Sunday, February 28, 2010

Rest Day or Make Up

*if you missed a WOD this week, make it up today

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Game Day


Washington CrossFit Sectionals

Today StoneWay CrossFit is closed.  We are all up in Monroe, Wa supporting all the athlete completing,  especially our.

Follow Coach Scott today as he competes and updates his blog on todays' event.

Follow Coach

Friday, February 26, 2010

What are the CrossFit Games?


Reminder: No Class this Saturday

Washington CrossFit Sectionals Schedule
CrossFit Games Widget
Push Jerk
Go heavy; total loads for all 9 sets.

Rest 3:00 minutes in between

What are the CrossFit Games?

The CrossFit Games are the ultimate test of fitness. It's a grueling two-day competition in which the world's fittest athletes compete in a variety of workouts. What are the workouts? Each year they change, and the details of them are not announced until a couple days before the event. This means that all year long, the athletes are training for a competition whose format is almost completely a mystery.

Click HERE for further information and Video's of past CrossFit Games events

Thursday, February 25, 2010

2/25 Results


Wallballapalooza (2/24) Results:

Julie-12:35, #6
Kelly-11:21, #8
Mickle-12:52, #12
Kara-#13:06, #6
Jayanne-13:20, #4
Adria-14:29, #8
Kim-13:29, #12
Amy-13:58, #6
Baylor-15:15, #12
Brian-16:37, #12
Sam-17:07, #10
Jerry-17:17, #20
Krod-17:28, #12
Gabe-18:08, #15
Linnea-19:10, #12
Emilee-19:51, #10
"CF Lite"

Some of the Benefits of Gymnastics


picture of Bobby Rodriguez

Washington CrossFit Sectional Schedule
Complete 5 rounds for time:
Run 200 meters
Clean 15 reps
20 Push-ups

Some of the Benefits of Gymnastics
by Michael A. Taylor

It happens many times a day all across the country. A parent will call their local gymnastics club and ask questions about the program. The parents often say something like, “I don’t really want my child to be a gymnast but it would be nice if they could learn a cartwheel; I just think it would be really good for them.” The questions these parents have about the gymnastics program are typically, “How much does it cost?” “When are the classes?” and “What will they learn?”

Benefit of Gymnastics

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

2/23/10, Deadlift 1RM Results:

Great Job today Team SWCF! Almost everyone got a new PR today. That's so awesome. All your hard work was so evident yesterday.
*Katie B.-#175
*Katie R.-#135
*Coach Corey-#365
*Coach Scott-#385
(*New PR)

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Come Out and Support Your Athletes

Complete 7 rounds for time:
30 WallBall
15 Sit-ups

"CF Lite"
Complete 4 round for time:
30 WallBalls
15 Sit-ups


We will  not be holding class this upcoming Saturday (2/27)


Come Out to the Washington Sectionals and Support Your Athletes.

If you need further information click HERE or ask your coaches

StoneWay CrossFit will have two athletes competing at this years CrossFit Washington Sectionals. Your own coach Scott Rodriguez and fellow solider Kelsey Nagel. It's going to be an exciting event and your presence will be highly appreciated. These athletes have been training this entire year with one purpose and that is to qualify for the CrossFit Northwest Regionals held in Puyallup, WA.

Kelsey trains at StoneWay CrossFit and also with Jesse Ward up at Lynnwood CrossFit.  Kelsey is a phenomenal athlete who has a collegiate and semi-pro soccer background. It has been a pure joy to have her join us at StoneWay CrossFit and we continue to see her blossom even more

Kelsey vs "Randy"

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

How to Deadlift with Proper Technique


Deadlift 3-3-2-2-2-1-1-1-1

Go heavy; total loads for all 9 sets.

800m Run for time

How to Deadlift with Proper Technique

Deadlifts build back strength. Deadlifts teach you to keep your lower back rigid against a load. Keeping your back straight is critical to avoid injuries when lifting heavy objects from the floor.

But that’s also why Deadlifts have bad reputation. Rounding your back during Deadlifts increases risks of spinal disc injuries like hernias. You need to Deadlift with proper technique. This article will help you out

Click here to read further

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Monday, February 22, 2010


Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Leaning Challenge Winners Released!


AMREPAP (as many repetitions as possible) 20 minutes:
7 Jump rope “double-unders”
7 Pull-ups
7 Push-ups
Scored by number of reps completed in 20 minutes

1st "Leaning Challenge" Winners

1st Place-Adam B.

2nd Place-Katie B.

3rd Place-Terry R.

We started our 1st "Leaning Challenge" on December 15th and ended February 1st.  Throughout this whole competition we all kept a food log and we had a forum for everyone to post recipes, daily intake, or simply put down there thoughts for the day.  The 3 winners from our 1st "Leaning Challenge" were very dedicated at doing exactly that.  There were days that were easy and other days that it was a struggle to eat so healthy. 

