Thursday, September 30, 2010

October Burpee Challenge
15 + 1 (Day of the month)

The October Burpee Challenge rules are as follows:
1) you will do burpees for 30 days starting today
2) each day will begin with 15 burpees plus the day of the month
(15 + 1st day of the month = 16 burpees)

New Box: 2 Dravus St

Week 4
Push Press/Push Jerk
5 x 40%
5 x 50%
5 x 60%

"Air Force WOD"
20 Thrusters
20 Sumo-high pulls
20 Push Jerks
20 Overhead squats
20 front squats

*For every minute on the minute you have to perform 4 burpees.

CrossFit Games 2010 Arnold Classic Highlights

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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

September Endurance Challenge

Good Bye Fitness Lab

Today is the last day we will hold class at the Fitness Lab.  We will have classes at our new Box starting tomorrow.

2 Dravus St
Seattle, WA 98199

run or row

Past Videos at the Fitness Lab

Kelsey does "Randy"

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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

September Endurance Challenge
Rest Day

Deadlift, #225
50 Double Unders

by Tina Hesman (wired)

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Monday, September 27, 2010

September Endurance Challenge
"Tabata Sprints"
20 seconds sprint
10 seconds bottom to bottom hold
8 rounds

Allison going over head

Week 4
Front Squat/OHS
5 x 40%
5 x 50%
5 x 60%

With a continuously running clock do one pull-up and one burpee the first minute, two pull-ups and two burpees the second minute, three pull-ups and three burpees the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.

"Why Combatives?" with Kelly Starrett - video [wmv] [mov]

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Sunday, September 26, 2010

September Endurance Challenge
2 mile
for time

Kelsey doing/attempting a handstand at the Eiffel Tower

Week 4
5 x 40%
5 x 50%
5 x 60%

25 Walking lunge steps
20 Pull-ups
50 Box jumps, 20 inch box
20 Double-unders
25 Ring dips
20 Knees to elbows
30 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood
30 Sit-ups
20 Hang squat cleans, 35 pound dumbells
25 Back extensions
30 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball

"Graham Holmberg Talks Push-ups" - video [wmv] [mov]

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Saturday, September 25, 2010

September Endurance Challenge
5K run

Nea setting a new PR. Smashing her time by 15 minutes from last years time!

Rest Day

Who's says we start making some video? Ladies? Gentlemen?

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Friday, September 24, 2010

September Endurance Challenge
Rest Day

Kelsey doing handstands in Spain

"Team WOD"
2 x 400m run or 500m row

Complete 4 rounds of:
200m run
(runner dictates how long each round lasts)
Push Press
Weighted Sit-ups
Farmers walk

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Thursday, September 23, 2010

September Endurance Challenge
4 x 400m sprint
rest-1 minute

Post Team WOD

Week 3
Push Press or Push Jerk
5 x 75'%
3 x 85%
1 x 95%*
*max reps

Death by
 "Push-up and KB swing"

Match each minute with a push-up and a kb swing
(i.e. 1st minute: 1 push-up, 1 kb swing,....10th minute: 10 push-ups and 10 kb swings and so on)

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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

September Endurance Challenge
1 mile
for time

Week 3
Overhead or Front Squat
5 x 75%
3 x 85%
1 x 95%*
*max reps

AMRAP 3 minutes
10 air squats
5 pull-up
*repeat 3 more cycles

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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

She's Back!

September Endurance Challenge
Rest Day

That's how we do it!

5 rounds of:
400m run
30 Box Jumps
30 Wallballs

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Monday, September 20, 2010

September Endurance Challenge
10 x 100m sprint
rest-30 seconds

Remind me again why it's hard for you to workout?

Week 3
5 x 75%
3 x 85%
1 x 95%*
*max reps

3 rounds of:
5 Muscle Snatch
10 Front Squat

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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Kirkland Triathlon Done!

September Endurance Challenge
"Tabata Sprints"
*find a hill or straight path
*20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, 8 rounds

(Nea, Terry, Cheryl, Allison and Coach)

Complete 5 rounds of:
1 minute Double Unders
1 minute Wallballs
1 minute Burpee
1 minute Pull-ups
Rest-1 minute

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Saturday, September 18, 2010


September Endurance Challenge
Rest Day

Need some motivation? Don't we all?
Enjoy the rest of your REST DAY!

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Friday, September 17, 2010

Kirkland Triathlon

September Endurance Challenge
Rest Day

(Coach Corey and Coach Scott at the Kirkland Triathlon, 2006)

Team Field Trip
No 8am Class
Today we are meeting up at the Kirkland Triathlon at Carillon Point to cheer on all our athletes participating.  We will not have class today in lieu of the event.
For further info on the Kirkland Triathlon click, HERE!

