Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Rest and Recovery After Exercise-Improve Sports Performance

Complete 5 rounds for time:

10 (BW)Back Squats
10 Ring Dips
*BW= Body Weight

Today's (12/31) Class Schedule

"Open Gym"-1pm-3pm
No 6pm Class

Rest and Recovery After Exercise-Improve Sports Performance

Most athletes know that getting enough rest after exercise is essential to high-level performance, but many still over train and feel guilty when they take a day off. The body repairs and strengthens itself in the time between workouts, and continuous training can actually weaken the strongest athletes.

Rest days are critical to sports performance for a variety of reasons. Some are physiological and some are psychological. Rest is physically necessary so that the muscles can repair, rebuild and strengthen. For recreational athletes, building in rest days can help maintain a better balance between home, work and fitness goals.

In the worst-case scenario, too few rest and recovery days can lead to overtraining syndrome - a difficult condition to recover from.

What Happens During Recovery?

Building recovery time into any training program is important because...............Click here to continue

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Complete 4 total cycles:

5 Push-ups
5 Thrusters #45/#65
5 Power Snatch #45/#65
AMRAP 3 minutes
Rest 60 seconds

Thursday December 31, 2009

"Open Gym" 1:00-3:00

*stop by during an Open Gym session and one of our coaches will run you through the WOD

Monday, December 28, 2009

How Can You Manage Your Stress?


Back Squat

*73% 1 RM

How Can You Manage Your Stress?

First, recognize stress:

Stress symptoms include mental, social, and physical manifestations. These include exhaustion, loss of/increased appetite, headaches, crying, sleeplessness, and oversleeping. Escape through alcohol, drugs, or other compulsive behavior are often indications. Feelings of alarm, frustration, or apathy may accompany stress.

If you feel that stress is affecting your studies,a first option is to seek help through your educational counseling center.

Stress Management is the ability to maintain control when situations, people, and events make excessive demands. What you can do to manage your stress? What are some strategies?

Continue reading....................., courtesy of

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Listening to Your Pain


Complete 3 rounds for time:

400m Run
21 KB Swing  #26/#44
15 Box Jump, 20"

Listening to Your Pain

Almost everyone has heard the phrase, "No pain, no gain." What most people don't know is the definition of pain. Pain is the body's warning sign that it's in jeopardy of being injured. A more appropriate phase would be, "If it hurts, don't do it." You may be performing an exercise incorrectly, or the exercise may not work well for you. Pain may also indicate that you have an injury you are aggravating by the exercise you are performing.
Knowing how far to take it

During your muscle conditioning exercises, you should gradually increase the amount of weight you're lifting — enough repetitions that you exhaust or deplete your energy to lift it one more time.
The best way to stimulate muscle growth and strength is to push your muscles to a new level. This can be accomplished by changing exercises, increasing your weights, increasing the intensity of your workout (by decreasing the time interval between sets, for example), and pushing your muscles to the point of fatigue or failure. Serious athletes constantly use all of these techniques to adapt their muscles to new stresses.

Remember, in order for your muscles to grow.........Click Here to Read further, courtesy of

God's Workout


Rest Day or Make Up Day

*If you missed a WOD this week, make it up and post your time in the comment

God's Workout
by Viriginia Heffernan

The superfit walk among us. They saunter or strut, depending on whether they’re showcasing their magnificent agility or their oxlike strength. They ignore the chatter in the health media over treadmill technique and pedometer steps. They scoff even at seemingly rigorous practices like Mysore Ashtanga yoga and marathon training. They are America’s self-styled fitness elite, adherents of a punishing online exercise regime called CrossFit, which orders its followers to cultivate a distinctly martial — not to say paranoid — ideal of “physical preparedness.”

CrossFit has 450 chapters in 43 states (and several other countries). The network has a message for the merely healthy: “Your workout is our warm-up.” Every day, its members consult like a Book of Common Prayer, receiving instructions for their workout rites and periods of rest. Performing caveman feats like hauling, clambering, trudging, snatching, hurling and deadlifting, CrossFitters deliberately overwhelm and distress their bodies, executing near-impossible stunts with as much weight as they can bear. A Workout of the Day, or W.O.D., might include 50 kettlebell swings, 3 800-yard dashes in rapid succession and 10 pull-ups. Then repeat. No breaks. No weight machines. All you need is a body built for discipline and a mind that can justify so much apparent self-abuse.