Adam, Katie and Terry are currrent regular attending members of StoneWay CrossFit who work very hard everytime they show up for the daily WOD.  Adam started training with Corey Mcgee in November 2009 and quickly adopted CrossFit as his workout of choice.  He registered for the CrossFit Journal shortly after starting his training with Corey.  It was there that he started watching past CrossFit games video's and reading their helpful articles.  Katie has been trainining with Corey since August 2009.  She has devoloped so much since the late summer of 2009.  Katie can currently perform 13 pull-ups in a row right now.  She workouts out at StoneWay CrossFit and Mercer Island CrossFit.  Terry has been training with me (Scott Rodriguez) for over 2 years now and has develop so much.  When we started she was only walking.  She currently has lost 57lbs since January 2008 and now runs, jumps, row, olympics lifts, does pull-ups, swings kettlebells and so much more.  She is also currently registered for the Lake Steven Half Ironman in August.  Terry has always logged her food since we started but it was the Paleo/Zone combination that helped her lean down so much more.

Congratulations Adam, Katie and Terry!

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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Rest and Recovery After Exercise - Improve Sports Performance


Rest Day

Thank God for our rest days!  Who out there loves their "rest day" but at the same time wishes there was something scheduled?  Well if you do you are not alone.  Rest days are so important and no matter if we want them or not our body wants them.  Studys show that our bodies come back ready for more action after we take a "rest day". 

Acorrding to Elizabeth Quinn, "Most athletes know that getting enough rest after exercise is essential to high-level performance, but many still over train and feel guilty when they take a day off. The body repairs and strengthens itself in the time between workouts, and continuous training can actually weaken the strongest athletes".

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Saturday, February 20, 2010

Seattle Police Officer: "Fallen Hero"


“Team WOD”
100 deadlift (#65/#45)
50 Squat Cleans (#65/#45)
400m run
100 Push Press (#65/#45)
50 Pull-ups
*Team of 2

Lifting Up The Family Of The Fallen

"Hero's Workout" Honors Slain Seattle Officer
by Brian Callahan
It's now more than three months after Seattle officer Tim Brenton was killed. But this morning, we're learning some new details about his life that have turned into a new inspiration.

CrossFit Games Widget

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Friday, February 19, 2010

Friday Results:

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Forging Mental Fitness


Shoulder Press

Complete 10 rounds for time:

KB Swings
by Jim Decker

In his response, Coach Glassman said something about how
“Linda” seemed like a good workout when it was created,
but it has become the most hated workout of the day (WOD).

According to Coach, "Anything that gets that kind of reaction has to be effective!"

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Thursday, February 18, 2010

10 General Physical Skills to Life


Complete 3 rounds for time:
50m Single arm OH Lunges
20 Deep Squat Jumps
400m Run

10 General Physical Skills

Coaches Jim Cawley, and Bruce Evans of Dynamax are the original sources for our ten general physical skills required of optimal physical competence:

1. Cardiovascular/respiratory endurance – the ability of body systems to gather, process, and deliver oxygen
2. Stamina – the ability of body systems to process, deliver, store, and utilize energy.
3. Strength – the ability of a muscular unit, or combination of muscular units to apply force.
4. Flexibility – the ability to maximize the range of motion at a given joint.
5. Power – the ability of a muscular unit, or combination of muscular units, to apply maximum force in minimum time.
6. Speed – the ability to minimize the time cycle of a repeated movement.
7. Coordination – the ability to combine several distinct movement patterns into a singular distinct movements.
8. Agility – the ability to minimize transition time from one movement pattern to another.
9. Balance – the ability to control the placement of the body’s center of gravity in relation to its support base.
10. Accuracy – the ability to control movement in a given direction or at a given intensity.

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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

"Helen Straight Up" Results:

Kids and Weightlifting Part II

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

SWCF 2/16/10 Results:

Kids and Weightlifting



100 Double Unders

*increase weight per round

Kids and Weightlifting Part I
by Jeff Martin

The statement “it is not safe for kids to lift weights” is
often said with authority and rarely challenged.

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Monday, February 15, 2010

SWCF Results:

Don't Hold Back


Complete 5 rounds for time:
6x Power snatch
6x Overhead squats
Sprint 100m
Bar load is 1/2 bw

The theme for today at StoneWay CrossFit is to work at your full potential.  Many times we get in the middle of a CrossFit WOD and we start to "throttle back" because we want to make it to the end.  How about this...........why don't we take advantage of every second that we are working as if we're 2 reps away to the end of our workout.  Don't say to yourself, "I'm just going to go 75% so I can finish with a smile", rather say," I'm going all out right now so I can honestly say I left it all on the floor!"

