Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Core Conditioning Program

*warm up with repetitions of 5, when rep 4 and 5 get difficult your workout has begun
Just what is a "core strength and conditioning" program?

CrossFit is a core strength and conditioning program in two distinct senses. First, we are a core strength and conditioning program in the sense that the fitness we develop is foundational to all other athletic needs. This is the same sense in which the university courses required of a particular major are called the "core curriculum". This is the stuff that everyone needs. Second, we are a "core" strength and conditioning program in the literal sense meaning the center of something. Much of our work focuses on the major functional axis of the human body, the extension and flexion, of the hips and extension, flexion, and rotation of the torso or trunk. The primacy of core strength and conditioning in this sense is supported by the simple observation that powerful hip extension alone is necessary and nearly sufficient for elite athletic performance. That is, our experience has been that no one without the capacity for powerful hip extension enjoys great athletic prowess and nearly everyone we've met with that capacity was a great athlete. Running, jumping, punching and throwing all originate at the core. At CrossFit we endeavor to develop our athletes from the inside out, from core to extremity, which is by the way how good functional movements recruit muscle, from the core to the extremities.

Watch Day 2 of the Hawaii Sectionals

This is by far the hardest sectionals we have seen yet this year.  So any of the athlete you see in this video are pure warriors!

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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

3/30/10 Results:

Much thanks to "Cindy" for stopping by for a visit today. As always she leaves an impression with us that we won't forget.

Great job troops for giving "Cindy" a run for her money!
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5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
*amrap 20 minutes

by Jason Dougherty
"The principles of setting up a hard routine are simple. Following
them is too, but it takes total commitment".

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Monday, March 29, 2010

3/29 Results:

Today was no walk in the park, so great job to everyone!
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Complete 5 rounds for time:
50 Double Unders /400m Run

by Mike Hougton

“The perspective that you acquire on facing hardship makes you stronger
and tougher in a lot of ways that are unrelated to that specific endeavor.”
—Keith Bontrager

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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Rest Day

Relax, Make-up a missed WOD, or Get outside for an activity

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Two Stands Are Stronger Than One

Each member will have a task at each station, either you will be working or "resting". Partner "A" is working and Partner "B" is resting. If a team has 3 members then 2 of the partners will be doing the same movement at each station.

"Saturday Havoc"
(Teams of 2-3 people)

Complete 3 rounds for time:
Station 1:
A) 400m Row
B) Bear Crawl
(Back and forth 25' each way until partner A is done)

Station 2:
A) 25 KB Swing 1.5 pood
B) Push-ups

Station 3:
A)50 Double Unders
B)Hold Med Ball over head, #20/#12

Station 4:
A) 30 Med ball Clean, #20/#12
B) Mountain Climbers

Station 5:
10 Tire Flips
*both partners flip together

Friday, March 26, 2010

Couples Retreat

“Couples Retreat”

2 Rounds, of each couplet consecutively, for time:
15 Power Clean (115#/75#)
30 Double-Unders

20 Wall Balls (20#14#)
20 Pull-ups

*Must complete 2 round of each couplet before moving to the next couplet

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Do You Have the Skills to Pay the Bills?

Rest/Make-up/Skills Day

Double Unders
5 attempts, max consecutive DU's you can get each attempt
Clean (power, hang, squat)
10 x 10

Active Recovery WOD
3 x 400m, 1:30 rest

Need help with your Double Unders?
a) come in today and work with your Coach
b) watch this video

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Fight Gone Hump Day!

This is your coaches participating in the Navy Seal Challenge last summer.  This was simply a cool picture so I wanted to share it with you guys.  Next year we are getting a team together and competing in this together. 

"Fight Gone Hump Day"

Complete 5 round:
1 min Burpees
1 min SDLHP, #75/#45
1 min Box Jump
1 min HSPU
1 min Rest

Coach's Corner: Pace yourself so you can last the entire minute compared to going 100% out the gates then hitting the wall with 30 seconds remaining.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Hang Power Clean

Coach's Corner: Rocked those hips back and thrust them forwards as you pull that bar and stomp!

We all saw this lift last friday and for some it was the 1st time seeing it.  Now that we have an idea what the HPC is all about we can approach it with more confidence. 

Monday, March 22, 2010

Midwestern Sectional WOD #1 Repeat

“The Air Force WOD”
For time:
Beginning every minute with 4 burpees
20 Thrusters
20 Sumo deadlift high pulls
20 Push jerks
20 Overhead squats
20 Front squats

I know what everyone is thinking, "Burpees again on a Monday?"  The more we face these "Giants" the more we will not fear or dred them.  Remember to set a pace and stick with it.  You know your capabilities.  This Monday I want to hear everyone screaming across the room at one of your brothers or sisters to keep on moving.   

