Sunday, October 31, 2010


*All 8am classes are cancelled and moved to 10am
Sumo Deadlift
Hang Power Clean
*after every EVEN round of the HPC run 200m

PNF Description-Hamstring
by Kelley Starrett

You can all do this to yourself using a belt or strap. Excellent technique to lengthen hamstrings.

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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Friday, October 29, 2010


"Team WOD"
(2-3 members)
100 Pull-ups
400m Broad Jumps
100 Push Press

People are Amazing

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Thursday, October 28, 2010

A month ago we were moving into our new location

*notice 8am classes M-F are cancelled and there is now 10am classes M-F added

"Tabata This'
1 minute rest
Double Unders
1 minutes rest
1 minutes rest

*20 second of work, 10 seconds of rest, 8 rounds each movement

Relieving Chronic Back Pain And Preventing Brain Degeneration With Chiropractic
by Dr. Amy Vevoda
Active Wellness and Massage

Eight in every ten Americans will experience back pain at some point in their lives, making it one of the most common maladies in our society today. For some, back pain can become a chronic and debilitation condition that has surprising effects on the brain.

Often labeled just part of growing old, chronic back pain is actually a serious but treatable condition that can accelerate the aging process in the brain and cause the loss of vital grey matter. According to studies, the normal rate of grey matter atrophy in the brain is 0.5% per year. Yet, patients suffering from chronic back pain exhibit a loss of 5-11% of their neocortical gray matter per year, or the equivalent of 10-20 years worth of premature aging and degeneration in your brain in a single year.

While many people simply treat the symptoms of chronic back pain with over the counter and prescription pain medication. Conversely, chiropractic care can help eliminate both the symptoms and causes of chronic back pain by realigning the spine and relieving pressure from the spinal cord and nervous system.

Several studies have shown chiropractic care to be more effective than other treatments. In 2005 the British Medical Journal published a study showing intensive rehabilitation to be more effective than surgery, not to mention far less expensive. Another clinical trial from 2003 comparing spinal adjustments to the drugs Celebrex and Vioxx showed chiropractic care to be more than five times as effective. Studies also show that while prescription pain medications provide temporary relief from symptoms, the causes of chronic back pain return after stopping treatment, whereas patients who undergo chiropractic care experience lasting, long-term relief even after their course of treatment has ended.

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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Grand Opening winding down

Strength-Week 1
Deadlift or Clean
5 x 65%
5 x 75%
5 x 85%*
*max reps

400m run

Testimony by one of your fellow members......

As most of you know, I have been training with Scott for a year and a half now! He is an amazing coach and wants nothing more than for all of us to succeed, safely!

Remember when you first started, Scotts words were gold! You listened to what he had to say, you followed every instruction to a T and when he stopped you in a movement to correct your form, you did not hesitate to listen!
Now that we’ve been doing it a while our “listening ears” are not so good anymore and do you find yourself being a bit prideful thinking to yourself “I got this” and while he’s offering instruction, you tune out?

Well, I’m here to tell you, STOP IT! No matter how long you’ve been under Scott’s instruction, never stop listening to him! ESPECIALLY when it comes to form!

Here’s why: Monday I was working out at another box, doing AMRAP of 5 back squats at 75% 1RM (110#) and as many push ups as possible until I could not do anymore. I was into my second set, I finished my last back squat and just as I dipped into the squat and was coming up, I remember thinking to myself oh crap your form is breaking pull yourself back in, then pop! The reason my form broke is I was rushing to get the bar wracked and I leaned way forward breaking neutral (before it was safe) and my lower back / pelvis collapsed!

I went to urgent care Tuesday and found out that I got a lumbar / lower back strain!

What happened is this, my vertebrae “popped”, much like your knuckles do when you crack them! And the surrounding muscles became “abnormally” stretched causing them to go into spasms and causing the pain!