If you can walk into the box with a different mindset I know that your times will get better but most important your drive will get stronger.  You all have seen this video before but watch this again and walk into the box today and gives us 100%.

PS: My new "Fran" time is 3:01

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Seattle's StoneWay CrossFit says,"Take the Day Off!"

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Bringing it Back to the Old School



800m run
150 KB Swings (#55/#35)
150 Pull-ups
150 DB Push Jerk (#45/#25)
800m run

*3 members per team (50 reps each team member)
*only 1 person can work at a time

Old School Video Just Found!

As many of you remember we all started in the park, essentially that was our "garage".  Don't count the park out just yet because Corey and I have been thinking of way on how to get back out there.  We may start up an outdoor bootcamp or something to that nature for summer time.  Keep your eyes open for any new videos that StoneWay CrossFit may put out but also for Mercer Island CrossFit.

Friday, February 12, 2010

The Myth of Core Stability


Muscle Snatch

Complete 21-15-9 of:
Wall Ball (#20/#12)
Box Jump (24”/20”)

by Professor Eyal Lederman of CPDO Ltd. in London.
The principle of core stability has gained wide acceptance in training for prevention of injury and as a treatment modality for rehabilitation of various musculoskeletal conditions in particular the lower back. There has been surprising little criticism of this approach up to date. This article will re-examine the original findings and the principles of core stability and how well they fare within the wider knowledge of motor control, prevention of injury and rehabilitation of neuromuscular and musculoskeletal systems following injury.

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Thursday, February 11, 2010

StoneWay CrossFitters 2/11/10 Results:

Everyone's form is getting so much better. Keep on practicing the movements when you can and it will come a lot easier next time it's in our WOD.

Technique vs Intensity


Complete 3 rounds of:

3 squat cleans #135/#95
6 push-ups
12 ring dips
AMRAP 5 minutes
Rest 1:30 minutes

Technique vs Intensity

Coach Glassman makes a few great points about Technique v. Intensity. Here are the high points:
"The real risk lies in not learning the mechanics. Now, real world, can we learn the mechanics without ***ing up? No!" He's talking about operating in the margins: the farther you go from mediocrity, from vanilla, the more risk you're taking, and the more you have to be willing to err. That's a good thing.

"My best performers are moving through the workouts at what - I'd give them, like, a 92 on form." That's still really good, but maybe not realistic for the average CrossFitter. Heck, someday I'd LOVE to earn a 92 on form on a snatch, period. However: "There's efficiency in good mechanics. When we define 'strength' as the productive application of force, I -by necessity - introduce form and safety into the demands." Aha. "I'm not just looking at contractile force; I want productive work. I want functional movement accomplished."

"Do I want good technique, or high intensity? Yes. It's like asking, do you want me to meet you in the right place, or be on time? Yes. It's gotta be both."

For more great articles go to

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

2/10/10 Results:

Exercise Won’t Make You Lose Weight


Complete 21-15-9 for time:
Deadlift #225/#135

The August 17, 2009 issue of Time Magazine contains an article that is going to piss off a lot of people in the fitness industry, because it challenges one of the biggest myths that have been lining the pockets of gyms, trainers, and equipment companies for years: that exercise will make you lose weight.

The article by John Cloud, Why Exercise Won’t Make You Thin, explains how exercise, which does not burn a significant amount of calories to begin with, stimulates an increase in appetite and compensatory eating. According to one study, this compensatory eating may exceed the calories burned during the activity by as much as 100 – enough to cause a fat gain of over 10 pounds per year. One study mentioned showed no difference in fat loss between three exercising groups and a non-exercising control. This is bad news for aerobics instructors and trainers selling various types of “cardio” classes as an effective method of fat loss.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

2/9/10 Results

Great job everyone! It was fun seeing you guys throw some heavy weight over your heads today.

Here's the numbers for the day:


Metabolic Conditioning


Tabata Squat
(bottom to bottom)

The Tabata protocol is a high-intensity training regimen that produces remarkable results. A Tabata workout (also called a Tabata sequence) is an interval training cycle of 20 seconds of maximum intensity exercise, followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated without pause 8 times for a total of four minutes.

"What does metabolic conditioning mean? Is it necessary? Does high intensity training provide it?"
When most people think of training to improve endurance, they think of conditioning the cardiovascular system to improve transport of blood to the working muscles. Metabolic conditioning is the other side of the coin – conditioning the muscles to better use what’s being delivered to them by improving the efficiency of the different metabolic pathways.

