Monday, May 31, 2010

Starting 5/3/1 today!

Quote of the Day:
"Forget yesterday and forget tomorrow"

(CrossFit Oahu)
Week 1
Military Press-5/3/1
Set #1-65% of 1RM
Set #2-75% of 1RM
Set #3-85% of 1RM
all reps of 5

AMRAP 3 minutes
 5 KB Swing/5 Burpees/10 Squat hops
Rest 1:30
repeat for 3 more cycles

In the month of June were going to turn it up a bit in our strength department and start following Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 program, "The simplest and most effective training system for raw strength".  I'm a big fan of Freddy Camacho and his box CrossFit One World down in Cali and I have been highly impressed with the results his athletes are achieving.  As always I'm always looking on the best ways to take care of my Stone Way family and I thought this is a great path to take.  This program is for everyone, not everyone has to jump on board but I am going to highly encourage you too.  Since everyone is tracking there stats in their journals this will be an easy program to track.  I'll tell you how much weight you are using and then you'll go at it. 

The way we'll set this up for class is, there will be 2 types of warm-ups.  The group warm up as usual or the strength warm-up.  If you do not decided to follow this program, again that is fine but we will still have pure strength days so you definitely won't be without. 

Get excited guys and gals because you are going to see some killer strength gains!

by Bryan Krahn

"If you don't know who Jim Wendler is, you're probably not very strong."
He's senior editor and sales manager for Elite Fitness Systems, and Elite founder Dave Tate's right-hand man. He cut his teeth in the strength game on the college gridiron, first as a player with the University of Arizona and later as a strength and conditioning coach with the University of Kentucky. Then came years under the bar at Westside Barbell, which overlapped with his affiliation with Tate at Elite.

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Memorial Day Results:

Emilee-20:52 (2)
Allison-19:55 (2)
Ewa-20:20 (2)
Corinne-20:39 (1)
Patty-25:38 (2)
Priscilla-14:17 (1)
Colin-14:45 (2)

2) 30 pull-ups, 400m run

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Happy Memorial Day-"Daniel"

Quote of the Day
"The dead soldier's silence sings our national anthem."
-Rev. Aaron Kilbourn

With heavy hearts we dedicate this workout to Army Sgt 1st Class Daniel Crabtree who was killed in Al Kut, Iraq on Thursday June 8th, 2006. To Daniel's family and friends, we express our sorrow; to his wife Kathy and daughter Mallory, we tearfully acknowledge your loss as the true cost of freedom. Fair Winds, Daniel.
50 pull-ups
Run 400 meters
21 thrusters, 95 lbs
Run 800 meters
21 thrusters, 95 lbs
Run 400 meters
50 pull-ups

Memorial Day was originally called Decoration Day. It is a day of remembrance for those who have died in the service of our nation.

Waterloo N.Y. was officially declared the birthplace of Memorial Day by President Lyndon Johnson in May 1966, but it's difficult to prove the origins of the day. There is also evidence that a women's group in the South decorated graves before the end of the Civil War. In either case, Memorial Day has had numerous starts due to the human need to honor the dead. Though some people think it's a day to honor any and all dead, Memorial Day is intended to honor those who have given their all in service to our country.

Memorial Day Class Schedule

6am, 12pm and 1pm
*If you want to come in during a non-class time, I will be at the Lab from 6am to 2pm.  So If you want to do the WOD come on in!

No Class-5pm and 6pm

Have a Happy Memorial Day with your family and friends!

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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Sunday-Rest Day

Quote of the Day:
"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift"
-Steve Prefontaine

Rest Day

Memorial Day (Monday) Class Schedule
6am, 12pm, and 1pm

5pm and 6pm Class Cancelled

It is pretty obvious to most people that a muscle's strength has a strong relationship to its cross sectional area (size) in both men and women. Muscle enlargement and the corresponding increase in strength was first measured and discussed at least as early as 1897. The relationship between muscle cross-sectional area..............Read More.

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Team WOD Results:

Team 1-20:14
Andy, terry, karen, kelly
Team 2-22:09
Colin, patty, juliet, amy

Friday, May 28, 2010

Team WOD Saturday!

