Friday, April 30, 2010

Team WOD Saturday-Happy May!

Quote of the Day:
Vacillating people seldom succeed. They seldom win the solid respect of their fellows. Successful men and women are very careful in reaching decisions and very persistent and determined in action thereafter."
- L.G. Elliott

Today's Nutrition Seminar/Photo Shoot Starts
@ 8am

800m Run
150 Burpees
150 Power Snatches
150 Push-ups
150 Squat Hops
400m Run
100 Burpees
100 Power Snatches
100 Push-ups
100 Squat Hops
800m Run
1) Teams of 3
2) 1 member can work at a time
3) Have Fun!

by Ajay Mirwani
Need a little extra for your day?
Go to and mix with our WOD's.

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AB CHALLENGE Comes to an End

Quote of the Day:
"Success doesn't come to you.
You go to it."
-Marva Collins

Need a new Challenge?

Squat Clean
Squat Clean one rep every minute on the minute for 15 minutes.
*85-90% of your 1RM or have your coach prescribe a weight for you

25 Penguins
25 Back Extensions
25 Pike Plank
15 Penguins
15 Back Extensions
50 Sit-ups (unanchored)
15 Pike Plank
10 Penguins
10 Back Extension
10 Pike Plank

*post time

This officially marks the last day of our April AB CHALLENGE.  Thank you to EVERYONE who took this challenge and posted!

Swimming ,CrossFit Style
by Tim Morrison

Amanda Beard, Jason Lezak, Aaron Peirsol, Lenny Krayzelburg. If you’re remotely connected to the sport of swimming you recognize these as the names of Olympic champions. What you might not know is that..............Read More.

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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Make-up/Skills Day Results:

Yesterday was an exciting day. We have 3 different WODS going at the same time. It was a sight to see. This picture was only a tad bit of what was going on.
"Filthy Fifty"
Nea-#95, 1RM
Erin-21rd, #135
Adria-19rd, #95

Skills Day

Quote of the Day:
You never will be the person you can be if pressure, tension and discipline are taken out of your life.
~ by James G. Bilkey ~

Rest/Make-up/Skills Day
Today is designed to allow you to make up any day you weren't able to make it in or simply to work on a weakness you have.  The more we practice the better we become.
Rest Day
Weakness Bias Training

by Dan Williams

Dan Williams proposes CrossFit athletes are only as strong as their weakest links.
He proposes a way to train these weaknesses to produce better all-around athletes.  This is why we have started programming "Skills Days" in our box.  If we continue to over look our weakness's and never practice them, then we are taking away part of the CrossFit methodology. 

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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Today's 5K Results:

I am so proud of everyone who showed up today! Many of you came up to me today and told me this is the longest you've ran in years. Jerry told me it's been over 10 years since he ran a 5K and Amy told me it had been 20 years since running this far and she walked back then but she didn't walk today!

We also had people setting new PR's. (Gabe and Linnea)
Outstanding! You are all an inspiration to me.

Today is Your Day

Quote of the Day:
"It's not enough that we do our best; sometimes we must do what is required"
-Winston Churchill

Nutrition Seminar May 1st @ 8am

"Mystery WOD"
*come in and your coach will have your workout
*Don't wear your chucks!

Complete 3 rounds of:
50 bicycles
20 back extensions

Endurance Training
Decrease Training Time and Increased Work Capacity
by Brian MacKenzie

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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

May Challenge-"Looking Better Naked Challenge"

In May, StoneWay CrossFit will be holding its 1st Looking Better Naked Challenge. The challenge will be open to ALL StoneWay CrossFit and Fitness Lab members.

What is it and why?

 The Looking Better Naked Challenge is all about living healthy, feeling better and looking awesome naked. This challenge is 6 weeks and is for EVERYONE!  It's strictly about changing your appearance and not based on pounds. The man and woman with the most transformed body will be determined the winner.  Eventhough pounds are not the focus, you will see them drop, it will vary between 5-15lbs, some may also experience weight gain (in a good way). Either way, this will be a great way to kick start your looking better naked body!

What are the Rules?