2010 CrossFit Games Midwestern Sectionals WOD #1

Athlete Upate:
Our girls did great yesterday at the Mercer Island Rotary Half Marathon Linnea ran her first 10K and she showed up with her game face on.  After finishing at 1 hour and 20 minutes she said,"She felt great!"  Linnea has trained for many things over this past year that has been her "First" (i.e. CrossFit, Kirkland Triathalon, and Mercer Island Rotary Half MarathonLinnea is 100% CrossFit (Unknown and Unknowable) because she travels in uncharted land with her entire heart.
 (In picture: Linnea with husband Mike and daughter Allysa)
Terry ran her second half marathon on Sunday.  After 13.1 miles she looked so strong and so good!  As I watched many racers run, walk, hoola-hoop, and limp by me, Terry was one of the strongest finisher out there.  After 2 hours and 21 minutes Terry crossed the finish line with a huge smile.  This event was part of her training program I've designed for her.  Big Picture: On August 15th, 2010 she will be participating in the Lake Steven Half Ironman.  
  (In picture: Terry running in her 2nd half marathon)
If any of you are thinking about a first event (i.e. 5K, 10K, Triathalon, etc) give me a call (206) 930-7169 and we'll make a plan. 

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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Get Out and Enjoy the Weekend!

Rest Day or Make up Day

Go out and do something you don't usually do as a regular routine.  Example: running, hiking, walk around the neighbor hood, walk to a place to eat, or simply go outside and sit on the sidewalk.

If you need to make-up a missed WOD or have an active recovery pick one of the options below:

Complete 3 rounds for time:
3 minute rest


Run 5K

Active Recovery
by Elizabeth Quinn
"After athletic competition or a hard workout, it would seem that complete rest would be the best way to encourage recovery".

Saturday, March 20, 2010

It's Takes 2 to Make a Thing Go Right

"Team WOD"
(5-7 members each team)
Complete 1 round for time:
500m Row
10 WallBalls #20/#12
20 Pull-ups
30 Push Press #65/#45
40 Double Unders
50 Squats
Run 800m
1) Each member will start at a different stations
2) You can not start another station until your partner ahead of you is finished
3) At all times remember to yell out at your partners and say,"We've got this!"
As many of you know Saturdays have officially become our "Team WOD" day.  There's just something about being on a team that makes you work harder and not even mind it.  This has become a day also that we've had a lot of visitors.  So, if you see a new face and you don't recognize them go over and introduce yourself so they can feel the love we have for each other at StoneWay CrossFit.  Today is going to a rough but fun!
 Mercer Island Rotary Half Marathon

Tomorrow (3/21) two of our very own athletes Terry Rosencrantz and Linnea Gierspach will be participating in the Mercer Island Rotary Half Marathon Event. Linnea will be running the 10K starting at 8:30am and Terry will be running the half marathon starting at 9am.  Both athletes have been planning and training since December for this event.  This will be Terry's 2nd half marathon and Linnea's 1st 10K.  So when you get a chance wish them luck for tomorrow. 

There will be group of us  meeting over on Mercer Island to support our athletes so if you'd like to join us give me call.
Coach Scott (206) 930-7169

Friday, March 19, 2010

"Nasty Girls"
3 Rounds for time:
50 Squats
7/3 Muscle-ups
10 Hang Power Cleans(#135/#95)
*if you can not perform muscle-ups scale with pull-ups (m21/w9)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Rest Day/Skills Day/Make Up Day

Today is our 1st scheduled active REST DAY.  Come into the gym today to workout on a skill (i.e. weakness), work on your Level 1 assessment or make up a workout you missed this week.  Your Coach will be there specifically to help each of you individually. 

Coaches Corner:  Working on a skill not only helps you to become more efficient on that specific movement but increases your confidence in working on a weakness

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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Max OH Press
"CF Lite"-#115/#75

On the top of the minute of over minute for 8 minutes, perform a 100m sprint, then return to perform max OH presses

*Post max presses performed

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Burpees Anyone?

Clean & Jerk
3x5 70%
Power Snatch 
3x5 65%
Max strict pull ups
1 attempt
*bands are ok, but if you can do 1 pull-up without a band a band is not allowed
Max kipping pull ups
1 attempt
*bands are ok, but if you can do 1 pull-up without a band a band is not allowed

"Kind of Dead by Burpees"
AMRAP 10 minutes

Monday, March 15, 2010

The Truster You Love to Hate

StoneWay CrossFit's New Class Schedule

100 Thrusters for time(m#95/w#65)
At the top of every minute do 5 burpee
*workout is over after you have completed 100 Thrusters

The "Thruster" is one of the most loved and hated movements of CrossFit but more important it is very a beneficial exercise.  The Thruster is one of the best exercises that you can do to: Lose Body-Fat, Increase your Cardio-Vascular Fitness, Increase your Core Stability, Increase Total Body Strength, Improve your Agility and Co-ordination.  Designed as a combination of a Front Squat and an Overhead or Push Press,

The Most Important Thing About The Thruster

"If you don't feel a little nauseous after a set of aren't doing it right"

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Nutrition for the Female Athlete


Rest Day or "Make up Day"
If you missed a WOD this week make it up today

By Luis E Palacio, MD

"Inadequate nutritional intake is more common in female athletes than in their male counterparts."

