one of the fittest men alive. This video is Josh doing “Isabelle”. It’s a great example of the kind of work capacity that strength PLUS cardio-repertory endurance can produce. Josh would not be the athtelete that he is today if he was not both strong and well conditioned.
For a little perspective, before you watch the video, my time (coach Corey) for “Grace” a similar workout which is 30 - #135 power cleans, is about 4:30.

Isabelle is 30 - # 135 snatches, which is much harder… see what happens:

thats sick Josh!

AMRAP in 20 minutes
8 Jumping Pull-ups
5 Burpee

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


400m Run
50 "Double Unders"

3 rounds

Today's homework assignment is to go to and find an article that interests you. On the left column there is a tab "Categories", if you are looking for anything specific this is where you will start your journey. So go out and learn something new and then leave a comment.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Monday, January 4, 2010

CrossFit Disco

Yes, CrossFit is hard.
Yes, its Functional.
Yes, its kinda serious.... some times,
but ya gotta know how to have soime fun.

Im sure this WOD is freakin hard, but they did it with style!

at SWCF costumes are always welcome!
Video Source: CrossFit Football

Progressive Deadlift, 80% 1RM

1 repetition 1st minute, 2 repetitions 2nd minute 3 repetition 3rd minutes, etc until you can no longer perform. Once you cannot perform each minute you are done

Sunday, January 3, 2010

How to Keep your New Years Resolutions


Complete 3 rounds for time:

400m run
21 KB (25/53)
12 Pull-ups

How to Keep Your New Year's Resolutions: Advice from the Experts

About half of all American adults (48%, according to a Marist poll taken in December) say they are at least somewhat likely to make a New Year's resolution this year. Their top vows: to lose weight (19%), quit smoking (12%) and exercise more (10%). Sound familiar?

The Marist poll also found that while 65% of people who made a resolution in 2008 kept their promise for at least part of the following year, 35% never even made it out of the gate. Indeed, when you wake bleary-eyed on the first day of a new year - or decade - resolutions to "cut back" and "moderate" seem both an excellent idea and an impossibly hazy dream.

But consider this: if hard-core addicts can break bad habits - some by moderating, not just quitting - there's still hope for you. Whether your goal for 2010 is to get fit or tame your drinking, experts say there's a lot you can learn from people who have successfully moderated their habits to help keep you off the resolution merry-go-round.  CLICK HERE to continue reading............

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Is Exercising Safe For Those With Back Pain?


Rest Day

*go outside and doing something fun

Is Exercising Safe for Those with Back Pain?

Many people with back pain don't know whether it is safe to do exercises or if exercises will worsen their condition. It all depends on the cause of the back pain.

Exercising is beneficial for various conditions causing back pain, even osteoarthritis of the spine. Always check with a doctor as to which exercises are appropriate for you to do.

BED REST FOR A COUPLE OF DAYS ONLY: Muscles go into spasms at the site of an acute injury (triggered by inflammation). Muscle spasms restrict movement to protect the body from further injury. Muscle spasms may cause intense pain. For the first couple of days after an acute back injury, lying on a firm surface may be helpful in relieving muscle spasms and pain.

After a couple of days........, click to continue. Courtesy of

200m Run
20 Thrusters
200m Run
30 Wall Balls
200m Run
40 Push-ups
100m Walking Lunges

*teams of 2, for time

Friday, January 1, 2010


Run 5K

Happy New Years!!!

Class Schedule

No Classes Today

With every New Years there are always new goals, new year resolutions, and new starts.  Some times you hear people say," I don't make a New Years resolution" and others have multiple New Years resolutions .  Whatever your stance is on New Years resolutions, as long as you have something you are striving for that is all that matters.  It doesn't have to be the new year that you make this goal but as long as you are making goals you are on the right track.

Every January 1st there are new goals and the very sad reality is that only 10% of those making a New Years resolutions actually follow through.  So as CrossFitters our goal is to follow through with whatever goals we make for 2010.  Here are a few tips on how to stay true to your goals and true to yourself.

1) Write down any goals you make
2) Make it public (to friends and family members)
3) Journal daily on your journey
4) Make a list of 50 reason why you want to accomplish this goal
5) Find some of your favorite quotes and post them where they will always be visible

These are only a few way to stay strong to your New Years resolution, but they are ways.  As we start 2010 lets make this a year to remember and a year to accomplish big things.