The spare site is the foundation of the CrossFit ministry. It resembles not so much a gym as a system of alleys, a rough...........Click to continue reading "God's Workout".

Friday, December 25, 2009

Paleo Holiday Recipes


Team WOD (2 persons per team)

Complete top to bottom for time:

30 Medball Cleans
*partner holds medball  overhead while partner completes exercise, then switches
30 Squats
*partner holds a bottom squat wile partner completes exercise, then switches
30 Sit-ups
*partner holds a v-up while partner completes exercise, then switches
30 Wall Balls
*partner holds the bottom of the front squat while partner completes exercise, then switches
30 Burpees
*partner holds the push-up position while partner completes exercise, then switches

Paleo Holiday Recipes


13.5 oz can of unsweetened coconut milk
1 cup almond butter
dash of celtic seasalt
3 tsp vanilla extract
3 cups crushed pecans
1/2 c finely shredded unsweetened coconut (may need sifting - the finer the better!!)

Boil the milk and coconut until the coconut is not longer visible. Add salt, vanilla and almond butter. Bring to a boil and reduce heat. Add in pecans and stir til thickens. Poor into wax paper lined pan. Chill for 24 hrs to set. Serve COLD!!

Paleo Pumkin Pie

15 oz can solid pack pumpkin
2 eggs
1/2 Cup Agave
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon ginger
1/3 Cup Ground Almonds
8 Pecan Halves

Mix up everything but the nuts in 1 bowl. Spread the ground almonds out into the pie pan. Gently pour mixture into pan and add pecan halves on top. Cook for 45-60 min at 350F (watch it - i put foil on top half way thru to make sure nothing burns). Check by inserting toothpick or butter knife - should come out clean. Now come on, you're not gonna impress Grandma with this recipe, but this is what i'll be eating :D

Thursday, December 24, 2009

7 Most Effective Exercises


...its gonna be a white Christmas!
-Merry Christmas SWCF'ers!!!
-Coach Corey


Merry Christmas StoneWay CrossFitters!!!

Complete distance for time:

Run 5K

7 Most Effective Exercises
by Barbara Russi Sarnataaro

Experts say there is no magic to exercise: You get out of it what you put in. That doesn't mean you have to work out for hours each day. It just means you need to work smart.

That said, experts agree that not all exercises are created equal. Some are simply more efficient than others, whether they target multiple muscle groups, are suitable for a wide variety of fitness levels, or help you burn calories more effectively.

So what are the best exercises? We posed this question to four fitness experts and compiled a list of their favorites.

1. Walking

Any exercise program should include cardiovascular exercise, which strengthens the heart and burns calories. And walking is something you can do anywhere, anytime, with no equipment other than a good pair of shoes.

It's not just for beginners, either: Even the very fit can get a good workout from walking.

"Doing a brisk walk can burn up to 500 calories per hour," says Robert Gotlin, DO, director of orthopaedic and sports rehabilitation at Beth Israel Medical Center in New York. Since it takes 3,500 calories to lose a pound, you could expect to lose a pound for every seven hours you walk, if you did nothing else.

Don't go from the sofa to walking an hour day, though. Richard Cotton, a spokesman for the American Council on Exercise, says beginners should start by walking five to -10 minutes at a time, gradually moving up to at least 30 minutes per session.

"Don't add more than five minutes at a time," he says. Another tip: It's better to lengthen your walks before boosting your speed or incline.

2. Interval training

Whether you're a beginner or an exercise veteran, a walker or an aerobic dancer, adding interval training to your cardiovascular workout will boost your fitness level and help you lose weight.

"Varying your pace throughout the exercise session stimulates the aerobic system to adapt," says Cotton. "The more power the aerobic system has, the more capacity you have to burn calories."

The way to do it is to push the intensity or pace for a minute or two, then back off for anywhere from two to -10 minutes (depending on how long your total workout will be, and how much time you need to recover). Continue doing this throughout the workout.