Quote of the Day
”Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain and most fools do.”
-Dale Carnegie

"Team WOD"
120 Clean and Jerks, 65/95
120 Burpees
120 Deadlifts, 115/205
120 Wallballs, 12/20

*teams of 4
*each member will work at the same time at a different station

CrossFit Endurance Reading Material

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"Kim and Crystal's Birthday WOD" Results:

Crystal-18:44, Rx
Kim-23:45, Rx
Kelly-33:28, Rx
Andy-20:15, Rx
Kelsee-19:40 (2 rd)
Coleman-13:42 (2rd)
Anthony-21:44, Rx
Coach-18:46, Rx

Kim and Crystal's Birthday WOD-6pm Class Cancelled

Quote of the Day
"No, it doesn't ever get easier. You wouldn't want it to either."
- Greg Glassman

Happy Birthday to Kim and Crystal!!!!!!!!!!!

Both of these girls hold a special place in my heart. These girls started training with me when I started training in downtown Seattle. A small amount of time went in between us as life happened but then we all shortly came back together. Kim started back when I was running my Bootcamp classes in Wallingford Park and Crystal jumped back in while Corey had his Bootcamp classes at Green Lake.

Kim is a mom of 3 beautiful kids and who is an absolute rockstar at StoneWay CrossFit.  Big news is that just about 3 or 4 weeks ago Kim PR'd her deadlift at #211!  Overall we have known each other 3+ years but she has been apart of the SWCF family since the begining October 28th, 2009.

Crystal who originally started at a client is now one of our Coaches over at Mercer Island CrossFit.  Not only is Crystal disciplined in her own training she is dedicated in teaching others driving them to be their best.  Crystal is one of those girls that sets the pace for the rest which we all know is great motivation.  Overall I've known Crystal for 3 years but she has been a part of the SWCF family since the beginning, October 28, 2009.

"Kim and Crystal's Birthday WOD"

Complete 3 rounds for time:
26 Elbows to Knees + 43 Double Unders
26 Over Head Squats(#45/#65) + 43 Sprawls (burpee w/out push-up)

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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Thursday Results:

Crystal-18:49 (Happy Birthday)
Emilee-#85,10 rd, (Wednesday))
Juliet-39:16 rx (Tuesday)
Nea-68:50 (Tuesday)
Kim-51:08 rx (Tuesday)

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Make-up or Practice

Quote of the Day
"Train like a pitbull on Starbucks!"
- Steve Auxier

Rest/Make-Up/Skills Day

Get yourself caught up or challenge a weakness
or reach in the "Hopper" (i.e. coaches choice!)

by Stephanie Cooperman

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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Wednesday Results:

Desi-#65, 13 1/3 rd
Allison-#60, 10 2/3 rd
Crystal-#75, 13 rd
Brian-#105, 8 rd
Kelly-#70, 10 1/3 rd
Adam-#85, 8 1/3 rd
Lisa-#75, 9 2/3 rd
Nea-#85, 10 1/3 rd
Katie-#75, 14 rd
Steph-#55, 10 2/3 rd
Charlie-#85, 9 1/3
B-#45, 9
Juliet-#75, 9
Jerry-#100, 10 2/3
Colin-#65, 9 1/3
Owen-#145, 11 2/3
Gabe-#115, 10 1/3
Scott W.-#45, 9
Al-#70, 11 1/3
Amy-#50, 9 2/3

AMRAP and Snatches

Quote of the Day
"Start doing what's necessary; then do what's possible, and suddenly you are doing what is impossible."
-St. Francis of Assisi

Power Snatch

AMRAP 12 Minutes
10 Back Extensions
10 Sit-ups
5 Burpees

I read an interesting quote today that really stuck in my mind. “The universe doesn’t reward or punish you for the decisions you make, it just adjusts. There is no right way or wrong way, just new ways.”

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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

"Murph" Results:

Alison-22:28 (1)
Crystal-20:28 (1)
Skylee-20:16 (1)
Baylor-18:25 (1)
Emilee-23:05 (1)
Mark-17:28 (2)
Jayne-14:55 (2)
Gabe-28:27 (1)
Scott-15:42 (2)
Amy-24:29 (1)
B-37:26 (1)

"Murph" has come back to StoneWay CrossFit!

Quote of the Day:
"When in doubt, go forward and go hard."


1 mile run
100 pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 mile run

Northwest Regionals, Women's Competition

This is a collection of all the events at the Northwest Regionals featuring some amazing women.  If you look real close you may even see your very own coach representing doing some judging.  This was a fun filled weekend without a dull moment.  Watch and be impressed with the strength, stamina, power, that each of the women present during each event. 