Monday, February 8, 2010

2/8/10 Results:

Routine is the Enemy


7 Push Press
7 Power Cleans
AMRAP 18 minutes
Rx weight-#95/#65

by Michael Troung

We see it every January. Gyms and fitness centers swell with people fulfilling annual self-improvement resolutions. Some will achieve their goals; most will lose interest. At a basic level, the goals of a beginner and the goals of a Division I athlete are the same: to achieve results and to enjoy the workout

Sunday, February 7, 2010

CrossFit in the Northwest


Rest Day or Make Up Day

*If you missed a WOD this week make it up today

'Brutal' crossfit fitness craze hits the Northwest
by Michael King/Evening Magazine

"Soldiers, police officers and cage fighters have been using it for years. It's been called brutal, extreme, even dangerous and you'll love it. Crossfit is now in your backyard"

Saturday, February 6, 2010

2/6/10 Results:


Complete 1 round for time:
400m Run
50 Pull-ups
100 Sit-ups
200 Squats
400m Run

Friday, February 5, 2010

2/510 Results:



OH Squat
*progress weight each round


Complete 5 rounds of:
25 Push-ups
100m run

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Dumbbell Lunges


10 KB Swings
7 Burpee’s
AMRAP 18 minutes

Three Variations of Dumbbell Lunges
by Michael Rutherford

"While squats are a heavily practiced movement with my clients, we also incorporate unilateral, contralateral single-leg support movements in the form of variation on the weighted lunge. This set of exercises serve a couple purposes."

Attention: All CrossFitters

Starting February 26th thru 28th, the US NorthWest CrossFit Sectional  will be going on in Monroe, Wa.  The man in charge, a.k.a. Jesse Ward of CrossFit Lynnwood is looking for peole who would like to help set-up, tear down, etc.  If this sounds like something you would be interested in then email Jesse Ward at and put in the subject: "Dude I can help on (fill in the date or dates)"

Much Love,

Coach Scott

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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Functionality and Wall Ball


Repeat 4 total cycles of:

2 rounds (1 cycle) of:
100m run
20 Squat hops
7 Wall Ball
*rest 60 seconds after each cycle

Functionality and Wall Ball
by Greg Glassman

Much is currently being made of "functional exercise."  A google search returned 950,000 hits for "functional exercise."  Even a cursory review of the internet sites featuring "functional exercise" would seem to support the notion that functional exercise is something done on/with Swiss Balls and rubber bands.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

30 Day Squat Challenge



Bench Press

Complete 4 round of:
50 Double Unders
5 Clean and Jerks (#95/#135)

30 day Squat Challenge Begins

We have officially started our 30 day Squat challenge.  To sign-up contact Coach Scott at (206) 930-7169 or  The back squat is a highly beneficial movement that we all need for daily activities.  If you sit down and stand up throughout your day then you are a candidate in need of a back squat.  The back squat if a full body exercise that requires balance, accuracy, strength, power and speed.  For many athletes this movement is a weakness simply do to lack of practice in this area.  For the majority of male athletes this is not a regularly practiced movement simply because there are no immediate body composition changes.  Rather they train their upper body for vain purposes.  To have a complete training program there needs to be upper and lower body training.  That is the main reason we decided to have this challenge.  Who's willing to take the time to train their weakness?

30 day Squat Challenge Requirements

The only requirments is that you squat 3 day and then take 1 day off and continue this schedule for the entire month of February. 

Squat Options

1) 100 body weighted squat
2) 200 1/2 body weight squats
3) 300 air squats
4) do a combination of all 3

So join us and challenge your weakness.  Get your friends to do it with you and see how you improve simply by practicing throughout this month.

Good Luck,

Coach Scott
(206) 930-7169

Monday, February 1, 2010

1st Annual "Leaning Challenge" Ends Today


400m run
Max pull-ups
AMRAP 20 minutes:
*note number of pull-ups completed each round

1st Annual "Leaning Challenge" is Complete

Today completes our "Leaning Challenge".  7 weeks ago we started our challenge with a Paleo/Zone lecture after our Saturday workout.  We had a total of 15 people take the challenge to eat healthy and clean.  For many of our member this was the first time to ever measure and weigh their food.  The "Paleo" criteria was pretty demanding so the options were to eat a 100% "Paleo" diet or eat a "Paleo/Zone" diet.  The majority of the group ate the "Paleo/Zone" diet.  The way we chose to track our members intake was through our "StoneWay Diary" blog.  We asked that each member post they daily intake atleast once a week.  What we noticed was that this was more for accountabilty and encouragement.  Many shared their recipes but also their struggle to follow the "Paleo/Zone" criteria. 

We will have our "Leaning Challenge Paleo/Zone BBQ" on Saturday February 13th @ 11am to determine our Winners and give us all a chance to enjoy each others recipes.  Each member will bring their favorite Paleo/Zone dish to share with each other.  If you want to join us and see the transformed bodies you are more than welcome!

Contact: Coach Scott (206) 930-7169 or for further information