Click here to read the remainiging 5 exercises..............

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Don't open the pantry

Vacations and holidays can be very challenging because its a change in routine, workout schedule and most importantly, diet.

Here is whats in the pantry at "home".

(in case you cant see whats in there, several bags of chips. oreos, 6 boxes of crackers, breakfast bars, lots of beans, sweet potatoes, bread, buns, some kind of pastry thing, cake and muffin mix)
Here is whats on the counter, desserts and sweets and more junk:

Here is what you should go buy at the store:

and here is where you should go workout:
 County Line CrossFit, Roanoke Texas
And this is the newest member of your extended family, Jesse, owner of County Line CrossFit.

Hope you guys are all having a great Christmas, but dont give up on your diet or on your workout plans.
WOD 12/24/09
5 Deadlifts (115/185)
10 Burpees

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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Hill Training: Running


Complete 2 rounds of each cycle 4 times:

100m run
20 Jump Squats
10 Pull-ups
Rest 30 seconds

*run through the list twice, rest, repeat 4 times total

What is Hill Training?
Hill training is a method of running up hills to increase muscle power and strength.
Hill training is very demanding at first because you work muscles that you don't use very often while running. However, the more you hill train, the easier it becomes. 
Hill training is an effective way of buliding aerobic power and strength. It is a great form of resistance training for runners because as you run up a hill, you are fighting the resistance of the slope.

Hill-training workouts should only be done once, or at the most twice, per week.
Is Hill Training Only Beneficial to Runners?

No. Hill training is ideal for athletes who depend on high running speeds.
Benefits of Hill Training?
The most common benefits of hill training are: strengthen hamstrings, calves, glutes, hip flexors and achilles tendons. Hill running uses more upper-body muscles than flat running.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Benefits of Olympic Weightlifting


Squat Clean


Benefits of Olympic Weightlifting

You are probably wondering what makes Olympic Weightlifting a better choice for resistance training than others forms. Weightlifting offers many benefits over bodybuilding, powerlifting, and machines. However, the main reason people do not participate in weightlifting is because they are afraid of getting injury, however this is a false assumption that is easily discredited.

Safety and Injury Aspect of Weightlifting

Various studies were done showing Olympic weightlifting to be the safest form of resistance training there is. One study assessed the injury potential and safety aspects of weightlifting movements and Olympic weightlifting proved to be the safest (Stone, Injury). Another aspect that keeps many people away from weightlifting is the supposed fatal injury to the back. Again this is a false assumption spread through ignorance. A study was done comparing weightlifting to a control group of normal active men and their back pain was assessed. It turns out that only 23% of the weightlifters experienced back pain compared to 31% of the normal active men (Granhed). Another study was performed concerning the injury per 100 hours and yes again weightlifting faired better than other forms of resistance training. In fact, for weightlifters the injury rate was less than half of the other forms of weight training (Hamill). Weightlifting training and competitions together are much safer than other sports such as football, basketball, soccer, etc (Stone, Muscle). It is clear to see that Olympic weightlifting is an extremely safe form of resistance training and sport for people to participant in.

Click Here for more benefits, courtesy of Olympic Weightlifting Resources

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Fast and Furious


Complete 3 rounds for time:

10 Burpees
15 KB Swing (25lbs/45lbs)

Fast and furious: use interval training to get better, quicker results in damn near everything
by Craig Ballantyne

LIFE IS FULL OF CHOICES: PAPER OR plastic? Soup or salad? Blondes or brunettes? And most of the time, it doesn't really matter. But as for which cardio method works best for fat loss, there's clearly a winning pick: interval training. That's because hard and fast beats slow and steady every single time (except in fables). Better yet, interval training is also a secret weapon for endurance athletes and bodybuilders. In fact, you could say it's the ultimate training tool for any goal.

An interval is a brief bout of intense physical activity--such as a sprint--alternated with a longer period of rest or lighter exercise. For example, you might run all-out for 15 seconds, then........

Cure for diabetes


Rest Day or Make Up Day
 *if you missed a WOD this week make it up

This is GREAT news!