Day 2 Highlight from the Northwest Regionals

Turn Back the Clock

This is the very first time "Murph" came for a visit.  This was a modified version of "Murph", so if you were with us back then you'd agree that this was a beast of a workout.  I wonder what it will be like today?

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Monday, May 24, 2010

Deadlift Box Jump Results:

PRappalooza today! Great job everyone and welcome to our new members!

Kelly-225, PR
Adam-265, PR
Desi-180 x 3 reps
Terry-135, PR
Katie-190, PR
Abi-285, PR
Steph-170, PR
Gabe-330, PR
Andy-380, PR (47")
Nea-225, PR
Colin-145 x 5, 42"
Greg-145 x 5, 36"
Anthony-315, PR (49.5")
Scott W.-155, PR
Deb-200, PR
Juliet-200, PR
Julie-140, PR
Kara-140, PR
Coach-410, PR
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CrossFit Endurance

Quote of the Day:
"Don't become your own obstacle."

Dead Lift

5-5-3-3-3-1 Rest (180sec) between sets.

Rest 7min

10 Minutes to Reach Max Height Box Jump.

I just got back from an amazing weekend spent at a CrossFit Endurance Certification.  This weekend simply blowed my mind by all the knowledge I grasped and new things that I learned.  Max Wunderle was my our instructor and he was amazing, not only is he endurance athlete himself but he's a top leveled athlete (3 time Ironman finisher).  This week we learned about CFE (CrossFit Endurance) programming, nutrition, running mechanics (75% of our weekend was running), self myfacial release, and stretching.  I was such an amazing eperience learning to run again. 

This week expect to learn to run again and feel less pain.  All along I thought heel striking the was the proper way to run but low and behold you should run on the balls of your feet.  I know sounds crazy, right?  Come in this week and re-learn how to run and be more effective.


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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Rest Day-The Best of

Quote of the Day:
"Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well"

Rest Day

In the first of a series, one enthusiastic CrossFitter highlights her favorite treasures
buried throughout the immense archives

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Saturday, May 22, 2010

"Team WOD" in the Park:

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Friday, May 21, 2010

Back at the Park (Wallingford)-Team WOD

Quote of the Day:
"The greatest achievement a teacher can obtain is to be bested by his student."
- unknown

"Teams WOD"
(Pick a partner)

1) Lunge 1/4 of the track
run laps

2) Lunge 1/4 of the track

3) Lunge 1/4 of the track

4) Lunge 1/4 of the track
run laps

*tally laps and repetitions

Each team will consist of 2 team members.  Each team member will lunge 1/4 of the track while the other is running.  Once 1/4 of the lap is completed partner will then switch tasks (lunges to running, running to lunges).  This will continue until each team member has lunged 4 x 1/4 of the track.  In the end each team member will have lunges a full lap (added together), ran, done sit-ups and push-ups.  Team will the fastest time and lower number of repetitions will win the competition.

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Friday Results:

Baylor-50 (95), 5:57
Emilee-50 (75), 4:26
Brian-50 (95), 7:08
Adam-30 (85), 6:21
Kelly-39 (75), 7:20
Steph-39 (55), 8:26
Anna-50 (65), 6:26
Terry-32 (65), 5:12
Greg-50 (75), 9:49
Katie-50 (65), 7:48
Abi-50 (95), 10:00
Kari-50 (25), 4:06
Y.C.-50 (25), 8:11
Juliet-50 (65), 6:09
Charlie-50 (95), 7:10
Gabe-50 (115), 7:44
Anthony-42 (135, Rx),
Jayanne-50 (50), 7:07
Jerry-50 (95), 7:56
Eli-50 (25), 4:38
Coach, 50, (Rx'd), 2:54
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The Broke-Back Comeback!

Quote of the Day:
"I may puke. I may cry. But I will not quit. EVER."

No 6pm Class Tonight!

Coach Katie will be taking you guys back to the roots of StoneWay CrossFit.  Come excited to get your sweat on in the park on Saturday.  Bring a friend!

5 Thrusters on the min @ 135lbs... Continue on the minute until you fail, or reach 10 min/50 reps

Rest 10 min
100 push ups for time

by Tara Paproki

In August of 2006, while at the Fire Academy trying to successfully train and test to become one of the
only female fire fighters in Flagstaff, Arizona, I broke my back. I was in full “turnouts” and air-dragging a
rescue dummy when I tripped and fell backwards, landing on my back and airpack with the rescue dummy
on top of me.