CrossFit Swim Workout

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Thursday, September 16, 2010

September Endurance Championship
Rest Day

(Coach hanging around)

AMRAP 20 minutes:
10 Lunges(45/25)
15 Air Squats

Who's got what it takes?  What would you do?

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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Mobility Program

September Endurance Challenge
2 miles-Time Trial
(TT-Max Effort)

(Jerry competing in the Labor Day Cyclocross Championships)

Week 2
Push Press or Push Jerk
3 x 70%
3 x 80%
3 x 90%*
*max reps

AMRAP 12 minutes of:
10 KB Swings, 2 pood/1 pood
50yd Sprint

The Ultimate Handbook
Stretching-The Mobility Program

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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Local Brothers

September Endurance Challenge
Rest Day

(Andy in Barbados)

Week 2
Front Squat or Overhead Squat
3 x 70%
3 x 80%
3 x 90%*
*max reps

3 rounds of:
50 Double Unders
10 Power/Hang Clean(135/95)

King CrossFit Profile - video [wmv] [mov]

Check out a video from the main site featuring our brothers down in Renton, WA.  If you know anyone in that area send them over to King CrossFit.

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Monday, September 13, 2010

Core Stability

September Endurance Challenge
10 x 100m
Rest-30 seconds

 3 rounds of:
30 Squat Clean, #95/#75
30 Pull-ups
800m run

Core Stability: At the Chalkboard with Coach Glassman, a CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov]

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Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Moves

September Endurance Challenge
2 x 1 mile
(Taylor doing Double Unders)

Week 2
3 x 70%
3 x 80%
3 x 90%*
*max reps

5 min-max box jumps
3 min-max 50m run
1 min-max burpees
*tally max reps
(each 50m = 1 rep)

The Moves
by Greg Glassman

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Saturday, September 11, 2010

September Endurance Challenge
Rest Day

Rest Day

Chatting about the Snatch with Mike Burgener - video [wmv] [mov]

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Friday, September 10, 2010


September Endurance Challenge
"Death by 10 meters"

On the minute of every minute complete 10 meters reflecting the minute you are on
(1st minute = 10m, 2nd minute = 20m, 3rd minute = 30m, etc).
How ever much time is left in the minute that is the rest period.  Continue until you can not complete the minute.

40 Rounds of:
5 Burpees
10 Med Ball Squats
5 Pull Ups

In teams of 2 you will complete 40 total rounds only 1 person works at a time alternating each round! The other teamate will hold a med ball overhead while other is completing there round!

by Jared Wilmers

This is an article we had written up recently about our programming and what we offer as a Seattle Gym.  When people in Seattle are looking for "CrossFit in Seattle" or "Seattle CrossFit gyms" our protocol is highly desired do to the unique description of our program.  There are not a lot of gym that are offering functional movenments ONLY in their program nor the diversity that we (StoneWay CrossFit have to offer).  Not only do we focus on strength and body composition reformation, but we focus on safety, nutrition, gymnastics, track and field along having 100% fun!  So take a second to read this article and pass it to all your friends and family members who you think need StoneWay CrossFit in there lives.  (FYI, that's everyone!)

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Thursday, September 9, 2010


September Endurance Challenge
Run 5K

(Kelsey in Spain)

Week 1
Push Press or Push Jerk
5 x 65%
5 x 75%
5 x 85%*
*max reps

Push Press, #65/#45
Double Unders
Air Squats

Need a Hobby? Cyclocross Sound fun?

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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Who's Down for this Challenge?

September Endurance Challenge
Rest Day

50 Pull-ups
(Rx: Non-Kipping)
25 Wallballs, #20/#12
2 mile run

3000 Burpee Challenge

Should we do this?

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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Long Deadlift Analysis

September Endurance Challenge
Perform 3+ after SWCF WOD
10min TT and 5 min rest
5 min TT and 2:30 rest
2:30 TT and 1:15 rest
1:15 TT and 45sec rest
45sec TT and Done!

(Andy in Barbados)

Week 1
Front Squat or Over Head Squat
5 x 65%
5 x 75%
5 x 85%*
*max reps

5 rounds of:
10 Walking Lunges, #155
10 Front Squats, #155
20 Push-ups

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Monday, September 6, 2010

Do Your Homework!

September Endurance Challenge
Run: 2 Mile TT
*max effort

How can I measure a route from my house?