According to this article,( ) they have potentially found a way to ‘cure’ Type 2 Diabetes and obesity all in one shot!  Unfortunately, this is yet another example of the medical and research communities enabling the public to continue in the unhealthy diet and lifestyle patterns they are accustomed to.  Instead of making recommendations for prevention, they offer seemingly ‘easy’ solutions in the form of drugs and/or surgery.   For the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries this means more money in their pockets and less time spent counseling patients on preventative measures.  Additionally, the public may view this as a “Get out of Jail Free” Card to eat what they want until they ‘break’ and then go in and get ‘fixed’ for another 100,000 miles.

Surgery and drugs may work, but eating Paleo combined with a smart exercise program, works too!  And the best part – you will never have to limit meals to servings of two tablespoons – in liquid form, steak is always on the menu, and fat is your dietary friend!  Eat it up!

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Friday, December 18, 2009

Stronger, one painfull day at a time...

You should probably come join the fun

SATURDAY 12/19/09
Teams of 3
800m Run
155 Thrusters (45/65)
155 Pull ups
800m run

If you are looking for recipes or ideas on what to put in a meal come over for and visit Coach Scott's Daily Food Journal.  Nutrition is 80% of our success or fail rate at any fitness program.  So commonly we think that nutrition is not as important as our workout or as important at our daily routine.  However, we find that if we don't have a balanced nutrition life our workouts and daily routines are very much effectived.  After starting the Paleo Diet I (coach scott) have felt so radically changed.  I have more energy throughout the day, I am sleeping so much better at night and my body feels so good. 

So, I you are interested at all about looking good and feeling good check it out!

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Holiday Season Workout Tips


Power Snatch


Holiday Season Workout Tips
by Brian Ayers, CSCS

December is, for most people, the hardest month of the holiday season to maintain or lose weight because instead of just one event there are a series of parties that go on all month!!! For tips on controling your calorie intake at holiday parties, check out my Thanksgiving Survival Guide. Unfortunately, the added caloric intake is only part of the reason people gain weight during the holidays. All the extra time spent shopping, wrapping, baking and attending gatherings will inevitably cut into your workout time. Here are a few tips to help you get the most out of your limited workout time:

Don't expect to keep 100% on track with your exercise routine.

You should still try to exercise whenever you can, but this may not be the best time to be on a real ambitious routine. If you are on a complicated routine that is dependent on following a set schedule then you are setting yourself up for failure and, even worse, disappointment. Some people take the "all or nothing" approach and feel like they need to make every workout or it's not worth doing it at all. When the holidays roll around and interrupt their workout schedule they abandon exercising all together with the idea that they will get back to it when they have time in January. Instead of that approach try adopting a more flexible training program that focuses on the basics and allows you to get the most out of the time that you can find. This will help keep those holiday pounds at bay. Anything is better than nothing and don't let perfect get in the way of good.

Continue Reading Tips....................

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


These videos are incrediIble! The CrossFit journal will give you a sneak peek into the CrossFit games and a chance to see 150 CrossFit athletes compete for the title of fittest man/woman alive. Watching these athletes is extremely inspirational to me in many ways….

As an athlete these videos makes me want to train harder than ever and reach the absolute top of my game. Seeing the work capacity of these people is a reminder hard work is not optional for elite fitness.
As a coach it makes me want to be excellent. To be an excellent teacher, coach and example, to bring excellence to each workout.
As an owner it makes me want to continue to encourage the community aspect of CrossFit. Guys like Spealer who are willing to reach out and shake hands w/ the competition in the middle of a WOD b/c in reality, we are all on the same team.

Watching this just a great reminder that we are a part of the best progam in the world and I want continue to bringing dedicated, hard working individuals together, changing as many lives as possible... for time ;)

I cannot wait for the ‘10 games. Hopefully as a participant, hopefully as a coach, but without a doubt as a spectator.