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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Make-up Day Results:



*bonus WOD

Nea-4:10 Rx'd
JD-7:25 Rx'd

Jayne-10:51 (1)
Angleo-20:48 (1)
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Rest + Make-up + Skills Day

Quote of the Day
"What you give today you have. What you don't give today you've lost forever"

Rest/Make-up/Skills Day

If you missed a day this week come in and make that workout up or come in and work on a weakness.  We all have our own weaknesses and we are as strong as our weakest skill. 

If you have not missed a class I have a "Mystery WOD" waiting for you after you are done working on your specific skill.

by Scott H Young

"I try not to lead a comfortable life. Hiding inside your comfort zone is a good way to prevent yourself from ever experiencing anything unique, fun or challenging. Pushing past your fears can be tricky, but ultimately, I think it’s what life is about."

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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wednesday Results:

JD-20:57 Rx'd
Emilee-23:07 Rx'd
YC-13:56 (1)
Anthony-16:50 Rx'd
Kara-11:12 (1)
Jayanne-14:45 (2)
Corinne-14:01 (1)
Terry-14:27 (2)
Kim F.-12:29
Katie-13:06 Rx'd
Anthony-16:50 Rx'd
Brandon-10:31 (2)
Ally-10:21 (2)
Nea-21:29 Rx'd
Lisa-17:21 (2)
Mike-17:34 Rx'd
Kim A.-15:19 Rx'd
Colin-10:55 (1)

Scaled Versions:1) 50% of workout
2) 70% o workout

Hydration- by CrossFit Endurance

Quote of the Day:
You know you are a CrossFitter when: When you tell an attractive woman after the workout, "You're a freaking beast!", and she wholeheartly says "Thank you!"

70 Burpees
60 Sit-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 poods
40 Pull-ups
30 Handstand push-ups

by Max Wunderle
CrossFit Endurance

In this video the importance of hydration and performance is disscussed.  Does being hydrated or dehydrated effect performance efficiency?  How much water do you need to consume to avoid dehydration?

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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tuesday Results:

Andy-6:47 Rx'd

"Grace"30 Clean and Jerks, #135
Andy-2:30 rx'd (PR!)
Coach-2:51 rx'd (PR!)
Charlie-7:50 rx'd
Mike-3:46 (#95)
Abi-5:14 (#95)
Gabe-9:48 (#115)
B-8:43 (#75)

How to Get Stronger

Quote of the Day:
"I feel like I had a margarita on a empty stomach"
-Adam B. (after finishing "Eva")


50-40-30-20 and 10 rep rounds of:

by Tim Schwartz, Pro Strength Coach

"Getting stronger is a complex issue that involves your nervous system and muscles working together to create as much strength (force) as possible. While genetics, nutrition, and supplementation can all play a role, the development of strength is mainly dependent on your training program."

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Monday, May 17, 2010

B-Day WOD Results:

Happy Birthday Deb! We all enjoyed celebrating your special day.
Corinne-8:16 (3)
Terry-9:02 (3)
Brett-9:15 (5)
Steph-13:23 (5)
Adam-9:20 (5)
Colton-9:10 (4)
Greg-9:55 (4)
Kara-10:19 (4)
Colin-11:55 (4)
B-12:24 (5)
Kim- 17:31
Jayanne-7:55 (5)
Julie-8:05 (5)
Amy-9:21 (5)

Happy Birthday Deb Pass!

Quote of the Day:
"No one ever drowned from their own sweat"
- Lou Holtz

(CrossFit Fort Vancouver Ranked #1 Overall)

Power Clean
3 x 5

"Deb's B-day WOD"

Complete 6 Rounds of:
5 Clean and Jerks, #135/#95
30 Box Jumps

by Brian Mckee

“I haven’t ran more than three miles in four months.”

That statement was spoken by former Marine sniper Brad McKee of CrossFit Hammond shortly before he attempted a 100-mile run as part of his Disposable Heroes Project. Trusting in his determination and CrossFit training, McKee set out to run from the outskirts of St. Bernard Parish, La., to downtown Hammond on April 3, 2010, all in hopes of raising funds for wounded warriors and their families.