Saturday, March 13, 2010


"Team WOD"
(2 partners per team)

Complete 10 rounds of:
Partner A:
5 Clean and Jerk (#95/#65)

Partner B:
5 push-ups
10 sit-ups
15 Squat
*each partner starts at opposite stations and moves to the next station after their partner is ready to switch stations

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Friday, March 12, 2010

New Schedule at StoneWay CrossFit

Weekly Schedule

We are so excited to announce that we will be adding 3 more classes to our weekly schedule.  Currently we have our CrossFit 101 class at 5pm on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, but we will be officially starting our new class at that time.  Our 6pm class has grown abundantly and that excites us tremendously.  If we want to continue to be the top CrossFit coaches we desire to be we think it is very pertinent to open up another class time so we can focus on our clients more efficiently.  So we'd like to encourage anyone who attends the 6pm class who can make the 5pm class to do so.  This is not a mandatory request, but we may request reservations in the near future. 

Weekly Class Schedule
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
6am, 1pm, 5pm, 6pm

6am, 5:30pm

Rest Day + Skills Day + Make-Up Day
6am, 5:30pm


Rest Day

Starting Thursday March 17th we will be OFFICIALLY scheduling our Rest Day.  There will not be a class held during this day.  However, this day is now designed for everyone to come in and give you a chance to work on a weakness. (HSPU, Pull-ups, Muscle-ups etc)  If you missed a WOD that week come in a make it up.  This is not a "open door" for you to not come in, but it is an opportunity to get better at what you are weak at.  This is also a time for you to work with your Coaches more closely also. 

Training Schedule
3 days on 1 day off (off day-thursday)
2 days on 1 day off (off day-sunday)


The way that we measure your fitness is simply by using the "Clock", so we want everyone to go out and buy a small note book to record all your WOD's, PR's and anything that will help you remember where to start at.  Everyone has been getting new PR's and smashing the workouts that have returned from the past, but you are not tracking it.  We track all your times and PR's on the whiteboard but this will be the most efficient way for you personally.  Both Coach Corey and Coach Scott do this via blogging and in their own personal notebooks.  We will set aside a place for you to store your notebooks or you can simply take it home and bring each time you come.

We are very excited for all these new additions and we look forward to seeing the great results from you guys!

Ankle Taping and Bracing


Front Squat
*”X”= weight does not change. Pick the weight and don’t increase.

Complete 3 rounds:
50 Mountain Climbers
18 Double Unders
12 Pull-ups

Ankle Taping and Bracing

by Douglas A Reeves Jr, MD

"Ankle sprains are the most common sports-related injuries in the United States, accounting for an estimated 2 million injuries per year."

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Iliotibial Band (IT) Syndrome


Kids at a young age already practice the functional movements we were designed to do without pain

Complete 4 rounds
16 Single DB snatch (8 each arm)
8 burpees
400m run

“CF Lite”
Complete 3 rounds
12 Single DB snatch (6 each arm)
6 burpees
400m run
Iliotibial Band Syndrome

by Jerold M Stirling, MD

"Iliotibial band (ITB) syndrome (ITBS) is the most common cause of lateral knee pain among athletes."

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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Kettlebells Provide a Great Weight Lifting Workout

Complete 3 rounds of:
AMRAP 5 minutes
4 Deadlift, #135/#225
8 Burpees
12 KB Swings, #53/#35
Rest 1:30

Kettlebells Provide a Great Weight Lifting Workout

By Elizabeth Quinn, Guide

Kettlebell Swing

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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Pull Up Exercise: How to Use a Chin Up Bar



Weighted Push-ups


Weighted Sit-ups

“Death by 10 meters”

Complete 1x 10m sprint on the minute of every minute matching the minute. (Example 1st minute: 1 x 10m, 2nd minute: 2 x 10m, 3rd minute: 3 x 10m, etc) Continue until you can’t meet each minute on the minute. Must slap the ground with each 10m completed.

The Pull Up Exercise: How to Use a Chin Up Bar

By Elizabeth Quinn, Guide

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Monday, March 8, 2010

Sweat Storm


Complete 3 rounds
1 minute WallBalls
1 minute Power Snatch, #96/#65
1 minute Box jumps
1 minute row
1 minute rest
*total repetitions = your score

The Fish Go CrossFit
by Paul Fournier
Florida Marlins strength and conditioning coach Paul Fournier
brings CrossFit to Major League Baseball players.