Row 2000m

For time

-Coach Corey

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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

10 Reasons to Give Up Grains


Complete 5 round for time:
50m OH Lunges (#10/#25)
50 Sit-ups

10 Reasons to Give Up Grains
courtesy of

I’ve been toying, off and on, with the idea of eliminating grains for a while. I love them though – they’re delicious in all their slightly sweet, grainy goodness. Still, there’s little reason to incorporate them into the diet on a regular basis with the exception of one: personal preference. I know, I know. I can hear you now: “But they’re good for you!” “But they reduce heart disease!” “But they have fiber!” Here’s a little food for thought: there’s no vitamin or mineral you can get from grain that you can’t get in better quantities elsewhere. So let’s take a look:

Why You Should Go Grain-free

1. If you can get it from grain, you can get it elsewhere.

The big heroes of most grains’ nutrient profile are dietary fiber and B vitamins. Take heed, every grain is different and different grains offer different nutrient profiles. Yet, one thing remains constant: if you can find the nutrient in grain, you can find the nutrient in better quantities in other foods. For example, 100 grams of whole wheat flour contains 44 mcg of folate; however, a 100-gram portion of lamb liver will give you 400 mcg of folate and a 100-gram portion of yardlong beans will give you a whopping 658 mcg per 100-gram portion. Similarly with the B Vitamins niacin and thiamin, while a 100-gram whole wheat flour contains 30% of the RDA for niacin and 32% of the RDA for thiamin, you can find these nutrients in higher quantities in other foods – namely flaxseeds and sesame seeds. Whole grains are often touted as health foods for their fiber content, but you can find dietary fiber in better quantities in other, more nutrient-dense foods. For example: 100 grams of cooked brown rice offers up 1.8 grams of dietary fiber; by contrast, a 100-gram serving of cooked collard greens offers 2.8 grams; 100 grams of raw fireweed contains a whopping 11 grams of dietary fiber and even green peas contain about 5 grams of fiber per serving.

Read the last 9 reasons..........

Monday, December 14, 2009

Check your Facts

Is red meat really bad?
Are grains really good?
Is the government’s version of the food pyramid really the correct way to eat?
If you ever feel like crap after lunch or are ready for bed after dinner think about why... is this just "the way things are" OR is your body actually trying to tell you something... Maybe your body is trying to let you know that the food your are eating is KILLING YOU!

... so, here is some food for thought:



1 Rep Max:

-Coach Corey

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Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Paleolithic Eating Support List's Recipe Collection


Complete 21-15-9 rep for time:
(just finish each round with a 200m run)

DB Squat Clean and Jerk (#35/#25)
Double Unders
Run 200m

The Paleolithic Eating Support List's Recipe Collection

Recipes are: grain-free, bean-free, potato-free, dairy-free, and sugar-free.

Ingredients used: meat, fish, eggs, fruit, vegetables, nuts, and berries.

By popular demand we have added a link to some great recipes and also a link to Coach Scott's Food Journal which you can access next to his bio.  After having our Nutrition seminar everyone has been asking about recipes and how you can make the Paleo Diet an easy transition?  Well, we are happy to assist you in any way possible but our first is giving you links and helpful article/journals. 

So, as the questions continue to pop up please don't hesitate to drop us line ( and


Saturday, December 12, 2009

Sprint Interval Training- "It's HIIT!"


Rest Day

Great job to everyone who participated in our Saturday WOD (Fight Gone Bad)!  Watch a great video of others going all out just like all you did today.  Enjoy this day to rest, go for a walk or simply watch a great movie with your loved ones.

See you guys on Monday!

Coach Scott

Sprint Interval Training- "It's HIIT!"
By: Mark J. Smith, Ph.D.

By HIIT, I do not mean that it is popular (although, finally and thankfully, it is certainly becoming so), but

rather, that sprint interval training (SIT) is also referred to as high‐intensity interval training or HIIT. It is of major importance that health care professionals make sure that the general public, as well as many contemporaries, get thoroughly educated about the superior health and fitness benefits of SIT, or “burst” training, as compared to low to moderate‐intensity continuous training (LMICT). This is because, despite research to the contrary, most people still believe that to develop a healthy heart and to lose weight, the best mode of exercise is long and continuous “cardio” exercise, which, inherently, requires a significant investment of time.