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Sunday, May 16, 2010

Day 2 of the Northwest Regional CrossFit Games

Quote of the Day:
"I once met three guys named PAIN, SUFFERING, and SACRIFICE.
Now, we're inseparable. We're best friends."
-Lance Armstrong

Rest Day

Overall Results
Today's Events

Kelsey is currently ranked #13 overall. She is doing so good. You should see her competition she is up against and she is making them work hard to keep up with her. The last event is a big event and where her strength will come in to play as her advantage.

This weekend over in Puyallup the Northwest Regional CrossFit Games are taking place.  Each movement being made in the workouts have specific standards compared to a non-competition workout.  The CrossFit Games standards are always a little bit more complicated.  If these movements are not performed with perfection the repetition in the workout does not count until performed properly.  One way to improve your performance is to always pretend that you have a judge judging your workout, if you know you did not perform that repetition properly don't count it.  One thing we were preaching to every athlete today (Saturday) was DO NOT waste a repetition.  This will slow you down in the beginning but will completely pay off in the long run in pure performance.  Here are a few movements that are being performed that you may want to practice on at home or in your gym. 

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Friday, May 14, 2010

At the Northwest Regional CrossFit Games

Quote of the Day
"Hiding from your weaknesses is a recipe for incapacity and error."

Gym Closed- At the Northwest Regional Games

If you want to go and need a ride, call me and we'll get a carpool going
No worries!  I will be updating MY BLOG as frequent as I can can to update you on Kelsey and Andy's progress.  It's going to be an exciting weekend full of sweat, blood and tears.  When you get a chance let our athletes know you are thinking about them when you see them.
Good Luck Kelsey and Andy!

Friday Results:

Hi-Five to everyone who showed up today and worked their tails off! You make a coach very proud.
As you know CrossFit is a scalable program, so this how we scaled today's workout.
Scale: Non-Rx'd
800m run
30 kb swings (#35-53/#26-35)
30 pull-ups
5 rounds
600m run
20 kb swings (#35-53/#26-35)
20 pull-ups
5 rounds
400m run
15 kb swings (#35-53/#26-35)
15 pull-ups
5 rounds


Adam-50:51 (1)
Skylee-36:46 (2)
Kelly-55:32 (1)
Katie-47:10 (1)
Adria-44:23 (1)
Abi-51:55 (1)
Steph-56:01 (1)
Anthony-43:08 (1)
Gabe-39:03 (2)
Jerry-44:36 (1)
Nea-80:15 (1)
Mike-42:08 (1)
JA-26:12 (3)

CrossFit Northwest Regional

Quote of the Day:
“What good is it to look like Tarzan and play like Jane?”
-John Welborn, CF Football

Gym Closed on Saturday


Five rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
2 pood Kettlebell swing, 30 reps
30 Pull-ups

The CrossFit Games are at the Regional stage and we are lucky enough to have the Northwest Regional Games in our state. We have our athlete Kelsey Nagel competing this upcoming weekend. Kelsey qualified at the CrossFit Sectionals in Monroe, WA and will pursuing her goals to get to Aroma, CA. If you have the time you really need to come out and be a part of the 2010 Games. If you have never experience a CrossFit competition this is perfect opportunity for you see some amazing athletes perform.

If you want to carpool give me a call. We will have a carpool set up.

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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Skills Day Results:

Kelly- 5 rounds (wednesday)
Crystal-24:37 (monday)
Emilee-25:45 (monday)
Allison-26:50 (monday)
Erin- 23:55 (monday)
Kim- 3:15/3:13/3:13/2:24 (tuesday)
Nea- 4:15/4:24/4:24/4:56 (tuesday)
Anthony- 2:55/2:47/2:56/3:12 (tuesday)
Bonus- "Karen"- 9:44 Rx'd

Skills to Pay the Bills

Quote of the Day:
Nothing ages like laziness.
- Edward Bulwer-Lytton

Rest/Skills/Make-up Day

Come in and work on a skill you'd like to perfect or make-up a WOD

What are the CrossFit Games?

Watch a short clip of the history of the CrossFit games.

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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

CrossFit Endurance-Brian MacKenzie

Quote of the Day:
The will to excel and the will to win, they endure. They are more important than any events that occasion them."
-Vince Lombardi

AMRAP 15 minutes
12 WallBalls, 20/12
10 Weighted Sit-ups, 45/25
12 Deadlift, 225/135

by Trimax Fitness
"So, you want to do your first endurance event (anything over 2 hrs)? I know, you’re thinking where to begin?"