Thank GOODNESS it really isn’t major, though it easily could have been! It’s a tough reminder to slow down and focus on form, focus on a neutral spine vs. getting er done!

I am allowed to workout, just NO outside loads for 2 weeks(body weight ok)! And even today, Wednesday, I had to spend AN HOUR rolling out knots and stretching my WHOLE body due to this injury!

This is why we listen! This is why we do what coach says! This is why we don’t ignore instruction! Because if we don’t we could get really REALLY hurt! I rushed on a WOD I broke form, I corrected it, but not soon enough and could have gotten super hurt! DON’T do what I did! I got prideful, I rushed and I got hurt!

Take time to keep your form correct! Stretch and roll out often NOT just at the box at home too! And most importantly listen to Scott’s instruction and correction!

Let’s do this right, with NO self induced injuries! We may not always get the fastest time, but form is far more important than pride!
Linnea “Nea”

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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

New "muscle-up" club members

Strength-Week 1
Back or Front Squat
5 x 65%
5 x 75%
5 x 85%*
*max reps

Complete 21-15-9 of:
Box Jump/Push-up/Wallball

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Monday, October 25, 2010


3 rounds of:
AMRAP 5 minutes
4 deadlfit/8 burpees/12 KB swings

October Burpee Challenge

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Sunday, October 24, 2010


Strength-Week 1
Press/Push Press
5 x 65%
5 x 75%
5 x 85%


This past Saturday was the celebration of our 1 year anniversary and Grand Opening.  It was an amazing day spent with friends and family.  We had our traditional "Team WOD" and had 22 teams partake.  After all the teams had finished everyone cooled down and shared food with good conversation.  We also had the privelage of having visitors from Maple Valley CrossFit, CrossFit nine, and Mercer Island CrossFit.

Much thanks to everyone who came out to support us!

October Burpee Challenge

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Rest Day

Friday, October 22, 2010

Grand Opening/1 year Anniversary!

We are proud to say we are in our new location and at the same time celebrating our 1st year of being in business.  It has been a great year and we have had nothing but 100% of all of your support.  So come out today for our big event and enjoy the company of your fellow CrossFitters.  There may be people who you have never had to chance to meet yet, so today is the day!

9am-10am- Meet and Greet
10am-11am- WOD
11am-1pm- Eat and Hangout

Team WOD
(teams of 2)
400m run
100 Push-ups
150 Squats
200 Double Unders
400m run
*on the minute every minute do 3 burpees

One more time just in case you didn't get the chance to see this...

StoneWay Crossfit from Danielle Knight on Vimeo.

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Thursday, October 21, 2010

What's your sport?

Whatever you are weak at practice it today!

Hill Repeat
6-10 x 100m
rest however long you need to

Grand Opening!!!

This Saturday is our official Grand Opening/1 year anniversary.  Be there for a workout, good food and to meet some new people.  There will be NO 8am CLASS this Saturday.

When: October 23rd
Where: 2 Dravus St., Seattle, WA 98109
Time: 9am to 1pm

9am-10am: Greet and Meet
10am-11am: WOD
11am-1pm: Eat and Hang out

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

In the beginning

Split Squat/Rings Dips/HSPU

Complete 4 rounds of:
200m row
14 Split Squats
3 Muscle-ups or 7 Rings Dips

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Clean and Jerk

Double Unders/Sit-ups

How many of your friends know what you do when you workout?  Send them this link so they can actually see and not just hear.

StoneWay Crossfit from Danielle Knight on Vimeo.

October Burpee Challenge

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L-sit/Skin the cat

 immediately followed by
max plank

October Burpee Challenge

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Sunday, October 17, 2010


Power Snatch

AMRAP 3 minutes
4 Pull-ups/4 Burpees
rest 1: 30
(4 cycles)

October Burpee Challenge

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Saturday, October 16, 2010


Rest Day

The Snatch-How can you improve it? Watch and see where you can improve.