Week 1
1st set- 5 x 65%
2nd set- 5 x 75%
3rd set- 5 x 85%*
*max reps

AMRAP 15 minutes
12 Sit-ups
9 Burpees
6 Kettlebell, #53/#35

How to do a Kipping Pull-ups
This is the most desired skill by our clients in our gym and this is the more disired skill your coaches desire you to have.  This week I want EVERYONE to get at least 15 minutes (accumulated) this week on the bar working on your 1) straight legs with a pulling back of the heels, 2) straight leg with a connection of heels back and toes forward.  In class we speak about starting at the shoulders then working down.  Now on this lecture work from the feet/ankls up to the shoulders.  When you are able to get an agressive (controlled) swing that will iniate the 'Hollow Rock"  Good Luck!

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Sunday, September 5, 2010

Happy Labor Day

September Endurance Challenge
Run: 8x200m
rest-90 seconds between each interval

"Happy Labor Day"
Rest Day

Warm-up with Team CrossFit Fort Vancouver - video [wmv] [mov]

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Saturday, September 4, 2010

Flexibility vs. Mobility

September Endurance Challenge
Rest Day

Mercer Island CrossFit is having a FREE Team WOD today at 9am.  Go on over and enjoy a workout in another location.  Coach Katie starts at the top of the hour so show up with a few minutes to warm-up. 

Stroum Jewish Community
3801 East Mercer Way, Mercer Island

by Mikki Reilly

There seems to be a bit of confusion around the concepts of flexibility and mobility. So let's begin with a couple of definitions. Flexibility is the ability to flex, extend, or circumduct a joint through its intended full range of motion. So we're talking about the length of the tissues here, nothing more.

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High Performance Pregnancy

September Endurance Challenge
Run: 4 x 200m + 2 x 400m best possible average 90sec rest per 200, 2min rest per 400 (do not go 2 sec slower per worst 200 and 3 sec slower per worst 400 or foul).
2 minute recovery
Foul: maximum pushups 1 round

25m OH Lunges*
20 Burpees*
25m OH Lunges*
20 Burpees*
80 Pull-ups**
90 Squats**
100 Calorie Row**
*each member complete reps
**members share reps/calories

High Performance Pregnancy
by Andrea Nitz
Andrea Nitz is the founder of CrossFit Mom, and explains why executing a wide variety of functional movements at relatively high intensity is also good for pregnant women.
“Is it safe to exercise while pregnant?” is an age-old question. In earlier times, pregnant women were told to stay in bed and rest, due to their “delicate” condition. Even today, some doctors will tell their pregnant patients not to do anything more strenuous than walking.
As CrossFitters, we see things differently.  We know what we are doing is good for our body, so how could it be bad for our baby? As many studies have shown, it’s not. It is actually very good for the kid. All of the great things that you are doing for your cardiovascular system by exercising, you are also doing for your baby’s. Having trained many pregnant clients and been forced to develop safe, specific maternity-oriented exercises and rules as a trainer at CrossFit Brand X in Ramona, Calif. (also the HQ of CrossFit Kids), I have seen for myself that babies born to CrossFitting moms have a number of similar traits that make for a smoother transition to life outside the womb. Click here to READ FURTHER, courtesty of CrossFit Inc.

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Thursday, September 2, 2010

Subscribe Today!

September Endurance Challenge
Run 1.5 miles, 2 miles or 3.1 miles
*pick your flavor and go all out effort

Happy Birthday Katie!!!

10 minutes to find your 1 Rep Max
Push Press or Push Jerk

AMRAP 3 minutes of:
9 Pike Plank
9 Toes to Bar
(*complete 2 cycles)

AMRAP 9 minutes
3 Power Snatch, #95/#75
3 Push Jerk, #95/#75
3 Hang Cleans, #95/#75

CrossFit Journal-Facebook

The CrossFit Journal is the largest high-quality fitness and lifestyle resource on the net. It's based strictly upon performance and results.  Not only is it have it's own site but it's on facebook.  Do yourself a favor and become a fan.

This is probably one of the best deals on the world wide web.  For only $25 per year you can have access to all the journal articles published.  If you like to read about fitness and the most cutting edge ideas then this is the place to be.  Not only is there 1 person who writes for this journal but a ton of highly respect individuals.  So, I encourage you to pay your $25 and watch all the CrossFit videos published over and over again.
Subscribe Today!

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Making Soliders Fit to Fight Without Sit-ups!

(Tabata) On a treadmill with your recent 5k PR speed set the treadmill at a 12% grade and do 20 seconds all out and 10 seconds rest for 8 rounds
If you quit, lower wattage, or slow treadmill down... FOUL
Foul: 1 min of Jump squats

200 Squats
100 Double Unders
50 Push-ups
25 Burpees
100 Squats
50 Double Unders
12 Burpees

by James Dao

Dawn breaks at this, the Army’s largest training post, with the reliable sound of fresh recruits marching to their morning exercise. But these days, something looks different.......Read More

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