Click HERE to read the entire journal, courtesy of

Fight Gone Bad Returns



1) WallBall
2) SDLHP (sumo deadlift high pull)
3) Box Jump
4) Push Press
5) Burpees

3 Rounds

* each station's duration is 60 seconds, every 5 minutes each team takes a 60 second break

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Thursday, December 10, 2009

10 Tips When Eating Paleo



5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

AMRAP in 20 minutes

As many of you know already StoneWay CrossFit (SWCF) is having their first Paleo/Zone Diet Seminar this upcoming Saturday, December 12th @ 10am.  We plan to discuss what the "Zone Diet" is all about, along with what exactly is the "Paleolithic Diet"?  All participants in this seminar will all recieve excellent literature, meal plan and individual guidance regarding each and both of these diets.  Immediately followed by the seminar will be an introduction to SWCF's 1st Leaning Challenge.  Anyone can register for this contest whether they are a SWCF member or not.  Our goal is to educate as many people possible on Saturday who decides to participate and have them leave feeling more confident in their nutritional knowledge. 

Below is a short video offering 10 Tips while eating the Paleolithic way.  If you come up with any questions reagarding the Paleolithc Diet or the Zone Diet, contact us at or bring them on Saturday, December 12th @ 10am for our seminar.

Invite all friends and family to SWCF's 1st Leaning Challenge and plan to walk away with a better concept on how to eat.

-Coach Scott

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Whats all the Fuss about???

Understanding the real battle.

The biggest enemy to fitness is sloth and overindulgence, particularly of high-glycemic carbohydrates.

There is significant debate, as there should be, about how to optimize human performance. There has been a trend, however, to let these debates become divisive by some members of the community. This is a mistake.

Watch the video online here.

This is a great video about what is important. Dont get fooled, there are many different coaching styles and techniques but we are all on the same team...

 WOD 12/9/09

Sit ups
Thrusters (60/75)

-Coach Corey

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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Beauty in Strength



Power Clean 65lbs/95lbs
Elbows to Knees

post time in comments

Beauty in Strength
By The Women of the 2009 CrossFit Games

Just as the world’s finest vehicles are sleek, sexy blends of form and function, the women of the 2009 CrossFit Games are incredible physical specimens.

While the traditional “fitness girl” conjures up images of sequined bikinis and spray-on tans coating undernourished and barely functional bodies, CrossFit girls represent a special breed of athlete. These are beautiful, elegant women who are capable of unbelievable feats of athleticism, women whose beauty is enhanced by their strength, determination and resolve.

Media teams at the CrossFit Games took over 100,000 photos, and the CrossFit Journal presents the very best shots here in a tribute to the grace and beauty displayed by top female athletes in one of the world’s most rigorous proving grounds.

In Part 2 of this series, we’ll present the rugged, dynamic men of the 2009 CrossFit Games.

Click here to view, courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Leaning Challenge - This Saturday!!!

StoneWay CrossFit
Zone / Paleo Leaning Challenge

Kickoff Meeting - Dec 12th 10am @ the Fitness Lab
• December 12th through February 27th (11 weeks)
• Must eat Paleo, Zone or a combination of the two
• Cost $15/person
• Participants must submit a weekly food log online
• All participants must take before and after photos – front, side and back view. Women in shorts and sports bra/ bikini top, men in shorts.
• Results: coaches will narrow the field to the top 5; participants will pick the winner and runner up.
• Winner gets 70% of the total buy in, second place gets 30% of the buy in
• Open to anyone – invite friends, family, neighbors…

The Program:
The Zone and Paleo Diet not as much a “diet” as a lifestyle choice, to eat healthy and real foods. They are both designed to decrease body fat, increase lean muscle mass as well as overall health and performance.
If you put in the proper fuel (food) the engine (your body) will automatically run better. The result of this for most people will be to lose body fat. It is also possible to gain weight (by increasing lean muscle mass) if that is the goal of the individual. You can also expect to feel better and have more energy throughout the day and recover more quickly after workouts.

Leaning Challenge:

When: December 12th to Feb 27th
Cost: $15 – 70% of all money goes to winner, 30% to runner up

Kickoff Meeting: The Fitness Lab, December 12th 10am

Reserve your spot by posting your name to the comments section!