October Burpee Challenge

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Team WOD
(3 per team)
60 Back Squats, #135/#115
90 KB Swings, #44/#35
120 Sit-ups
150 Back Extensions

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Thursday, October 14, 2010


Press (strict)

3 rounds
30 Clean and Jerk
400m run

October Burpee Challenge

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Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Back Squat

"Tabata huh?"
Medball Clean
30 second rest
Superman/floor back extension
30 second rest
Air Squat
30 second rest
Plank Pike

"Squatting To Restore Spinal Motion and To Poop" with Kelly Starrett - video [wmv] [mov]

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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

(Me and my new BFF, Kelly Starrett at the Movement and Mobilty Certification)

Complete 2 rounds of:
20 Burpees
30 Box Jumps
40 Sit-ups (weighted)
30 Double Unders
20 Burpees

October Burpee Challenge

The funny thing about StoneWay CrossFit is it's not actually on Stone Way.
Owner Scott Rodriguez just moved the gym, which used be next to The Fitness Lab on Stone Way, to a warehouse-like space at 2 Dravus Street, just off Nickerson near SPU.

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Monday, October 11, 2010


5 rounds of:
20 Toes to Bar
200m Farmers Walk
20 Wallballs

October Burpee Challenge

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150 KB swings

October Burpee Challenge

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Saturday, October 9, 2010


Rest Day

October Burpee Challenge
Complete: 25

Be Sure to Check Before You "Go"

If you need a good laugh today I recommend you watch this video!

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Friday, October 8, 2010


For 25 minutes:
In teams of 4, two partners will run 100 m sandbag relay for 6 rounds (300 M each), while the other two partners complete an AMRAP of:
5 Power cleans (135/95)
10 Wall Balls

Two partners will write their total cumulative rounds on the board before exiting the gym to take over sandbag sprints.
Post total rounds of 5 power cleans, 10 wall balls.

A Great Read about Team WODs

Something came up before the workout on Friday - people were concerned that in a workout partnership they might be holding their partner back. There are several things to work on in the team WODs that don't have to do with "the workout." Teamwork consists of knowing what you are capable of contributing and doing the absolute best you can in that capacity. If one member is capable of shouldering more of the burden, that is their contribution to the team. Sometimes doing the best that you can in a team effort means making sure that the entire team is taken care of, regardless of what you may be capable of. It helps to think about what it takes for the team to finish the best they can as opposed to how I can finish the best I can.

October Burpee Challenge

Complete: 24

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Thursday, October 7, 2010


Push Press/Jerk

AMRAP 3 minutes
7 Push-ups
(hand release)
15 sit-ups
rest 1:30
(complete 4 cycles)

October Burpee Challenge
Complete: 23

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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Representing our Red, White and Blue

AMRAP 20 minutes
5 Burpees
7 KB swings
10 Box Jumps
12 Dips

Rest 3 minutes then..............

Max Reps in 2 minutes

October Burpee Challenge
Complete: 22

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Front/Overhead Squat

50 Thrusters
100 double unders

October Burpee Challenge
15 + 6 = 21

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Monday, October 4, 2010

One of the last days at the Lab

Box Jump
OH Lunges

October Burpee Challenge
15 + 5 = 20

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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Coach Jessica and Jessica playing in a volleyball tournament in Seaside, OR


(2 people per station)
3 rounds of:
1 minute Tire Flip
1 minutes Handstand or HSPU
1 minute Pull-ups
1 minutes REST

Kelly Starrett, Knee Problem part 2

October Burpee Challenge
15 + 4 = 19
(4th day of the month)

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Saturday, October 2, 2010

October Burpee Challenge
15 + 3 (Day of the month)

Rest Day

by Kelly Starrett

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Friday, October 1, 2010

October Burpee Challenge
15 + 2 (day of the month)

Team's of 2 WOD
Run 400m
150 Deadlifts
150 Lunges
100 Knees to Elbows
100 Inch Worms
Run 400m

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