1)   Nutrition Seminar/Initial Photo Shoot- Saturday, May 1st @ 8am (before 9am class)

  • Make up Photo- Monday, May 3rd- Saturday, May 8th
2)  Contest last 6 weeks (May 3rd-June 19th)
3)  Costs: $30
4)  Each participant will have a before and after photo

  • Frontal/side/back shot

  • Men-shorts

  • Women-shorts and sports bra/bikini
5)  Must be present at ceremony on Saturday, June 19th to be eligible to win the contest
6)  Person with the most improvement takes the prize!
7)  Person with the most improvement by change of appearance takes the prize!
8)  A person can participate in the contest and not have photo taken (but you cannot win any prizes)
9)  Must have “After” photo taken between June 14th-17th

Will my photos end up on the StoneWay CrossFit site?

No photos will be posted on the internet or used for marketing without a participant’s permission. No photos will be on display at the gym. Only the participants will get to see the before and after photos

StoneWay CrossFit Nutrition Seminar

We will be meeting at 8am for our Nutrition Seminar along with posting our nutrition seminar on May 1st, 2010 online. In this seminar you will be given list of good foods and bad foods, Paleolithic and Zone diet information, meal planning tips, and a website you can post your food so other can see your foods and you can see others. You are not required to attend or watch this seminar but are highly encouraged.  After the seminar we will be having a "before" photo session. Each week we will post a client we interviewed so they can share helpful tips for the journey.

How do I sign up?

You may sign up on the day of the photo shoot, but to help us prepare it would be helpful if you signed up via email ( ASAP! You may pay with cash or check on Saturday May 1st. Feel free to invite any friend or family members to join in on the fun. When you sign up, your name will be put on a list along with the best email address to reach you. We will send out all documents that will help you prepare and succeed in this challenge.

We will be encouraging everyone at StoneWay CrossFit to join the challenge. Any link or helpful tip we have, we will pass to you through your email. We will share people’s experiences throughout the challenge with personal interviews that will hopefully help and encourage you. Other gyms that have done similar challenges have found that the folks who log their food intake and share their log with others are the most successful in the challenge.

Obviously, a potentially huge cash prize would be awesome to win, but in reality, everyone who participates and completes the challenge will be a champion Nutrition is the foundation of being fitter and ultimately living a better life. The Looking Better Naked Challenge is a step in the right direction. Our goal is not to stop this “fashion” on eating good and living better after this 6 week challenge but to start a trend of clean living for life. If you eat well and clean you perform a lot better in everything you do!

End of School Party

June 19th will be the day we all meet up and determine the winner.  Ceremony will begin @ 10am.  We will all go over everyone's before and after photos then we will vote.  We will be voting on who has made the most dramatic change.  Both Males and Females will be in different categories.

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Over Head Squat Day!

Quote of the Day:
If you don't like something, change it.  If you can't change it, change your attitude.  Don't complain."
-Maya Angelou


Plank-max hold
*post longest hold

CrossFit is a hybrid workout approach that borrows strength, power and endurance style exercises from many different fitness disciplines. One of CrossFit's favorite sports is gymnastics since gymnasts are some of the best trained, most flexible..........Read More.

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"Filthy Fifty" Results:

Monday, April 26, 2010

50 What?

Quote of the Day:
"The average is the borderline that keeps mere men in their place.  Those who step over the line are heroes by the very act. Go!"
-Henry Rollins

50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders

150 Sit-up (anchored)
*post new and old times

The CrossFit project: 'Star-News' journalist vs. training regimen

By Vaughn Hagerty

"This story has been altered to correct an error caused by incorrect information from a source. CrossFit Coastal members range in age from 8 to 52. The original article incorrectly reported the range."
Read More.......

Sunday, April 25, 2010

God's Workout

Quote of the Day:
"Develop the capacity of a novice 800m track athlete, gymnast, and weightlifter and you'll be fitter than any world class runner, gymnast, or weightlifter."