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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Zone on the Rocks

Quote of the Day:
"Whatever you are, be a good one"
Abraham Lincoln

4 x 800m run
3 minute rest

Fueling Performance
by Rob Miller

"Is it strange that I know how many grams of protein, carbohydrates and fats that I'm eating?  At one time it was."

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Monday, May 10, 2010

Coach Scott's Birthday WOD

 Quote of the Day:
"It doesn't have to be fun, to be fun!"

(Coach Scott's CrossFit Idol, Freddy Camacho)

"Coach Scott's Birthday WOD"
32 Double Unders
32 Squat Cleans, #75/45
32 Double Unders
32 Snatches, #75/45
32 Double Unders
32 Push-ups
16 Muscle-ups
(WOD designed by Coach Corey)

This was the first CrossFit Journal that I read and have been hooked ever since.  Read this article and pass it on to all your triathlete buddies, weightlifting buddies and the other friends who go to step aerobic class.

What Is Fitness and Who Is Fit?

Perhaps the definition of fitness doesn’t include strength, speed, power, and coordination though that seems rather odd. Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary defines “fitness” and being “fit” as the ability to transmit genes and being healthy. No help there. Searching the Internet for a workable, reasonable definition of fitness yields.............Read more.

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Sunday, May 9, 2010

Rest Day

Quote of the Day:
"Experience: that most brutal of teachers. But you learn, my God do you learn. "
-C.S. Lewis

Rest Day

by Tony Budding

The CrossFit Journal started with a yellow writing pad and a Pentel .5mm mechanical pencil. A meticulous outline, calculated drafts, and extensive rewriting preceded the easy flowing genius of the first twenty-five CrossFit Journals.

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Saturday, May 8, 2010

Team WOD Results:

Too much fun today!
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Friday, May 7, 2010

Thank God It's Saturday!

Quote of the Day:
"No student ever attains very eminent success by simply doing what is required of him; it is the amount and excellence of what is over and above the required, that determines the greatness of ultimate distinction."
- Charles Kendall Adams

Team's of 3
 (what else, right?)

To Do List:
*Each member of each time will need to complete each task assigned

Back Squat
*pick a heavy weight (75-80% 1 RM)

400m Run
*old route (i.e. up hill)

*pick a heavy weight (75-80% 1RM)

15 Pull-ups (CTB)

The workout today will be a 5 round workout.  Each member will complete 1 set of: Back Squat, 400m run, Deadlift, pull-ups, and then proceed to their 2nd set and so forth.

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It's Almost Too Late to Join the "Looking Better Naked Challenge"

Quote of the Day:
"We will often find compensation if we think more of what life has given us and less about what life has taken away."
- William Barclay

Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
95 pound Clean and Jerk, 15 reps
Run 400 meters

CrossFit Bodyweight Workouts

Summer time is coming and you know what that means.  Not a lot of time is going to be spent in the gym.  There will be a lot of out of town trips, hotel stays, beach visits, etc.  You get where i'm going.  But why does the workouts need to stop?  The correct answer is, "They don't need to stop!".  In this article there is a list of all the "bodyweight workouts" of CrossFit.  Print this list of workouts so you can take with you every where you go so there are no excuse on why you couldn't workout.  No gym required!

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Thursday, May 6, 2010

Skills Day Results:

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Make-Up and Skills Day-Measure Fitness

Quote of the Day:
"Does your workout make you nervous?…It should"
(Leila and Ryan doing burpees as a couple)

Rest/Make-Up/Skills Day

Get yourself caught up or challenge a weakness
or reach in the "Hopper" (i.e. coaches choice!)

by Tony Budding

The question of defining fitness has been a challenge for the fitness industry since its inception. All the
established certifying agencies have so far failed to produce a clear working definition.

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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Wednesday's Results:

Strength Day

Quote of the Day:
"The distinction we make between resistance training and metabolic training ("cardio") may seem clear to us, but nature honors no such distinction."

Front Squat
Push Jerk

by Dr. Michael Hartman

A common myth that has been reported by websites, fitness trainers, and strength coaches is the concept of a specific time frame in which to complete a training session. As the myth goes..........Read More.

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