Weekly Schedule
We are so excited to announce that we will be adding 3 more classes to our weekly schedule. Currently we have our CrossFit 101 class at 5pm on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, but we will be officially starting our new class at that time. Our 6pm class has grown abundantly and that excites us tremendously. If we want to continue to be the top CrossFit coaches we desire to be we think it is very pertinent to open up another class time so we can focus on our clients more efficiently. So we'd like to encourage anyone who attends the 6pm class who can make the 5pm class to do so. This is not a mandatory request, but we may request reservations in the near future.
Weekly Class Schedule
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
6am, 1pm, 5pm, 6pm
6am, 5:30pm
Rest Day + Skills Day + Make-Up Day
6am, 5:30pm
Rest Day
Starting Thursday March 17th we will be OFFICIALLY scheduling our Rest Day. There will not be a class held during this day. However, this day is now designed for everyone to come in and give you a chance to work on a weakness. (HSPU, Pull-ups, Muscle-ups etc) If you missed a WOD that week come in a make it up. This is not a "open door" for you to not come in, but it is an opportunity to get better at what you are weak at. This is also a time for you to work with your Coaches more closely also.
Training Schedule
3 days on 1 day off (off day-thursday)
2 days on 1 day off (off day-sunday)
The way that we measure your fitness is simply by using the "Clock", so we want everyone to go out and buy a small note book to record all your WOD's, PR's and anything that will help you remember where to start at. Everyone has been getting new PR's and smashing the workouts that have returned from the past, but you are not tracking it. We track all your times and PR's on the whiteboard but this will be the most efficient way for you personally. Both
Coach Corey and
Coach Scott do this via blogging and in their own personal notebooks. We will set aside a place for you to store your notebooks or you can simply take it home and bring each time you come.
We are very excited for all these new additions and we look forward to seeing the great results from you guys!