(Juliet setting a new deadlift PR)

Rest Day

Rest Day

by Virgina Heffernan

The superfit walk among us. They saunter or strut, depending on whether they’re showcasing their magnificent agility or their oxlike strength. They ignore the chatter in the health media over treadmill.....................Read More.


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Friday, April 23, 2010

Class at Rainier CrossFit, Join Us!

Quote of the Day:
"Stronger people are harder to kill.... And just more useful."

Class at StoneWay CrossFit (9am, 4/24) will be cancelled. However, we will be having a field trip on Saturday going over to Rainier CrossFit in Puyallup, WA.

They will be having the CrossFit Regional Judges training @ 9am to 11am and if you come you will be involved. Each judge will have an athlete.

If you want to go on StoneWay CrossFit's 1st field trip email me at

We will depart The Fitness Lab @ 7:45am on Saturday and don't forget to wear your SWCF shirt!

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Back Squat/Bench Press Results:

We had some impressive number today. It's exciting to see you all push around some heavy weight.
How excited are you guys? Please share your thoughts.

Bench and Squat

Quote of the Day:
"Have fun screwing means you are removing your ego from the problem"

*Saturday Class Cancelled*

Want to go on a field trip this Saturday?

Bench Press
*keep a fixed weight
*75-80% 1RM

Back Squat
*75 1RM
*use human racks

5 max attempts
*post times
*hang from bar or parallettes and hold legs up like a "L"

by Gregg Glassman

Parallettes training is fun and highly developmental. Without gymnastics training we opt out of the most potent neurological training (coordination, accuracy, agility, and balance) available to an athlete, and parallettes training is essential to your gymnastics development.

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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Make-Up Day Result:




Field Trip This Saturday!

*Saturday Class Cancelled*

Class at StoneWay CrossFit (9am, 4/24) will be cancelled. However, we will be having a field trip on Saturday going over to Rainier CrossFit in Puyallup, WA.

They will be having the CrossFit Regional Judges training @ 9am to 11am and if you come you will be involved. Each judge will have an athlete.

If you want to go on StoneWay CrossFit's 1st field trip email me at
We will depart The Fitness Lab @ 7:45am on Saturday and don't forget to wear your SWCF shirt!

"McGee" Results (4/21):

Yesterday was our first ever AMRAP for 30 minute so everyone should be walking tall today.
Great job Team!

Skills Day

Quote of the Day:
"There is never an absolute answer to everything, except of course that you have to do your squats'

Rest/Make-up/Skills Day


Q: What is your weakness?
A: That is what we are working on today!

Rest Day

"Freak Show"

You may find this appalling and disturbing but it's very true.  Society today has got out of control in the weight gain category.  This wasn't an issue like it is today 20-50+ years ago but we can' t let society continue to go this way.  Read about how in  1860 and obese man was considered a "Freak Show", what does that say about 25% of our population today?

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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

1st StoneWay Group to Finish "McGee" today (6am)

Off to Texas

Quote of the Day:
"A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out."

~ Walter Winchell

Complete as many rounds in 30 minutes as you can of:
275 pound Deadlift, 5 reps
13 Push-ups
9 Box jumps, 24 inch box

50 bicycles
10 Inch Worms
25 sit-ups
5 Inch Worms
90 seconds Plank
*post time

Coach Corey Leaves for Texas

(Corey just  had  his tattoo finished by Eric Marts @ Seattle Tattoo Emporium)
Today is the day that we say goodbye to Coach Corey as he leaves back to his home state of Texas for the Dallas/Forth Worth  International Airport Fire Department.  Coach left Texas 6 years ago after graduating from Texas Tech Univeristy and now after working the corporate world with WAMU who is now CHASE then starting up StoneWay CrossFit and Mercer Island CrossFit he heads back home.  The great part about Coach's story is that he has always wanted to be a fire fighter and after being consistent about being persistant about his passion he is now going to be what he's always wanted to be. 

Good luck Coach, You'll be deeply missed!

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Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Quote of the Day:
"Don't wish is was easier, wish you were better!"

"Tabata What?"