Sweat Storm
By Eric Velazquez
A growing fitness sensation, CrossFit—the system that takes functional training to the extreme—isn't for the weak. Follow along as an MF staffer plunges into the fray


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Sunday, March 7, 2010

Rest Day


Rest Day or Make Up

If you missed a day this week make it up today.  Enjoy your Sunday!

Quality of Life, Not Leisure

by Lt. Jason Fernandez

Saturday, March 6, 2010


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What's a Chipper?



in teams of 2 complete:

800m run
80 Deadlifts #80/60
30 burpees
80 Kettlebell Swings #40/25
20 burpees
80 squat hops
10 Burpees
*except on the run, only 1 person can work at a time (the other gets to rest)

Today the group will be introduced to a "Chipper" workout. A chipper is a string of different exercises done one after, once through for time. It is named Chipper because, afterwards you feel like you have been through a wood chipper.

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Friday, March 5, 2010

3/4/10 (5K) Results:

Great job everyone on their runs yesterday! For some that was your first time running 2 miles or more. As many of you know we do not run much past 400m on a regular basis, so it was definitely a day out of everyone's comfort zone. We are very proud of everyone!
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Coach Burgner on the Snatch Event



Snatch Balance
*Hold at bottom for 3 seconds


Row 1000m
Run 800m

The Snatch event on day two of the 09 Games was the first of it's kind. Unlike USAW and IWF competitions, ten athletes took the stadium together, each with their own barbell. They were given ten minutes to reach a one rep maximum, taking weight from the ground to locked out overhead. If they achieved this in two or twenty reps, it made no difference.

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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Don't Run: Sprint!



“CF Lite”


Don't Run: Sprint!
If you've been doing long, slow cardio, such as jogging, cycling, or swimming, for awhile without losing much weight or becoming much leaner even though you keep increasing your workouts, there is a simple explanation: too much cardio actually makes you fat. Excessive cardio increases stress hormones and down regulates the hormones, such as growth hormone and testosterone, that preserve muscle. In additon, elevated stress hormones make you insulin resistant, which leads to overeating as well as to eating foods that contribute to insulin resistance, such as sugars and starches.

Despite their appearance, many joggers and cyclists are not really lean. They may be slender because they have little muscle mass, but their body fat percentages are often surprisingly high.. In contrast, sprinters are lean and muscular with low body fat percentages. They have high human growth hormone (HGH) and testosterone levels--good for both females and males. Think back to the last track meet you saw. Who would you rather look like: the sprinters or the distance runners?

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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

3/3/10 Results:

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What Does It Take to Be an Olympic Athlete


Row 350/Run 200m
30 Elbows to knees
Run 400m
30 Double Unders
30 Air Squats
20 Box Jumps, 24”/20”

What Does It Take to Be an Olympic Athlete
by Lindsey Reu

Between now and February 26, we'll be glued to our television set watching as almost 2,500 athletes from around the world skate, ski, and slide their way toward an Olympic medal in Turin, Italy. If you're like us, you're marveling at the hard work, dedication, and pure athletic ability on display at this year's Games.  Click Here to read further

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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Human Growth Hormone: hGH



Bent Over Row


Complete 4 rounds for time:
30 Double Unders
20 Sit-ups
10 Box Jump

Wasington CrossFit Sectional Highlights
by Adam Behringer

2010 Washington CrossFit Preliminaries from Adam Behringer on Vimeo.

Human Growth Hormone: hGH
Human growth hormone hGH - Don't waste money - and risk your reputation on human growth hormone; make your own instead!

One group of drugs with large ergogenic effects which continue to pose difficulties in detection are the peptide hormones, incuding EPO, IGF-1 and growth hormone. According to one press report of the time, an empty phial of growth hormone was found in a changing room at the Barcelona Olympics in 1992, fuelling a great amount of speculation on just how widespread this form of drug abuse might be.

Click HERE to read further. Courtesy of Peak Performance

Coach Scott's Training Log
Coach Corey's Training Log

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Monday, March 1, 2010

7020lb Elephant


“7020lb Elephant”
Clean Jerk, #135

"CF Lite"

“5000lb Elephant”
Clean Jerk, #50

Today is an interesting workout.  Have you have you ever lifted a 7020lb elephant?  Well after the day is over you can answer this question with a "Yes!" 

One of most effective exercises for losing fat and gaining quality of lean tissue (i.e. muscle) is the clean and jerk with high repetitions.  This exercise spikes your growth hormones to it's highest point, which is really important for losing fat and perserving lean tissue.  Keep in mind though this exercise is not for the faint of heart.

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