WOD Tues 12/8/09

10 Box Jumps 20''
20 Kettlebell swings (26/45)
30 Push press (45/65)
40 Back Extensions
50 Jumping Pull ups
40 Back extensions
30 Push Press (45/65)
20 Kettlebell swings (26/45)
10 Box Jumps 20''

-Coach Corey

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Sunday, December 6, 2009



30 OH Squats
15 Burpees
15 Sit-ups
30 OH Squat

*post time in comments

It’s sweeping Philly. But can CrossFit really become the workout for people who hate working out?

by Michael Callahan,

CrossFit — the new fitness craze now offered at 15 area gyms — basically works this way: You do super-intense workouts in very short bursts (some workouts last as little as seven minutes), and your body snaps into shape. It’s designed to get people like me, who are hardly exercise lovers, back into the gym on a regular basis. I was skeptical. But Dan Kramli, the owner of New Hope Fitness, told me that if I gave him 30 days, I’d become a convert. Here goes.
Day 1: Most of the workouts are named after women (don’t ask), and my first is Fran: 21 “thrusters” (thrusting a 35-pound weight bar above my head) and 21 pull-ups, followed by rounds of 15 and 9, respectively, which you’re supposed to do as quickly as you can. My hands are bleeding from the pull-ups, of which I can only do two before needing a green band to assist me getting over the bar. Memories of Ms. Whitman, my drill sergeant gym teacher at Woodrow Wilson Junior High, flood my brain. I end up with a final time of 28 minutes.

Day 2: I am assigned 150 “wall balls,” squatting and then throwing a 8-pound medicine ball above my head, against a wall, 150 times. I group them in spurts of 15, but by the halfway point my arms and shoulders are starting to scream. Time: 16:16. It feels like 16 days.

Day 3: I have to do as many sets as possible of 5 squats, 10 push-ups, and 15 sit-ups in 10 minutes. How can 10 minutes today feel longer than the 16 minutes I did yesterday? I manage 4 rounds before crumpling in a sweaty heap. Saying to myself, “Screw it, I deserve it,” that night I treat myself to a vanilla milkshake. A vision of Dan as an evil genie floats above me.

Day 4: No workout. Thank God.

The Politics of CrossFit

Rest Day

The Politics of CrossFit
By Russell Berger and Dan Freedman

Both Russell Berger and Dan Freedman are impressed with the overall quality of the rest day discussions posted on CrossFit. Russell, a former Ranger, noticed both the impact a fitness website was having on his thinking and an increasing number of complaints about the political rest day links.
I started paying attention to the CrossFit website four years ago. From the very beginning, CrossFit was built on mold-breaking, counter-culture methodology. One of the cornerstones of CrossFit was its analytical and objective approach to fitness. Establishment, theory, and speculation were cast aside and replaced with workouts that produced results. Recently, I’ve noticed more and more complaints about the less-noticeable information posted alongside the Workout of the Day. Right-leaning political commentary, articles, and studies are occasionally popping up on rest-day postings. To some this is a perverse and offensive combination....If an ideological affiliation had to be applied to CrossFit, it would almost certainly be the "Libertarian method" of fitness. Individual responsibility reigns, and everyone is held to the same standards of performance. Can you blame Coach Glassman for extending ideas that work so effectively in the fitness world to a larger model? Is it CrossFit's fault for seeing the parallels between a grass-roots fitness methodology and a free and effective society?

Dan, a former TV news director, doesn’t agree that appreciating the real world benefits of CrossFit necessitates a particular political view.
My beef? Some CrossFitters have a reflexive prejudice. They are in love with simple-minded perversity. They seem to think that if most people favor something, it must be wrong. But it ain’t necessarily so. Here’s the ultimate bit of contrarianism: sometimes the conventional wisdom is right. Sometimes expert opinion is well founded....In the fitness realm, who could argue against hard work or individual responsibility? But does it really follow that lax regulation of financial markets is a good idea? Could isolation exercises have a place in rehab programs? Might it be okay to eat bananas after all? Could raising taxes on the top 1% be sound economic policy?