OH Squat, #45/65
Tire Flip, #135/250
KB Swing, #26/#44

Complete 3 rounds of:
AMRAP in 1 minute
Leg Raises

AMRAP in 1 minute
*lay on stomach and lift legs and arms up together, then lower together

AMRAP in 1 minute
Sit-ups (anchored)

CrossFit Induced Rhabdo
by Gregg Glassman

As Coaches our job is to assure each of our athletes safety day in and day out.  There are times we scale an athletes workout and that athlete doesn't want to scale simply do to ego.  Regardless of the reason on "why" we are scaling your workout, just trust us becase we have your best in interest.  One of our biggest concerns is the development of "Rabdomylosis".
What is "Rabdomylosis"?

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Monday, April 19, 2010

"Fran" Results:

Great job you guys! You all now officially have a "Fran" time. Now when you asked, "What is you Fran time" you now can answer without a second thought.

Remember to write this down in your note book so you can remember what time you need to beat.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

"GR8 Fran Time, BTW"

Quote of the Day:
"It's not enough that we do out best; sometimes we must do what is required"
-Winston Churchill

Complete 21-15-9 of:

"Tabata Ab Wheel"
"Tabata Pike Plank"

post total reps

by Jessica Murphy

CrossFit was born and raised on the web, and now creative CrossFitters are developing
online WOD-tracking applications. In the digital age, you can compete against
athletes from all over the world with the click of a button.

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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Quote of the Day:
"Train your body not your ego"

Rest Day

Rest Day

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Mystery WOD Recap!

The "Mystery WOD" was definitely a mystery.  What we did today was we started our workout at the Lab with 150 Kettlebell swings/team, then each team ran up to the "Troll" where Coach Corey had each team perform 150 box jumps/team + 10 stair climbs + 3 hills run, then he sent the group down to me (Coach Scott).  Once everyone from each team was present each team performed 150 plate cleans + 150 OH Lunges (#25/10) and after they were done each team finished at the Fitness Lab.

"Mystery Team WOD Crew"

Jay/Coach Katie/Mario




Patty/Coach Crystal/Amy

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Friday, April 16, 2010

"Mystery Team WOD"

Quote of the Day:
"The magic is in the movement, the art is in the programming, the science is in the explanation, and the fun is in the community!"

"Mystery Team WOD"
*show up and your coaches will be waiting

Complete 3 rounds of:35 Sit-ups (unachored)
35 Back extentions

Often, when we think of exercising and getting a good workout, we also tend to associate that with unpleasant things. This is all the more reason to find something to do that is heart-healthy, but also fun! Jumping rope is something that most of us have done as children. Who knew that it was so beneficial to our health? This form of exercise has many advantages that the author of this article points out.
Read more

Snatch Results:

Snatchtastic job today everyone! 


Quote of the Day:
"Ask your doctor if getting off your ass is good for you"
-Coach Glassman

Squat Snatch

"Tabata Penguins"

post total reps

How do you do "Penguins"?
1) Lay on back with knees bent and heels close to your rear
2) With a sideways motion slap each heel with your hands, one at a time
3) Slightly lift chest off ground
*This motion looks what a penguin would look like walking.

The Butter Fly Story

One day a man saw a butterfly shuddering on the sidewalk.
It was locked in a seemingly hopeless struggle to free itself form its now useless cocoon.
Feeling pity, the man took a pocket knife and carefully cut away the cocoon and set the butterfly free.
To his dismay, the butterfly lay on the sidewalk, convulsed weakly for awhile, then it died.
A biologist later told the man, “That was the worst thing you could have done!
A butterfly needs that struggle to develop the muscles to live and fly away.
By robbing him of the struggle you rendered him too weak to live.”
-Author Unknown

This was a refreshing story I had read before that gave me a quick analogy of how it is being a Coach.  Here at StoneWay Crossfit there are many times that a workout comes up and it is very difficult and sometimes what appears unbearing and the only thing we as Coaches want to do is lower the weight or lower the repetitions.  But as your Coaches it is our  job is to make sure you are successful and safe.  If we did lower the weight or lower the repetitions we would not be doing any services you or your fitness.  So when there is a workout that seems unbearing and you are unsure if you can do it, know that your Coaches are here for you to succeed and would not give you a workout prescription you could not complete.

