Starting 5/3/1 today!
Labels: crossfit one world, CrossFit Seattle, freddy camacho, jim wendler, stoneway CrossFit
Crossfit workouts and crossfit gyms near me
Labels: crossfit one world, CrossFit Seattle, freddy camacho, jim wendler, stoneway CrossFit
Labels: CrossFit Seattle, daniel, memorial day
Labels: CrossFit Seattle, rest day, wallingford
Labels: clean and jerk, CrossFit Seattle, deadlift, stoneway CrossFit, team wod, wallballs
Labels: birthday wod, CrossFit Seattle, double unders, knees to elbows, over head squat, sprawls, stoneway CrossFit
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Labels: make-up day, rest day, skills day, stephanie cooperman, steve auxier, stoneway CrossFit
Labels: AMRAP 20 minutes, burpees, CrossFit Seattle, power snatch, snatch, stoneway CrossFit
Labels: back squat, crossfit endurance, CrossFit Seattle, jessica murphy, northwest regional, pull ups, push ups, running, stoneway CrossFit
Kelly-225, PR
Adam-265, PR
Desi-180 x 3 reps
Terry-135, PR
Katie-190, PR
Abi-285, PR
Steph-170, PR
Gabe-330, PR
Andy-380, PR (47")
Nea-225, PR
Colin-145 x 5, 42"
Greg-145 x 5, 36"
Anthony-315, PR (49.5")
Scott W.-155, PR
Deb-200, PR
Juliet-200, PR
Julie-140, PR
Kara-140, PR
Coach-410, PR
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Labels: crossfit endurance, crossfit endurance certification, CrossFit Seattle, max wunderle, stoneway CrossFit
Labels: crossfit, crossfit hightlights, CrossFit Seattle, melisa byers, rest day, stoneway CrossFit
Labels: CrossFit Seattle, lunges, stoneway CrossFit, wallingford park
Labels: CrossFit Seattle, friday, rest day, stoneway CrossFit, thrusters, wallingford
Labels: CrossFit Seattle, dave castro, rest day, skills day, stoneway CrossFit
Labels: crossfit endurance, CrossFit Seattle, hydration, max wunderle, stoneway CrossFit
Labels: annie, CrossFit Seattle, double unders, fremont crossfit, quote of the day, seattle washington, Sit ups, stoneway CrossFit, tim schwartz, wallingford crossfit
Labels: 100 mile run, clean and jerk, crossfit fort vancouver, CrossFit Seattle, disposable heroes project, northwest regional, power clean, stoneway CrossFit
Labels: BEST TRAINER IN SEATTLE, CrossFit games, CrossFit Seattle, northwest regional, puyallup, rest day, stoneway CrossFit
Labels: CrossFit games, CrossFit Seattle, kelsey nagel, stoneway CrossFit
Labels: CrossFit games, CrossFit Seattle, fremont gyms, history of the crossfit games, skills day, stoneway CrossFit, wallingford gyms
Labels: brian mackenzie, crossfit, CrossFit Seattle, deadlift, Ironman, ironman training, seattle crossfit, stoneway CrossFit, wallballs
Labels: crossfit endurance, CrossFit Seattle, stoneway CrossFit, zone diet
Labels: ballard crossfit, CrossFit Seattle, muscle ups, push-ups, stoneway CrossFit, wallingford
Labels: may 9th, mother day, rest day
Labels: BEST TRAINERS IN SEATTLE, crossfit, seatte, seatte crossfit, stoneway CrossFit, wallingford, What is CrossFit
Labels: 400m run, AMRAP 20 minutes, clean and jerk, CrossFit Seattle, friday, stoneway CrossFit, wallingford, WOD
Labels: BEST TRAINER IN SEATTLE, crossfit, CrossFit Seattle, fremont troll, hopper, stoneway CrossFit, wallingford
Labels: "Randy", BEST TRAINER IN SEATTLE, crossfit, CrossFit Seattle, Front squats, looking better naked challenge, stoneway CrossFit