Their full arguments are in the article. And, as always, if you have something to say, Post thoughts to Comments.

Click Here to read further, courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

Friday, December 4, 2009

What is I.W.C.O.B.T.A.M.D...?

Increased Work Capacity, Over Broad Time and Modal Domains
By Greg Glassman

Health can now be concisely and precisely defined as increased work capacity across broad time, modal, and age domains. Work capacity is the ability to perform real physical work as measured by force x distance / time (which is average power). Fitness is this ability in as many domains as possible.

Science is about measurement and prediction. Without measurable, observable, repeatable data concerning the fundamental physical units of kinematics (mass, distance, and time or MKS) there is no science of human performance. This is true of the planets, automobiles, and exercise.

CrossFit’s prescription for achieving this fitness is constantly varied high intensity functional movements. We can accurately predict improvements in work capacity across broad time, modal, and age domains through this prescription. We have tens of thousands of examples at this point.

HEALTH = Increased Work Capacity over a LIFETIME

Saturday WOD 12/5/09
In teams of 3 complete
Run 400m
150 Med ball cleans
150 Wall Ball shots
150 Handstand pushups
 150 Lunges
-Coach Corey

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Thursday, December 3, 2009

21st Annual Washington CF Stair Climb


100 Pull-Ups

post time in comment

*every time you drop from the bar or can not get your chin above the bar, you run 100m

Thursday December 3rd, 2009 marked the 21st Annual Washington Stair Climb for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. 

CF is a genetic disease affecting 30,000 children and adults in the United States. A defective gene causes the body to produce an abnormally thick, sticky mucus. This abnormal mucus leads to chronic and life-threatening lung infections and impairs digestion. Currently, there is no cure.

Scientists supported by the CF Foundation, however, are writing a remarkable medical success story. They are quickly translating information from the laboratory -- such as knowledge about the inner workings of CF cells -- into promising new strategies for therapies. In fact, more clinical trials are underway on new CF drugs than ever before in our history.

Lead by Lisa Worthington-Brown and Tasha Vander meer-Fellows, they created a team called "Team Breathe" to join up together and help raise money for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation  along with take the 56 floor vertical challenge on December 3rd, 2009.  Team Breathe's members included: Lisa Worthington-Brown, Tasha Vander Meer-Fellows, Gessner Brown, Russ Fellows, Mike, JJ, Corey Mcgee, Linnea Gierspach, Kim Azure, Terry Rosencrantz, Kelly Barron, and Scott Rodriguez.

The event ended with great success physically and financially.  Overall the event raised $160,000!!!  All members of Team Breathe completed the 56 floor vertical challenge but all did not get away from the burning lungs that was a result of running/walking up the stairs for time.  All members times are as follows, Corey (8:14), Scott (9:36), Kim (10:36), Kelly (13:10), Linnea (19:32), Terry/Lisa/Tasha/Russ/JJ/Mike (unknown).

It was a great event and a great way to spend your Thursday night which was for a great cause!

For more information about the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, please visit their Web site at

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

What to expect from CF

Jennie Yundt is a coach and CrossFit Fire in Illinois. As a coach and seasoned veteran of CrossFit she has posted her progression photos so that others can know two things:
#1 - I want to let other CrossFitters know what to expect from their hard work!
#2 - I want to eliminate the idea in women's heads that you "bulk up" from lifting weights. To see my Before & After pictures - please click here.

Thanks for sharing Jennie, very inspirational!


30 Clean & Jerks

-for time

-Coach Corey

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Nutrtition is Key


15 Left Arm DB Thrusters 15lbs/30lbs
15 Right Arm DB Thrusters 15lbs/30lbs
15 Sumo Deadlift High Pull 45lbs/65lbs

5 Rounds

Nutrition Nutrition Nutrition

One thing that we consistantly teach at SWCF is that nutrition is key! Being that nutrition is 80% of our success or failure that should grab our attention immediately.  Many myths out there state that the workout is the most important part of our program.  No matter how hard we work if we are not eating to our daily intake we are either under eating or over eating. 

Watch this video and grab insight on how you personally can improve in this area then work toward becoming more successful.