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Thursday, April 15, 2010


What a great day of "Make-ups"! As you can tell a lot of people had to make up "Kelly". Everyone did so good. I scaled someone's WOD today and she told me that she didn't want my "charity" so she did "Kelly" as Rx'd.

Mickle-25:47 ("Kelly")

Congrats Deb and Ally for completing the 5 rounds of "Kelly"!

Another great success in our Deadlift corner:

Kim PR'd at #211
Crystal- PR'd: #215

Corey did "Nasty Girls" today, nice bar Muscle-up!

Gabe came in and we created a WOD for him. Emily did "Tire Tabata"
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Skills Day

Quote of the Day:
"There are two types of people: CrossFitters, and those who wish they were!"

Rest/Make-up/Skills Day

Hand Push-ups
-3 attempts of Max holds
-3 attempts of Max repetitions

hints: vertical momentum and horizontal momentum
-Max connected Kips in a 5 minute Limit

Rest Day

by Randy Alvarez

"Research in exercise science has shown that growth hormone levels in the body rise with burst training and also with hard high intensity weight lifting."

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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

CrossFit Endurance?

Quote of the Day:
”Anyone can give up, it’s the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that’s true strength.”

Five rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
30 Box jump, 24 inch box
30 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball

100m Inch Worm

How to do an "Inch Worm"?
1) Walk hands out to a push-up position
2) Complete a push-up (chest to ground)
3) Walk feet up to hand with straight legs
4) Repeat Step 1

Training for a distance event? Compliment your current CrossFit training w/ Endurance training and improve your times across the board.

Read more about CrossFit Endurance

CF Endurance was created with the belief that you have taken the time to learn the skill of your sport. If you have not, you have no business here, or competing in this sport. This website is to be used with the Anaerobic Endurance WOD, Main Site WOD, your affiliate, or your own CrossFit Programming (Beware, poor programming will come at your cost in fitness and sport). Follow the directions as indicated on each day's WOD. If you aren't recovering and hitting times that you should hit, take a day or two off...

Recovery is why you get better, not more training!

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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

4/13/10 Results:

Core Conditioning

Quote of the Day:
"If burpees were easy they'd be called bicep curls"

Complete 5 rounds of:
50m Lunges
21 Burpees

Complete 5 attempts:
Max Repetitions:
a) Elbow to knees
b) Toes to bar
*stay on the bar as long as you can, when you drop that attempt is complete
By Nicky Pilkington

You rely on your body to get get out of bed, to lift your children, to perform your job and to take you places everyday. If you appreciate what....Read more.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Deadlift Central

4/12 Results:

Everyone who came in yesterday PR'd their Deadlift! I'm so proud of each and everyone of you for pushing your limits and stepping out of your own "box".
Walk tall today and enjoy it!

Deadlifting on the Rise

Quote of the Day:
"I wish I knew how you could overstate the value of the deadlift."
-Coach Greg Glassman


Complete 3 Rounds of:
20 Leg Raises
20 Plank Pike
20 Weighted Sit-ups (M#45/W#25)

by Louie Simmons

"The law of accentuation states that strength should be trained only in the range or sport movement where the need for high force production is maximal."
-V. Zatsiorsky

It would seem that to lift weights not remotely possible is a waste of time and......Read more

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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Lactic Acid Build Up

Quote of the Day
"Just because you're 250 pounds doesn't excuse or exempt you from needing 25 pull-ups."

Rest Day

Rest Day/Make-up

This has been a rough week with a lot of hard WOD's and a lot of sweat shed.  Take today as a "rest day" or as a "make-up day".  Actively stretch today and simply move around. 

"If you’ve ever worked your body to the point of feeling like your muscles are on fire, then you’ve experienced lactic acid build up."

How and why it happens

During exercise, glucose is burned and released as......Read More

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Team Results:






Today was hard but a lot of fun. Whenever we have one of "those" workouts just remember,"it doesn't have to be fun to be fun!"
Great job!